[cia-drugs] Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-22 Thread muckblit
General David Petraeus firewalled a predicted increase in US casualties
plus increasingly obvious almost daily slaughter of Afghan and Pakistani
civilians by blaming Afghanistan instead of Florida and Porter Goss for
providing sanctuary to the 9/11/2001 or 911 hijackers, Mohamed Atta et
al(see Daniel Hopsicker's book Welcome To Terrorland at trineday.com).

Petraeus sounded like Richard Perle, who kept insisting for years that
weapons of mass destruction or WMD were going to be discovered in Iraq
to justify the US invasion, despite that being the domain of Scott
Ritter, Blum, and Ambassador Joseph Wilson and they were unanimous in
concluding that Iraq had no WMD.

Everybody who knows says that Afghan Taliban were localized to
Afghanistan, and had nothing to do with 911. Pak Taliban are a different
matter, controlled by Pak intelligence (ISI), MIb, and CIA, and Saudi
intel including Osama bin Laden and the Wahabi madrassa patsy factory.

CIA missile drones and US bombing are killing ten to a hundred civilians
for each racist global thought police clay pigeon victim of terminator
capitalism. Petraeus predicts that like in Iraq when the world was
really feeling sorry for the Iraqi resistance, who were getting
slaughtered by global thought police irrespective of any 911 issue or
threat to the US, that likewise now in Afghanistan the US is
slaughtering so many hundreds of civilians that the Pentagon is going to
bloody its bully image like it did in Iraq with IED roadside bombs. In
Iraq, US airborne troops released 380 tons of super high explosive
WMD-rated HMX explosive to  a hundred waiting trucks of the Iraqi
secular nationalist resistance. Immediately roadside bombs began
flipping fifty ton US main battle tanks like pet turtles, bloodying the
bully image for the better of global racist terminator capitalism.

Petraeus predicts greater casualties, which would mean bloodying the US
bully to fix the current image problem as US bombs and missiles keep
straying into wedding parties. Petraeus did not himself go to Karzai to
apologize for the most recent round of US slaughters of civilians, but
instead Petraeus dispatched his lieutenant, McChrystal, to Karzai, while
Petraeus predicted an image adjustment would soon be made to bloody the
bully like HMX accomplished in Iraq.

US forces also seized white phosphorus victims in hospitals in Faluja
and Hit, Iraq. Crusaders ziptized the burn victims and threw them on the
floor where they lay in their own excrement and urine for days. The
stink kept US media in their five star hotels, preventing an image
problem from resulting from dropping white phosphorus with its three
hundred yard kill radius which inevitably bakes a lot of civilians to
death instantly and drowns some in their own blood.

Image is everything. Massage is the media, if you are a Sophist of
Empire, versus a Socrates of Democracy.

WashPost 20100222 A4

Re: [cia-drugs] Gen. Petraeus Firewalls Greater US Casualties Afghanistan

2010-02-22 Thread michael1
Do you have a date for Gen. Petraeus' firewall?  There has been a general
firescreen, filtered news.  It would be telling if related to current
northern actions.
And source?
Tried Wash Post, but can't navigate.
Trying to separate 'normal' screen from 'other'.  You indicate this is
'other' but when is question.
Thank you,