Tarpley on the Kennebunkport Warning
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Submitted by Reprehensor on Tue, 08/28/2007 - 1:56pm. 
Webster Tarpley 
Tarpley offers some evidence that led to the formulation of the Kennebunkport 
Warning, and will be dedicating his Thursday, August 30 GCN program, broadcast 
from 7-9pm Central on Network 4, to discussing "the evidence for the coming 
Bush-Cheney aggression against Iran, to be predicated on a new 9/11 and/or a 
new Gulf of Tonkin provocation."

  Several readers of the Kennebunkport Warning have requested documentation on 
the evidence referred to in that document. I am enclosing my July 21, 2007 
summary entitled "Cheney Determined to Strike in US with WMD this Summer," plus 
a portfolio of selected news stories covering July and August of 2007. (both 
items attached below) I have also included an early description of the Cheney 
doctrine by Philip Giraldi from August, 2005. This evidence could be 
supplemented, but it is already conclusive.

  It would be foolhardy in the extreme for serious antiwar activists to ignore 
the grave danger of an upcoming attack on Iran, predicated on a new 9/11 and/or 
a new Gulf of Tonkin. I send this out in the hopes that it will promote a a 
vigorous open debate on these matters as we approach the sixth anniversary of 

  A well-known Democratic member of the House of Representatives has repeatedly 
told individual supporters that the top leadership of the Democratic Party has 
explicitly approved an attack on Iran. Mrs. Clinton is openly offering herself 
as the politician best qualified to take over in the wake of such an event. It 
is therefore the task of genuine antiwar activists, together with institutional 
forces within the government and the military, plus certain international 
factions, to ward off this looming catastrophe.

  Webster G. Tarpley
  Washington DC


See also this new article at The Raw Story: Study: US preparing 'massive' 
military attack against Iran.

Kennebunkport Warning Evidence
U.S. Terror Attack - 'Ninety Days at Most'
Wednesday, July 13, 2005

As you can see, this terror warning is a hoax/fake article. The printer 
friendly date reveals that the "new" 2007 article is a reprint of a 2005 
article. See link below for more details.

If Tarpley wants more evidence he can use my research here:

Submitted by Arabesque on Tue, 08/28/2007 - 2:18pm.

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