Wantabe Wallaby Or Just Simple Dope?

By Michael Donovan

United States suffers from being the only industrial country without a
general staff.  It has killed our military.  It has also shredded our
economy.  Now it has gotten to the point where the real inside military
had to stand up to the administration.  This has been occurring bit by bit
in the years following Millennium 2000 and Lt. General Paul Van Riper.

First real sign was the appointment of Admiral Dennis C. Blair as Director
of National Intelligence.  Certainly the Administration did not make that
appointment.  It was forced upon them, (thankfully).

Then General McChrystal stood up and put reality to the Administration.  A
minimum of 8 more divisions would be needed or we should leave
Afghanistan.  This was put forth in harsh military terms following the
military axiom that all war is based on this rule: you always send strong
to weak- never weak to strong.  We were sending weak to strong meaning
that we either reinforce or leave.  Truly reinforcing would mean
reinstating the Draft and that would lead to an all out resurrection
bigger than the 60s.

McChrystal knows all the dirty inside information too.  Seems that one
silly animal, a wallaby, turned on an unexpected light..  When stoned
wallabys go nuts, go hop-hop-hoppy-poppy and are funny to look at.  They
got stoned in poppy fields, this got on Youtube, and in a period of hours
the entire world knows of the giant opium acreage in Australia.  
Officially the pharmaceutical companies own this acreage for ‘testing’ and
a bit of morphine.  It seems obvious that the acreage is far too much for
just that..., but what can you say?

But what happens if we pull out of Afghanistan and the Taliban go back to
growing waving-fields-of-grain and outlawing the hoppy poppy?   Then the
lid of hopped is poppy popped.

Notice that opium is grown in the north of Afghanistan but not in the
south.  Why?
They are preparing Turkmenistan as a backup.  This is why all the sudden
interest now in Baku, close enough to Turkmenistan but not in.  Baku is no
backwater.  It even has a giant subway system.

If the US finally went to giving the military a general staff it would
straighten the whacked fascism to real working fascism.   In order to keep
soldiers in tour after tour they are now handing out happy pills with no
restrictions.  You don’t even need to see a medic.  There is no
restriction on dosage so it is predicted that as many as half, (not less
than 35%), will be suffering from PTSD.  Much of this PTSD will be from
simply trying to withdraw from the legal dope.

It is also becoming more obvious that both the ‘legal’ dope and the
illegal dope are run by the same companies, (company).
Would you not have PTSD?  Why are no journalists allowed in either
theatre?  If they took any pictures the public would see that the troops
have been quietly issued AK-47s.  They don’t want the public to see this
though you can simply ask any coming home from either Iraq or Afghanistan.

General Staff???

How many know what the 47 stands for?  When the public finds out what the
47 really stands for they will see in horror the giant waste.  Perhaps
then the United States can have a general staff.  Only the paid off
Congress would suffer.
Michael Donovan

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