[cia-drugs] Give up the shit kicking of Ruppert you morons!

2006-08-21 Thread Duncan M. Roads
You know, there is nothing more pitiful than watching a bunch of  
pathetic wanna-be's standing around kicking the shit out of someone  
when they are down.

I don't agree with many of Ruppert's conclusions, but fair suck of  
the sap, what are the heinous crimes he has committed to warrant such  

I dunno about some on this list, but I have been trafficking on  
various incarnations of the CIA-DRUGS list and before, since 1996 -  
and I can assure you weenies that Ruppert was out there fighting the  
good fight for what he believed in a long long time before you came  

You people are free to disagree and argue about the content of his  
research and findings, but I really think you suck when you act like  
cowardly high school bullies and write crap like this.

There is not one of us researchers and publishers who is a perfect  
human being.  Most of us like a drink, sex and most of us burn  
midnight candles networking and writing - all because we care enough  
to turn off the Simpsons and try to change the shit going on around us.

Why you have such high expectations of Mike Ruppert is totally beyond  
me.  All it leads to is bitter disappointment when you grow up and  
realise that he doesn't walk on water.  Just like you can't walk on  

I've got ten years of emails from this list and its former  
incarnation, and I can show you many, many issues Ruppert was  
involved -  in way before you decided to activate a brain cell.  On  
some issues he was right on, on others he was way off.

And anyway, so what?  What has he ever done to you that warrants such  
hatred?  Made a few statements you don't agree with? Told you what he  
thinks of you maybe?

By all means, come crying to this list if he commits non-consensual  
sex with a family member of yours, or runs off with your hard-earned  
money - but until then - just grow up a bit you wankers!

There is not one of you on the list that is any different, and as for  
you shit-kickers - you seem no different to that which you accuse  
Ruppert of being.


On 21/08/2006, at 4:51 PM, muckblit wrote:

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, "mark urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have followed Ruppert and his information since the days when he,
> Dan Hopsicker and Kris Millegan used to make presentations about
> CIADRUGS. I subscribed to From The Wilderness; I bought his video
> presentations and other material (something about Col. Al Carone. I
> used to defend him, because I believed his heart was in the right
> place.
> Then I began to see and hear the dark side. Ruppert has a very short
> fuse and a very large ego. On a Rense interview, he was unaware of an
> open mike during a commercial break. He holds most people in contempt
> and considers the people who were calling in with questions to be
> idiots.
> Do not forget the history that Ruppert has on this bulletin board.
> Remember the Genesis crap the Hopsicker exposed?
> Remember the  investment seminars in Cancun?
> Remember Peak Oil? I remember going back and forth with Dale Alan
> Pheiffer about Peak Oil on this very Bulletin board. He acted like
> abiotic oil never existed. Review the history and see how dismissive
> Ruppert was.
> Remember Mike's Delmart Vreeland Scoop?
> Remember Alan Greenspan and the poisoned wine?

And don't forget Y2K and Peak Oil. Mike never rebutted Thomas Gold's
chemistry of mineral oil. Despite Mike's trip to Russia, he never
rebutted the Russian oil theories, which have been proven by producing

Y2K, Peak Oil, buy gold on fear, those were real Ruppert, but Coral
Baca he inherited from Gary Webb, so what did he really dig up on his
own about CIA drugs? He had one personal connection to CIA drugs, but
not one that showed him anything like I learned from dozens of
independent personal connections to Air America and Luciano and Lansky

Ruppert and Hopsicker seemed to us to be running neck and neck for a
little while, but only if we had no idea that Ruppert inherited Coral
Baca from Gary Webb. Then Ruppert ran out of borrowed sources, and his
investigative method, cop or journo, paled in comparison of Hopsicker.
Hopsicker over the years has dredged up reams of true facts, without
embarrassing himself, while Ruppert's method has only dug up Vreeland,
Y2K, Peak Oil, buy gold on fear, which is to say he sucks up every
sleazy disinfo and then defends to the death of his credibility, but
usually profits short-term.

When I heard about the break-in, I was reminded of a 1980's DC-area
radio personality named Peter Waldron. He confessed to a Catholic
leader that as a Christian radio personality invited to travel to
lecture around the US, he had fifty affairs a year with women in
motels(not what his listeners would expect), after it came out that he
had stolen his radio studio sound equipment twice for insurance money.
Then I thought, if I was Ruppert, and that's what I did, I would know
that it was the end of the trail in the US

Re: [cia-drugs] Give up the shit kicking of Ruppert you morons!

2006-08-22 Thread Arlene Johnson
Mike Ruppert and I are both alumni of UCLA; we both know some of the same 
information particularly regarding Iran. I never physically met Mike because by 
the time I became aware of him, I was no longer living in California. He and I 
did converse away from this listserv, however, on a one-to-one basis because we 
have both been terribly betrayed by the government. We both now are away from 
the USA, he in Venezuela and I currently in Sweden as a "tourist." I feel 
confident that I will be able to return to where my heart is, Norway, fairly 
soon, but am not there yet. For details, log onto my "Travel" Journal Blog at 
http://arleneljohnson.livejournal.com and you'll see how I have sacrificed to 
get the truth out to decent people around the world.

In the meantime, I continue to publish the history that governments which 
deceive, DO NOT want you to know. Toward that end, in the first edition in 
which I published about 9/11, which is the 4th edtion (December 2001) two of 
Mike's articles, which are on motive, are there. He knew that I have 
subscribers, so he asked me to pay him something for the first article, and 
then threw in a second one for the same money that I offered to pay him for the 
first, $20.00. 

I feel that I understand Mike because he really has been raked over the coals, 
but then I have been too, and I have not succumbed to publishing 
disinformation. Plus, when I have learned that something that I published is 
innaccurate as I have on a couple of occassions, I get my Webbie to change it. 
I don't threaten to sue the person who corrected my mistake; I admit that I 
made a mistake and change the history in whatever edition it's in. I even lined 
through the 2 books I sold to a bookstore in London and put the correct history 
in them because the store manager advised me to do that.

Vig gave me a Web site regarding Peak Oil. And I managed to find two other 
writers who dealt with that issue too so published the truth about peak oil in 
the 19th edition. In my humble opinion, Mike could have admitted that he was 
wrong about peak oil, but he hasn't to my knowledge because he's scared.

I continue to publish the truth and am still alive for two reasons. One, I know 
how to stay safe from the governments which deceive us, and 2) God is watching 
out for me. That's all I can figure.


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access the truth.
Password for 2006: message

-Original Message-
>From: "Duncan M. Roads" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 21, 2006 12:36 PM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Give up the shit kicking of Ruppert you morons!
>You know, there is nothing more pitiful than watching a bunch of  
>pathetic wanna-be's standing around kicking the shit out of someone  
>when they are down.
>I don't agree with many of Ruppert's conclusions, but fair suck of  
>the sap, what are the heinous crimes he has committed to warrant such  
>I dunno about some on this list, but I have been trafficking on  
>various incarnations of the CIA-DRUGS list and before, since 1996 -  
>and I can assure you weenies that Ruppert was out there fighting the  
>good fight for what he believed in a long long time before you came  
>You people are free to disagree and argue about the content of his  
>research and findings, but I really think you suck when you act like  
>cowardly high school bullies and write crap like this.
>There is not one of us researchers and publishers who is a perfect  
>human being.  Most of us like a drink, sex and most of us burn  
>midnight candles networking and writing - all because we care enough  
>to turn off the Simpsons and try to change the shit going on around us.
>Why you have such high expectations of Mike Ruppert is totally beyond  
>me.  All it leads to is bitter disappointment when you grow up and  
>realise that he doesn't walk on water.  Just like you can't walk on  
>I've got ten years of emails from this list and its former  
>incarnation, and I can show you many, many issues Ruppert was  
>involved -  in way before you decided to activate a brain cell.  On  
>some issues he was right on, on others he was way off.
>And anyway, so what?  What has he ever done to you that warrants such  
>hatred?  Made a few statements you don't agree with? Told you what he  
>thinks of you maybe?
>By all means, come crying to this list if he commits non-consensual  
>sex with a family member of yours, or runs off with your hard-earned  
>money - but until then - just grow up a bit you wankers!
>There is not one of you on the list that is any different, and as for  
>you shit-kickers - you seem no 

Re: [cia-drugs] Give up the shit kicking of Ruppert you morons!

2006-08-23 Thread Arlene Johnson
Personally, I wish Mike well. If he could join me in disseminating the truth, 
we could come that much closer to saving the United States of America instead 
of what prophecy states. I pray that this happens now that he is safe in 


Arlene Johnson
Click on the icon that says Magazine to access my e-zine.
Password for 2006: message

-Original Message-
>From: "Duncan M. Roads" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 23, 2006 1:06 AM
>To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Give up the shit kicking of Ruppert you morons!
>Hi Kris,
>Many hold your views, and I don't blame them.  I still don't think it  
>justifies the behaviour of some on this list in terms of kicking  
>someone when they are down.
>Mike has had to put up with far more crap than most on this list even  
>know of.
>For instance, while downunder speaking at one of our conferences, his  
>hotel room was entered by someone who could bypass the security  
>electronics without leaving any record of being opened. His laptop  
>was taken the night before his presentation.
>I didn't see any sign of this on the list.  He didn't use it as a  
>beat-up to get attention, sympathy or money.
>Nobody is perfect in this world. Mike has given a lot of effort to  
>issues that not many are able to effectively tackle, and he should be  
>thanked for some of them.
>I don't find Mike's comments about Americans to be disgusting.  In  
>fact the whole world now thinks the same, if not worse.  I don't know  
>about Mike's stated reasons for leaving, nor do I think it is really  
>that important.
>We all know that if you stick your head above the horizon and start  
>making waves, that sooner or later the powers that be come along and  
>kick it off.
>In my dealings with Mike I have found him honourable, honest, and  
>easy to deal with.  I found you to be the same sort of person.
>For what it is worth, I certainly was not thinking of you when I  
>wrote that email to the list.
>I am just so sick of weenies sitting on sidelines sniping at people  
>having a go.  I would like to see some of those cowards do something  
>for a change instead of drinking beer and bitching about others.
>On 23/08/2006, at 5:56 AM, RoadsEnd wrote:
>First off, I do think that discussion is furthered better by civil  
>discourse instead of invectiveness.
>While, yes none of us are perfect, I do not think that is what I am  
>talking about.
>Bona fides and good material doesn't make a complete story.
>I have been a large supporter of Mike Ruppert, but am not any more,  
>because of actions of Mike.
>I find Mike's statements about the people of this country disgusting  
>and I do not believe Mike stated reasons for leaving.
>Sorry, but that is the truth.
>Maybe is something in my make-up, but I find it hard to believe whiny  
>demagogue that lie and then use epideictic  rhetoric to sell the lie.
>If Mike Ruppert really wanted to work together with folks to do  
>something ? he would.
>He hasn't
>It is not hatred, it is disgust.
>Whether it's agenda, ego, circumstance, combination, or just the way  
>the cookie crumbles ? this too shall pass.
>On Aug 21, 2006, at 3:36 AM, Duncan M. Roads wrote:
>> You know, there is nothing more pitiful than watching a bunch of
>> pathetic wanna-be's standing around kicking the shit out of someone
>> when they are down.
>> I don't agree with many of Ruppert's conclusions, but fair suck of
>> the sap, what are the heinous crimes he has committed to warrant such
>> crap?
>> I dunno about some on this list, but I have been trafficking on
>> various incarnations of the CIA-DRUGS list and before, since 1996 -
>> and I can assure you weenies that Ruppert was out there fighting the
>> good fight for what he believed in a long long time before you came
>> along.
>> You people are free to disagree and argue about the content of his
>> research and findings, but I really think you suck when you act like
>> cowardly high school bullies and write crap like this.
>> There is not one of us researchers and publishers who is a perfect
>> human being.  Most of us like a drink, sex and most of us burn
>> midnight candles networking and writing - all because we care enough
>> to turn off the Simpsons and try to change the shit going on around  
>> us.
>> Why you have such high expectations of Mik