The Crescent and the Star: part III:

Islam, the fastest growing religion, holds the most strategic military
areas: the key Malacca choke point, the African Horn, and much of the
areas that either hold present or future oil as well as the coming world
bread basket.  All military actions are becoming more determined by the
social settings.  This was one of the main points of General Charles
Krulak’s retirement speech, ‘The Strategic Corporal’.  Not only does low
tech trump high tech, as in the AK-47 trumping the cruise missile, but
high tech at this point can have unexpected negative PR.   Videos of what
the ‘out-of-danger’ drone operators see as they fire missiles are now
floating all over the Internet.  In some you see the last seconds of
humans trying to run for their lives from cars as they hear the drone
approaching.  Bloody war was thought neatly tucked away in the dishwasher
with the Cascade. Being drawn and quartered seems, compared to those last
seconds, ‘almost nice’.  Emotionally many see those flying body parts, and
the imagination of Internet viewers, as one would look down upon the
Coliseum as Christians were thrown to the lions.  And that martyrdom no
small factor, (most likely decisive factor), in the Christians soon taking
The drones break not only international boundaries but also rules of

Bottom-drawer tech combos of mere grappling hooks, AK-47s and duct-tape
patched Evinrudes now tie up much of above-equator navies.  The more what
is held in reserve is also held back to, (just-only), be a question…, then
the more powerful a factor the question itself becomes.  Seabed-missile,
rogue torpedo, and mine have morphed into one hydra hybrid as close as the
nearest Toys-R-Us or PC.  ‘Regulars’ can scream “unsymmetrical” as loud as
the Redcoats screamed about those hiding behind stonewalls and as loud as
knights screamed about the longbow.  And with the same result…: littoral
to the coral.

Military logistics was the power of the West as it babbles on that the
untrained talk strategy while the pros talk logistics.  That has been
thrown to the wolves and the drones and the lions as the West now fights
on far too many fronts.  All the explosions in the no-lines of the Hindu
Kush are not as powerful as one sneeze in Karachi.

Africa collects as slowly and as strongly as the Prophet did in Medina. 
As safety in Africa equates with arms military tactics often precede
Islam.  The winners often act Islamic way prior to converting.  Rebellion
has spread not only into Eritrea but also well into Ethiopia.  Kenya, once
one of only a few unarmed places in Africa, now has well armed rebels well
into eastern areas.  Juba quiets and collects.  Kampala may, with
Museveni, still ‘Sow The Mustard Seed’ but the office by necessity becomes
more effectively Inman than statesman.  Juba sees the long term.

North, over the Aden Gulf, Bab El Mandeb may still mean terror but the
land is trumping the sea.  Sanaa cooks a one-ingredient stew: money. 
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh in anger yells at the US “don’t come
in” as Admiral Mullen yells back in anger, “we won’t come in”.  This anger
is as soft as the money is hard.  It is now more openly realized that
there is no northern border between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.  Sanna is like
a log cavalry fort in the Old West with only one weapon against the
Apaches: money.   As the English did in India the West’s main tactic is to
pay off one tribe to ruthlessly control the others.  Not as sure when all
tribes are armed.  But money is money and as was oft the case in India the
paid off would only play a game giving an occasional wrong head and
smilingly pocket the cash.

But the poor with the guns increase in number.  But in Islam control with
money is against the main tenants of the religion.  The fort’s logs
quickly rot in that sand.  Yet even with a possible slow rot in any war of
attrition the party that can most afford to wait will win.

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