This globally trumped up liquidity and credit crunch was orchestrated by the 
key players: the international bankers: Goldman Sachs, Barclays, BNP Paribas, 
Bear Stearns, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America. They would not 
buy commercial paper from one another or lend to one another. 


By Joan Veon
September 24, 2007 

The ruse that has been played out in the stock, bond, and credit markets for 
the last two months is one of the biggest scams of the century, after the crash 
of the NASDAQ. At stake is the cementing together of a global economic 
structure that will not be able to be dismantled. 

At the core of the trumped up credit crunch were a handful of international 
bankers that helped create a big enough deception which will ultimately lead to 
Congress exchanging our national regulatory laws for standardized international 
regulatory laws. Sadly, I have seen the pattern of creating a problem so you 
can solve it according to your hidden agenda, over and over again in the 27 
years I have spent in the investment business. For those who think it is about 
a new low in the value of the dollar, they are wrong—the dollar has been 
dropping ever since the twin 1973 currency crises which sent then Assistant 
Treasury Secretary for International Monetary Affairs Paul Volcker around the 
world to hammer out a new regime for floating currencies (what a great way to 
transfer wealth and control countries: currencies). Every time the dollar 
drops, it is new and historic. For those who think the past two months was 
about the Rothschild’s cornering the global gold market, no way. They and the 
same core of international bankers that own the Bank of England, the Federal 
Reserve, and other major central banks control the value of gold. When central 
banks sell gold as they did in the late 90s, it is only title that changes, not 
the owners. 

In the fall of 1983, my husband and I purchased our first home. Several months 
later he got a job in another city but we were straddled for 2 ½ years with a 
house we could not sell because interest rates climbed to 22% with mortgages as 
high as 14-16%. Years later, I found out that our Congress changed “old and 
outdated” banking laws to render to national and international bankers, one of 
the most major coups of the century! The law which Congress passed is called 
the Depositary Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (1980 
Deregulation Act), which basically lifted all restrictions on U.S. banks as to 
the amount of interest they could pay or charge investors/creditors. At the 
time this was heralded as being “good” for America since banks would have to 
pay market rates on savings, which conveniently rose to 22% for a short period 
of time. That was not a bad short-term price to pay for banks being able to pay 
very low rates for savings and charge usurious rates for credit cards from 9 ½% 
to 35% with home equity lines of credit being tied to prime. The high interest 
rates were appreciated by the serfs who have ceased to remember their joy. 

This globally trumped up liquidity and credit crunch was orchestrated by the 
key players: the international bankers: Goldman Sachs, Barclays, BNP Paribas, 
Bear Stearns, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, and Bank of America. They would not 
buy commercial paper from one another or lend to one another. Come on. This was 
reported as being shocking when in fact, it was the standard insiders game 
designed to facilitate major changes to U.S. regulations by scaring Congress 
and the rest of the country first. Once the Security and Exchange regulator has 
been folded into one agency—like Britain’s Financial Services Authority, 
instead of having separate regulators for commodities and derivatives, the 
world will go back to calm—for a little while. The next thing you are likely to 
hear is that the world needs a global financial regulator. But before that can 
happen, the national regulatory laws have to be harmonized to prepare the way. 

The supporting players were the hedge funds and complex investment instruments. 
It is not Joe Average who can afford to invest in these animals. Hedged funds 
known as “Quants” attempt to profit from price inefficiencies identified 
through mathematical models. These send buy/sell signals on small variations in 
price between different securities (Financial Times-FT, 8/13/07). Most of the 
international bankers have quant funds. In fact while they were crying the 
blues over a 30% drop in August and external investors lost 20% of their 
investment, it was reported that Goldman Sachs made $300M last month from the 
rescue of one of their troubled hedge funds. They injected $2B of their own 
money while billionaire friends injected another $1B to save it (FT, 9/16/7, 
6). The fund was up 15% before the Fed bailout! What great math! 

The investment instruments are no doubt terribly complex. They are called 
derivatives ($400T in a world where the entire GDP is $40T), off-balance sheet 
structures known as conduits ($1,400B), and SIV’ or structured investment 

The pawns were those who took a sub-prime mortgage and bit the apple in the 
same way Eve did. According to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, “About 7.5 million 
first-lien subprime mortgages are now outstanding, accounting for 14% of all 
first-lien mortgages. So-called near-prime loans—loans to borrowers who 
typically have higher credit scores than subprime borrowers but have other 
higher-risk aspects—account for an additional 8 to 10 percent of mortgages” 
(speech 5/17/07). Six months ago, there were $1,300B of subprime loans or about 
13% of all outstanding mortgages while the total residential mortgage market is 
more than $20,000B. In other words, the subprime market is a very small 
percentage of our total economy. In fact the losses from the Savings and Loan 
Crisis in the 1990s were much higher. 

Regarding the mortgage market, it should be noted that the practice of banks 
selling mortgages they use to hold until maturity is over. In the 1980s when 
there was a mortgage default, it was the bank that took the hit. Now mortgages 
and loans of every type (auto, credit card, etc.) have been securitized 
(packaged into group of mortgages), then repackaged in a collateralized debt 
obligation bond (CDO) and sold to a hedge fund that bought it on leverage 
(David Hale, FT, 8/14/7, 11). The sophistication and complexity of how you sell 
mortgages has evolved since the 1980s. Bottom line is that the banks no longer 
carry mortgages or the risk—they basically act as conduits. It is the 
market—now the global market that carries the risk. The banks really are not 
concerned about the risk in the loans they make because all of them are now 
sold in the bond markets to pension funds, mutual funds, and others. 

While there is much more that could be said about this whole trumped up charade 
of loss of liquidity, the bottom line is that the Federal Reserve could have 
solved this problem two months ago by lowering interest rates. They are the 
ones who create the business cycle and market highs and lows by the amount of 
money they inject into the banking system. Just like in the 1980s, interest 
rates could have come down at any time, but there was another agenda. Can the 
Fed solve the problem of the sub-prime mortgages, no. Congress will have to 
deal with the inequities. 

At the international level, all of the international organizations: the Bank 
for International Settlements, the International Organization of Security 
Commissions, the Group of Seven finance ministers, and the Financial Stability 
Forum are talking about the need to have capital markets that are globally 
integrated since no one Central Bank could determine how to proceed. The U.S. 
is the only major country not to have all of their regulators under one roof 
(just like the British system which is used in many countries around the 
world). All countries need to adopt global accounting standards (the US is in 
the process of moving in that direction, there has been agreement between GAAP 
and the IASB) and countries must implement the BASEL II Capital Accords (which 
are new rules for international banks on how much they need to have in reserve 
for protection), the U.S. is in the process of implementing them. Then once 
these things are put in place, the world is ready for a global financial 

Just days after the Fed reduced interest rates by ½ of 1%, it was announced 
that the Dubai Stock exchange will acquire just under 20% of the Nasdaq stock 
exchange and 28% of the London Stock Exchange while the Nasdaq purchases the 
Nordic stock exchange, OMX. Do we see the handwriting on the wall? 

 If the IMF is suppose to become a Global Central Bank, then perhaps the 
Financial Stability Forum is a forerunner of what might be suggested next month 
when the G7 reports on the problems of supposed credit crunch! All this drama 
just to integrate world markets and stock exchanges! The ruse is now global! 
People need to see beyond the lies, deceit, deception, and distortion so that 
they stop operating in fear and begin living in truth. Lastly, all of the 
volatility created allowed those in the know to make lots of extra money at the 
expense of those who sold low and those who lost their homes. Be prepared for 
more of these trumped up vignettes, they have been occurring from the beginning 
of time. This one is in our generation.

© 2007 Joan Veon - All Rights Reserved 

Joan Veon is a businesswoman and international reporter, having covered 75 
Global meetings around the world in the last ten years. Please visit her 
website: To get a copy of her WTO report, send $10.00 to 
The Women's International Media Group, Inc. P. O. Box 77, Middletown, MD 21769. 
For an information packet, please call 301-371-0541 


a.. The Credit Crunch that Never was, Is Over 9-24-07 
a.. NAU.: Doas the Queen of Canada Become the Queen of United States? 8-22-07 
a.. Reinventing Government 7-18-07 
a.. Treason in the Congress 6-20-07 
a.. The NAU & The Integration of America 5-9-07 
a.. Capitalizing on Sustainable Development - Making Gold out of Green 4-19-07 
a.. The four days that shook the world 3-4-07 
a.. It's our turn, our time 2-1-07 
a.. Understanding the power of Abrahamic covenant in a time of evil 11-28-06 
a.. How to Stop The New World Order 9-25-06 
a.. How Space Has Become Omnipresent Work in Progress, Part 2, 7-12-06 
a.. How Space Has Become Omnipresent Work in Progress, Part 1, 7-12-06 
a.. Central Banks Give Countries' Financial Sovereignty to IMF 4-26-06 
a.. Inflation And The Federal Reserve 4-4-06 
a.. The New York Stock Exchange Goes Global 3-8-06 
a.. Will the UN Dip Into Your Future Salary? 1-30-06 
a.. From World Economic Forum: Want to Know The Future? 1-27-06 
a.. Slouching Toward Global Enslavement 1-20-06 
a.. New Tax Scheme on The Horizon 11-1-05 
a.. The Bank for International Settlements Calls for Global Currency 8-3-05 
a.. Without Africa's Poverty, Global Taxation is Not Possible 7-30-05 
a.. What About Africa? 7-23-05 
a.. Reform the U.N. by Eliminating the Commonwealth 5-18-05 
a.. Global Tax Almost a Reality 5-3-05 
a.. The World Economic Forum Forges The Future of The World 2-3-05 
a.. How Global Taxation Will Come Through the American Foreign Policy 1-30-05 
a.. The World Tax Tsunami 1-29-05 
a.. The World Economic Forum: Facilitating a New World Order 1-27-05 
a.. The Debates are Really About Chromosomes and Votes 10-22-04 
a.. Preparing Americans For Electronic Money Through Consumption Tax 8-16-04 
a.. Sustainable Development, Agenda 21 and Prince Charles 8-13-04 
a.. The United Nations Fosters a "UN of Corporations" 7-23-04 
a.. The Law of The Sea Treaty - A Done Deal 6-28-04 
a.. The Group of 8 Sets the Course For the 21st Century 6-17-04 
a.. Veon Interview With High Level Treasury Group of Eight 6-11-04 
a.. Global Rapid Deployment Force Getting G8 Backing 6-11-04 
a.. Global Taxation Rears Its Ugly Head 5-2-04 
a.. Letting The Markets Determine The Value of The Dollar 4-29-04 
a.. The Difference Between Schwarzenegger and Gibson is John 14:6 3-8-04 
a.. Who Are The G7 Finance Ministers 2-29-04 
a.. Its Not The Currency Stupid, Its Integration! 2-20-04 
a.. Global Volatility Facilitates Global Financial Integration 2-9-04 
a.. Veon Interviews US Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, 
Tony Fratto 2-7-04 
a.. The Year of the Monkey and China's New Role in The World Economy 1-23-04 
a.. US Leaders Highlight World Economic Forum Agenda 1-21-04 
a.. A Done Deal: Free Trade Areas of The Americas 11-23-03 
a.. Government Announces the Outsourcing of Professional Jobs 9-13-03 
a.. Chicago, Inc. 8-31-03 
a.. World's Monetary System The Bank For International Settlements  8-26-03 
a.. Global Taxation And Tax Harmonization  8-20-03 
a.. Does The Global Economy Need a Global Currency?  8-16-03 

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