(((This is war)))Bob Shultz showed @ Ed Brown's Stand Off in 

Your assistance, too, is needed to help assure fair trial in Concord, 
NH...This  opposed to the kangaroo court that's already taken 
place...Ed & Elaine Brown's sentencing is scheduled for 
April...Please forward this everywhere & do all else possible before 
it's too late for recovery in America

If you need media or elected official email addresses contact me and 
I'll send [EMAIL PROTECTED] & 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to both so I'll be sure to see the 
request, please

This "is" war as you'll see fox news reporting here>>>

http://www.questforfairtrialinconcordnh.blogspot.com/    <<<Notice 
the 911 atrocity was even mentioned by fox news

Please load your video cameras & stand with Ed & all other patriots 
now gathering...This could be the ultimate family vacation of all 
times...Talk about two birds with one stone...Crusading & camping, 

All criminal injustices must be stopped now...From perpetual war for 
benefit of the rich & greedy (Don't forget the Antiwar March on DC, 
Jan, 27th-google for information) to the war on our own 
people>>>Income tax is illegal, oppressing and unnecessary with all 
the many other taxes being collected...Income tax was to last only 
for the duration of world war II and is voluntary, only

The truth behind income tax>>>Aaron Russo's, "Freedom To 
4312730277175242198 or http://tinyurl.com/ybdb9j

Update on 

New Hampshire Underground>>>http://www.nhfree.com/

If links come apart, paste in browser, carefully closing gaps before 
Invitation to join activists & patriots to help "US" take Back our 

In these dire & dangerous times we must stand together
No matter what group, issue or matter you represent>>>"United We Can 
Stand" but if we stay divided, we'll fall, for sure...We're all 
related & connected by our same enemy responsible for all our 
dilemmas and problems>>>The corrupt who oppress and suppress us all

We are many and there are wayyyy more of us, than them...

WTP_U have hundreds of sister groups standing with "US"

We are over 1000 at our original forum you are being invited to & 
most are group owners...Many radio show hosts are with us...VIP's 
from all walks of life putting differences aside enough to work 
together on the important issues we do agree on...This to make the 
needed changes and secure America's future as well as the whole 

"We The People United Movement"
We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help 
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Our website under construction that belongs to "We The People" from 
everywhere>>>http://www.wethepeopleunited.com/...Soon we'll be 
loading all the groups who stand with "US"...If you're a group owner 
and would like yours added, let me know



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