Bushes make a Dubya, one-bid treasure under Dubya, Halliburton hq to Dubai-ya.
http://www.bootsnall.com/articles/05-07/madinat-jumeirah-venice-of-the-gulf-dubai-united-arab-emirates.html New Venice, what a great idea. The old Venice moved to London. Vegas was a prototype of the new Dubai thing, resorts and all, canals in the desert. All it should take is a few trillion dollars, and the rubes will pay that in extortion to the neo Ghengis, al-CIA-duh, just like the old Ghengis who robbed the gold for Venice in exchange for silver from Germany and Carthage. http://ph.groups.yahoo.com/group/cia-drugs/photos/browse/8cda?b=1 Bushes make a Dubya, one-bid treasure under Big(deserter twice unelected dictator called "president") Dub Where is our Spencer Tracy, kind-hearted old pedo priest to lead us through this time of greed? See Seattle Intelligencer coverage of FBI pedo porn made with CIA-pimped children, neo Lindbergh FBI kidnapping policy, there's our Spencer Tracy for remake of movie It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World. That's a foursquare "Mad" world. Milton Friedman's military keynesianism, FBI as pedo kidnappers, that's two mads, we need two more mads on the same scale. There are lots of little mads, like CIA Drugs, Russell Opium Trust (ROT) owning the drug prisons, how about Palestinian pogrom apartheid holocaust run by Jews who know better? Fairly mad. How about three mads, G.O.D., or guns oil drugs, plus fractional reserving on top? Four mads. What are your four mads?