Formula One




-----Original Message-----
From: Alamaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 1:37 pm
Subject: [ctrl] SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - Nazi Sex Video Scandal: Formula 
One Boss Mosley Under Pressure to Resign - International



03/31/2008 02:23 PM


Formula One Boss Mosley Under Pressure to Resign

A British tabloid claims to have obtained a video showing the president of  

Formula One's governing body, Max Mosley, engaging in an orgy involving  

Nazi role-playing. Jewish leaders are calling on Mosley, the son of  

British fascist leader Oswald Mosley, to resign.


FIA president Max Mosley is under pressure over sex allegations.

The president of Formula One's governing body FIA is under pressure to  

resign over sex allegations made by a British tabloid newspaper.

The News of the World reported Sunday that Max Mosley, 67, had taken part  

in a "sick Nazi orgy" with five prostitutes involving Nazi role-playing.  

The allegations are based on a five-hour video obtained by the newspaper,  

which shows a man identified as Max Mosley acting out various  

sadomasochistic role-plays in a London apartment.

One prostitute inspects the man's genitals and searches his hair for lice  

in an obscene parody of the treatment of concentration camp inmates during  

the Third Reich. The man is whipped by one dominatrix before himself  

whipping two prostitutes wearing concentration camp-style striped uniforms.

The man also addresses the prostitutes in German during the role-plays,  

although one girl reportedly confesses in the video to not understanding  

what he is saying. The man also reportedly engages in sex acts with the  

prostitutes before finishing off the sex session with a cup of tea.

Jewish leaders in the UK have condemned the video. “This is sick and  

depraved,” Karen Pollock, chief executive of the Holocaust Educational  

Trust, told the London Times. “I am absolutely appalled.”

"This is an insult to millions of victims, survivors and their families,"  

Stephen Smith, director of the Holocaust Centre, also told the newspaper.  

"He should apologize. He should resign from the sport.”

Formula One chief executive Bernie Ecclestone, who is a personal friend of  

Mosley, defended the reputation of the FIA president. "I find it difficult  

to believe. It's his business but it sounds to me like a set up," he told  

the Daily Mail. "Knowing Max it might be all a bit of a joke rather than  

anything against Jewish people."

A FIA spokesman said Sunday that the organization had no comment: "This is  

a matter between Mr. Mosley and the newspaper."

Max Mosley is the son of Sir Oswald Mosley, the founder of the British  

Union of Fascists, and the society beauty Diana Mitford. The couple  

married in 1936 at the family home of Nazi propaganda chief Joseph  

Goebbels in Berlin. Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was among the guests.

Max Mosley was educated partly at an elite boarding school in Germany and  

later studied at Oxford University. He is a multi-millionaire, having  

inherited a fortune from his father who died in 1980, and has been married  

to his wife Jean since 1960. He has been president of FIA since 1993.




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Alamaine, IVe

Grand Forks, ND, US of A

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