Aside from the fact that he is dead, Milton Friedman's moribund
idealogy always needed life support.

Pinochet in Chile. Two generals car-bombed, third accepts CIA job.

"We always fail", said CIA director William Colby to CIA super-hero
Ralph McGehee. Propping up Friedman's dead idealogy by military and
covert intervention has always failed.

John Birch Society and Friedman's cult pseudo-scientific idealogy
always had two things in common. While arguing less is more in terms
of laissez faire, they really argued more is better i.e. more
corporate welfare for the hegemonic military-industrial state. JBS
would belie itself by running a Red Cocaine story by an announced
spook, and shaft its Lansdale expose' with an article by Andy Messing,
Lansdale disciple and Friendman evangelist via covert action. Why
wouldn't the argument used against the Soviet system apply, that if
Friendman's pseudo-economics idealogy needed so much military and
covert intervention, how could it be as good as advertised? Worse, if
it "always fails", per Colby, despite US hegemonic military and covert
intervention--Friedman on life support from day one?

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