Re: [cia-drugs] ~~~ November 5th for Ron Paul ~~~

2007-11-05 Thread Suzan Cooke


Howdy All,

Remember, November 5th is THE day we want to send Ron Paul $100. The 
results of this one-day effort will not only change the status of 
Congressman Paul's image but, it might ensure his nomination.

   Why? Ron Paul is just about the worst candidate running.  He 
believes in the Idiotology of Libertarianism which is exactly like 
republi-Nazism except the rich get to do crack and own slaves while 
minimum wage, public education, non toll roads and everything else that 
supports the public common gets destroyed.

   On top of that he is a racist homophobe who wants to make abortion 

   Denial of free unrestricted access to abortion is slavery and an 

[cia-drugs] ~~~ November 5th for Ron Paul ~~~

2007-11-04 Thread ronaldneil

Howdy All,

Remember, November 5th is THE day we want to send Ron Paul $100. The results of 
this one-day effort will not only change the status of Congressman Paul's image 
but, it might ensure his nomination.

Imagine the reluctant main stream media coverage that will follow this huge 
grassroots effort. Ron Paul will officially break into the mainstream and our 
voices will finally be heard.

So, if you ever wanted to save the country, by helping a political candidate, 
the 5th is your chance.


It's not just wishful thinking. Ron Paul can become the next President.

Also, we am working on another Ron Paul DVD that will contain all of the 
current clips from the home page of

Judge Napolitano and Congressman Paul spoke at the Future of Freedom Foundation 
conference and that DVD will soon be available on our site:

Go to and watch the Judge and the 
Congressman. He is so powerful, I consider Naplitano the best choice for 

Educating our friends and neighbors about Ron Paul and the other subjects we 
cover on the one dollar dvd site, will ensure a strong base of support for 
candidates who will speak the truth in the future, swear to honor their oaths 
of office and who will need informed voters.

After the 5th, the revolution WILL be televised. Ron Paul... Ron Paul... Ron 

Ron Neil
817 219 2798