New World Order & one world religion? Not Off Topic because this does 
connect to all our issues and dilemmas...And "BIG TIME"

Religion is what separates us, preventing peace, prosperity and 
justice for all

Truth and joining together for strength in numbers and action is our 
only way out of the mess on this planet...

The stage is being set to blame the 911 atrocity on another 
ridiculous entity, so pay close attention...This, to take the heat 
off the corrupt administration and in hopes of us all uniting under 
them for protection...

My heart hurts as I watch the bickering and hate filled messages in 
the many groups on the net...Soooo much hate, dividing and 
deception...It doesn't have to be...

Truth mixed with lies being fed to us for so many generations has 
taken it's toll...But now that light's being shed to expose illusion 
and our true reality, we now have our chance for recovery...First, we 
must overcome fighting among ourselves

It's said the new world order wants to initiate a one world religion

Please don't believe this lie...They really don't want that...They're 
afraid of just that

Be careful what you believe and always remember the word "lie" is 
smack in the middle of "believe"

This lie is because there is only One "Creator/Creation" and they 
fear that knowledge...The evil powers that be emphasize a one world 
religion as propaganda to repel you from the idea of uniting as one 
under the one and only "Creator" and/or all that's "good" 

It means their defeat when enough learn this truth...The details of 
each religious doctrine has been designed, in many cases, to keep us 
from joining together as the brothers and sisters we are

The true Gospel is that of "Love" and all that's "Good" 
everywhere...It's ancient and was here before manmade religion that 
was created to keep "We The Peasants" in line

Please come out of the darkness...Judge all as individuals and by 
their fruit only

Please help take back what's rightfully ours...The promised land is 
at hand and for all good hearted people on this planet

Spread the word, please...It's good news because good always wins in 
every end...and the end is near for the bad guys which will be the 
new beginning for the deserving

We must take steps to save our selves and the Calvary will arrive in 
due time...Some believe "God" will intervene to save us...some even 
believe aliens will...Whatever happens it depends and begins with "US"

And that's the fact

Good Luck & "God" Bless,

Our soon to be hopping with truth, revelations and miracles, 
spiritual group>>> or

Our political 

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