Published: Sunday, August 06, 2006
Bylined to:
Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman: No question that Venezuela will be attacked and invaded!

THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: Our intel sources tell us that the neocon elitists are building a ring of bases surrounding Venezuela. We all know what has been going on in Colombia and the same is happening in Peru and Paraguay.

There is no question in our mind that eventually Venezuela will be attacked and invaded.

  • In fact, Medivacs have already been sent to Colombia, Paraguay and Peru.

The big buildup has begun.

We hope President Chavez is listening and is expanding his army on the ground. He will need all the help he can get once this gets underway. We expect an attack will come before Venezuela takes delivery of their new aircraft and helicopters ... he should expedite delivery if that is possible.

Last year Iran invested US$1 billion in Venezuela, most of it in the oil, gas and engineering sectors. On his recent visit to Iran, President Chavez invited President Mahmound Ahmadinejad to make further investments in the Orinoco region. Both Presidents not only have oil in common as members of OPEC, but they also share a dislike of elitist US foreign policy.

What a joke.

Sweden has shown how neutral it is ... Saab says it cannot continue sales of defensive armaments, such as anti-aircraft and anti-tank devices to Venezuela, because of the US arms embargo. Well who cares. The Venezuelans will simply buy from Russia and China. Note should be made for future reference. Sweden is controlled by the elitists so don’t do business with them in the first place ... perhaps the Swiss may step in.

The Venezuelan government decided to withdraw the Venezuelan charge d’affaires from Israel in rejection of Israeli’s military actions that have killed and displaced thousands of Lebanese people.

Caracas real estate prices jumped 20% in the first half of the year, reflecting a surge in government subsidies for homebuyers and a shortage of housing.

Bob Chapman

P. O. Box 510518, Punta Gorda, FL 33951, USA


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