Leaving a sinking ship or just one jump ahead of the sheriff?  JR
The New York Times
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February 14, 2006

2 Will Leave A.I.G. Board

By Reuters

The American International Group, the insurance giant, said yesterday that two directors, William S. Cohen and Carla Hills, would not stand for re-election to its board.

Mr. Cohen, the former senator from Maine and defense secretary, had been a director since 2004 and is a member of the board's public policy and social responsibility committee.

Ms. Hills, a former United States trade representative, has served on the board since 1993 and is a member of its audit committee and its nominating and corporate governance committee.

It was not immediately clear why Mr. Cohen, who is chief executive of the Cohen Group, and Ms. Hills, the chief executive of Hills & Company, are leaving the board.

An A.I.G. spokesman, Joe Norton, declined to comment on the reasons for their departures. Calls to the two directors were not returned.

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