Sent: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 11:28 am
Subject: McCain's The One

Beverly Hills, CA
February 12, 2008
??????????????????????????????????????????? McCain's The One
??????????????????????????????????? ??????? by Richard Scheck
For those who think the time of the neocons has passed, the election of 2008
is emerging as a great disappointment.
Such folks have forgotten the role?that Bill Kristol played as a key supporter 
of McCain back in 2000 when he ran
 against Bush.
In a likely McCain, Obama presidential campaign, the former Air Force pilot
and ardent nationalist will eagerly promote expanding the Bush agenda of
preemptive interventions while probably accusing the Illinois Senator (or 
as either naive or traitorous?like they use to do the left during the Cold War.
With the high likelihood of Joe Lieberman as his running mate along with a
New York Times endorsement, McCain is poised to run as the bipartisan,
maverick who can bridge the gap between the pro-Israel Christian right, 
anti-Washington independents and a frustrated middle class including many
Democrats (like Lieberman did in Connecticut 2 years ago) to forge a powerful
alliance against the Hillary/Obama uber-liberals.
The Dems have caved on resisting
 Bush's surge and now they are positioned
to loose the White House again by backing?presidential candidates who oppose
the war in the mildest terms imaginable.
The antiwar left led by Dennis Kucinich and the antiwar right led by Ron Paul 
must find a way to overcome their fundamental differences and unite on a 
of peace if American imperial over-reach is to ever end without exhausting our 
military, treasury and international good-will.
To see what others say about his, please go to:



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