Coming drug split:
After forming huge economic alliances, (Africa may become United States of
Africa), the tendency will for smaller geographic areas worldwide to be
controlled on their own.
States will have the power of former countries, counties will have the
power of former states, and towns will have the former power of counties.

In many areas the tendency is for drugs to become more legalized.  This
tendency will grow.

There is also the opposite tendency, for some small areas to shun drugs
completely.  This will become very dependant on a number of factors.

Singapore today is a prime example:  There are zero teenage drug deaths in
Singapore.  There are about zero drugs.  Why?  I just saw the stamps on a
flight ticket this morning.  If you are caught with drugs in Singapore you
die.  Period.

Both full legalization and full-complete illegalization work.  Nothing in
Singapore is almost like an old Greek city-state.  It is one of the most
international places.  International shipping is #1.  For this to work
they need complete safety.  Shipping #1 also explains why drugs-no

Exceptions prove rule.  General mass tendency will be for greater
legalization.  And as smaller areas get more power answers to all are
easy.   Move next door.

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