-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sat, 29 Mar 2008 10:42 am
Subject: Propagandists Are War Criminals Too



...?[On]?December 30, 2007 the New York Times [decided] 
to hire William Kristol (editor of the Weekly Standard) as a columnist. 
Although the Times calls Kristol a conservative, he is, in fact, a 
notorious neoconservative -- a member of a political cult that many traditional 
conservatives disavow. Readers who noticed this Orwellian elision by the 
Times might also recall that in January 1998, Kristol (and Robert 
Kagan) wrote an Op Ed titled, "Bombing Iraq isn't Enough," which the 
Times was reckless enough to publish. 

Reckless? Yes, because, as Robert Parry has observed: "Under principles of 
international law applied from 
Nuremberg to Rwanda, propagandists who contribute 
to war crimes or encourage crimes against humanity can be put in the dock 
alongside the actual killers." [Consortium News, 
Posted August 21, 2006]? Simply recall that, under international law, the 
unprovoked invasion of another 
sovereign state is considered the most egregious of war 

The decision by the Times to hire this effete, cowardly warmonger 
smacks of rank hypocrisy, especially when one considers that in May 2004, the 
Times issued an "apology" to its readers for "problematic articles" 
that "depended at least in part on information from a circle of Iraqi 
informants, defectors and exiles bent on 'regime change' in Iraq, people whose 
credibility has come under in creasing public debate in recent weeks." Yet, who 
has made more bogus warmongering assertions about Iraq than William Kristol? 
has less credibility today than William Kristol? 

As I've written elsewhere, "According to Scott McConnell, in the very first 
issue published after 9/11, the Weekly Standard 'laid down a line from which 
magazine would not waver over the next 18 months.' Their line was 'to link 
Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden in virtually every paragraph, to join them 
the hip in the minds of readers, and then lay out a strategy that actually gave 
attacking Saddam priority over eliminating al Qaeda.' [McConnell, "The Weekly 
Standard's War," The American Conservative, September 21, 2005]" 

With this immorality, hypocrisy and criminality in mind, I called the New 
York Times this morning to cancel my subscription. Having cancelled my 
subscription, I then sent the following email to the Times' Executive 
Editor and the VP for Circulation: 

"I canceled my subscription to the New York Times -- with prejudice -- a few 
minutes ago. I've terminated my decades-long subscription because somebody at 
the Times made the immoral decision to hire William Kristol -- as close to a 
criminal as a so-called "journalist" can become. You see, I can have nothing 
further to do with such a morally tainted newspaper. It's a matter of 

You might use this moment to reflect on how the reporting by Judith Miller 
(AKA stenography for Perle and Chalabi) and your editorial decision to delay 
reporting on Bush's illegal wiretaps contributed to America's poor moral 
standing around the world.? Now, with the hiring of effete coward and 
warmonger Kristol, who (possessing any morals at all) can consider the Times to 
be anything but a whore? 

I will use my website to inform my thousands of readers about your immoral 
decision and I will exhort them to cancel their subscriptions as well. 

Walter C. Uhler 

After all, simply consider that, ten years after the end of World War 
II, the editor of Das Schwarze Korps, Nazi SS leader Gunter d'Alquen, 
was fined 60,000 Deutsch Marks, "deprived of all civic rights for three years 
and debarred from drawing an allowance or pension from public funds. He was 
found guilty of having played an important role in the Third Reich, of war 
propaganda, inciting against the churches, the Jews and foreign countries, and 
incitement to murder." [Wikipedia, see also Saul Friedlander, 
Nazi German and the Jews, Volume I, pp. 311-313] 

Think about it: If you do something similarly egregious in Bush's Amerika, 
you get your own column at the New York Times. 

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