[cia-drugs] Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and Federal Government

2009-02-22 Thread norgesen
Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and Federal Government

by Lance L. Landon 

February 19, 2009'


States May Be Getting Ready To Dissolve Our Federal Government

Could this be an ominous shadow drawing on the end of the United States of 
America? For years the Federal Government has presumed to be the all-powerful 
force governing our country, but it just could be that the Federal Government 
only exists at the pleasure of the state governments and the citizens thereof. 
States declaring sovereignty sounds like an act of secession and revolution. 
However the federal government can apparently be dissolved and another one 
formed anew at the discretion of the states. The existing Federal government 
may not leave willingly like so many European governments that are replaced 
routinely and it may engage a military effort with our own soldiers or the 
likes of a Black Water illegal military invasion to retain total control over 
United States Federal Government laws are often in violation of the Tenth 
Amendment, which is perturbing, these events. This is predicated on an earlier 
provision of the Articles of Confederation, which states that, “Each state 
retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, 
jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation [now Federation] 
expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.”
A growing number of states are declaring their sovereignty afforded under the U 
S Constitution’s Tenth Amendment however the conventional news media are not 
telling you about what is happening. The State of Washington on Wednesday - 11 
February 2009 and most recently, New Hampshire [2009], Montana [2009], Hawaii 
[2009], Michigan [2009], Missouri [2009], Arizona [2008], Oklahoma [2008], 
Georgia [1996], and California [1994] all of which have introduced bills and 
resolutions declaring and reaffirming their sovereignty. Some other states have 
done this in the past but then let the issue go. Additionally, the states of 
Colorado, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Alaska, Kansas, 
Alabama, Nevada, Maine, and Illinois are considering similar measures. More 
well may follow, such as Wyoming and Mississippi. 
The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, which is part of the 
Bill of Rights, was ratified on December 15, 1791 and states, “The powers not 
delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the 
States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” 
Historically, this was done to reassert the assignment of the remaining rights 
to the states and the people of our country if they were not specifically 
delegated by our Constitution to the United States Government. Further, 
Amendment Nine on the Construction of the Constitution, Ratified on 15 December 
1791 states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not 
be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” 
The Arizona State Legislature is currently formulating a bill that declares 
their state sovereignty. Their bill further asserts their state’s right during 
martial law to call back servicemen to protect Arizona state, …if the 
President or any other federal entity attempts to institute martial law or its 
equivalent without an official declaration in one or more of the states without 
the consent of that state …” There is more near the end of this article.
A lot of this recent activity has come about due to the reckless demise of the 
banking system now and also in memory of the past during the great depression 
that fomented during 1929. There is a Russian academic, Igor Panarin who 
recently predicted that the United States would break apart into about six 
separate regions by 2010. Predictions of similar persuasion have been made 
before, rather they are right or not some big problems may soon ensue.  
Much of the presidential character of the cabinet assembled by President Obama 
is representative of that of the previous administration. Obama perhaps is 
keeping the Adage, “keep your friends close and keep your enemies even closer.” 
A disrespect for our so-called leaders is met from our so-called leaders 
disrespect for us the citizens of our country. Should this be the case yet 
again, this would establish further reason for the states course of recent 
It may seem ironic that as we have a President from the land of Lincoln, and 
one who admires Lincoln, that another civil war could be brewing. It’s further 
ironic that states are beginning to fight back. Many individuals that were 
imprisoned by Abraham Lincoln for advocating their free speech on issues of the 
day. These times may be as exciting and revolutionary as when our country was 
beginning. Benjamin Franklin said something on the order of, “if we do not hang 
together, we most certainly will hang separately.” Its also ironic that our 
revolutionary war was with Great Britain 

Re: [cia-drugs] Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and Federal Government

2009-02-22 Thread michael1
Dear Norgesen,
Thank you for ‘Firestorm Brewing Between U.S. States and Federal Government’.

This concept is getting both positive and negative reaction.  I think both
reactions need a deeper historical overview to grasp both the implications
and the bigger picture this needs to fit into.  Here is a negative one.

Posted By: Il_Bagattel
Date: Saturday, 21 February 2009, 11:33 a.m.

(Quote) ...Exactly as the hyperdimensional Luciferians planned. Small
feudal states (I believe the neurolinguistic name is breakaway
republics), kept bickering among themselves and divided along
socio-economic lines are much easier to control and rule. This is basic
Machiavelli 101.
 …” (Unquote and I greatly shortened)

He goes on to state a breakup of the US is all part of a horrid ‘secret
government’ plan.
The ‘negative view’ poster is also equating this sign of trend with
‘balkanization’. Though the specific I don’t think directly referenced in
Machiavelli’s The Prince the concept of dividing areas you wish to control
into competing factions and playing one against the other is known. In
that sense he equates smaller and smaller independent areas as harmful. A
glance at some maps might show this far more case specific.

Here is a classic:
Central Europe about 1547 (845K) [p.114-115] [1926 ed.]
The link is here:
Note the breaking into very small kingdoms. This period was relatively
very peaceful except for the slight gooking of Schmalkaldic League.

Wars did abound during that century, but there were also strong times of
relative peace.  The Reformation was still frothing. In times of peace the
world tends to reduce, (or ‘balkanize’ if you wish), into smaller and
smaller kingdoms/states. In times of war the world forms into greater and
greater alliances until such as WW II only a few countries in the world
are neutral.

I could add my own comments to the post. However I feel it best that all
think how differently the man who wrote it might have aimed the post with
more background.

The giant question of smaller states vs large alliances gets very
complicated. This was brought forth by the situation in Georgia and the
Ukraine. On one hand the former Soviet Union WANTED to break up. This was
known here in 1984 and there were briefings in the Pentagon in 86 though
the curtain did not come down until 89/90. (The Pentagon briefings were
very large, 1000s of varied officers and not classified but not too loud.)
 This was a case where the Soviet/Russian alliance/federation knew the
trend was to smaller areas and allowed such.  At the same time the West
used the opportunity of new governments to go in and buy infrastructures
to take over economies. Both the Ukraine and Georgia were, to an extent,
examples of this. The war in Georgia showed how the West took over to the
point of both military and public relations stupidity. After the recent
Georga War the Ukraine saw it in its best interest to more ‘tilt’ back
toward the Russian alliance. However, (in relation to timing Black Sea
agreements), Russia quasi-openly stated something to the effect, “We know
the world needs to go local but for a short time you had best lean on this

The ‘pro breakup’ email post, in and of itself, is harder to criticize. 
Certainly the trend should be noted.
It is far better to fit this into the bigger picture.   For both
protection and sustainability the world, (hopefully!!!), will tend to
smaller and smaller governing areas.  As much as possible the necessities
will be available locally.  The small areas will be independent enough to
satisfy all.  In a sense these smaller areas will be somewhat like
Parishes in Louisiana are today.   One Parish might be ‘super fundamental
Christian’ so you can’t even buy a can of beer.  In the next Parish there
would be quasi-open prostitution and gambling.

Obviously at the same time there would be greater need for global
cooperation particularly in survival areas such as population control and
enviornment.  That is the rub and, yes, it is one heck of a rub.
Some envision four international, (non-profit?), corporations: energy,
communications, banking/commerce, and police/military.   These might have
relatively low paid staffs.  In fact the presiding officer of one might
even do one hour a day emptying trash baskets.

As this, (possible/hopeful?), trend continues its course you will see some
giant area alliances.  One obvious new geopolitical alliance is the AU’s
announcement of plans for a United States of Africa.   There many other
lines need be redrawn as it would be far better to base smaller
governments on old tribal areas than Colonial Era bicker/settle lines.
Thank you again, Norgeson.  I do keep abreast of this list every day.
