Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-06-29 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 09:06 +, Bill Wesse wrote:
> Thanks Andrew.
> Richard's mail of Apr 24 2009
> (
> contained schema text that has definitely been superseded by the ones
> I sent you yesterday. I am *fairly* sure those I send yesterday are
> the latest & greatest, and should know for sure later today.
> Thanks for offering to end the patches / ldapcmp tool - for the
> moment, that won't be necessary. 

OK. Do at least use source4/scripting/python/samba/ - it
will save you a lot of time trying to turn these back into ldif you
might have a hope of comparing with a real server. 

> Do you have Richard's attachment to fwd back to me? I'm already up to
> quite a few file collections, and should first diff what he sent
> against what I sent before thinking about proceeding further.

The links to those are in the archive links I posted. 

> It's Ok with me to keep cifs-protocol in the loop. I may have to do
> that manually on any responses, I'm not sure if our incident
> management software can target outbound emails to multiple addresses
> (it's evolving, and I've been offline from it for ~2 months).

> I am also awaiting confirmation for posting those latest schema text
> files to our team blog. That should happen by early next week.


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
cifs-protocol mailing list

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-06-29 Thread Bill Wesse
Thanks Andrew!

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC Protocol Team
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273
Tel:   +1(980) 776-8200
Cell:  +1(704) 661-5438
Fax:  +1(704) 665-9606

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Bartlett [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 5:24 AM
To: Bill Wesse
Cc: MSSolve Case Email;
Subject: RE: [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

On Tue, 2010-06-29 at 09:06 +, Bill Wesse wrote:
> Thanks Andrew.
> Richard's mail of Apr 24 2009
> (
> contained schema text that has definitely been superseded by the ones 
> I sent you yesterday. I am *fairly* sure those I send yesterday are 
> the latest & greatest, and should know for sure later today.
> Thanks for offering to end the patches / ldapcmp tool - for the 
> moment, that won't be necessary.

OK. Do at least use source4/scripting/python/samba/ - it will save 
you a lot of time trying to turn these back into ldif you might have a hope of 
comparing with a real server. 

> Do you have Richard's attachment to fwd back to me? I'm already up to 
> quite a few file collections, and should first diff what he sent 
> against what I sent before thinking about proceeding further.

The links to those are in the archive links I posted. 

> It's Ok with me to keep cifs-protocol in the loop. I may have to do 
> that manually on any responses, I'm not sure if our incident 
> management software can target outbound emails to multiple addresses 
> (it's evolving, and I've been offline from it for ~2 months).

> I am also awaiting confirmation for posting those latest schema text 
> files to our team blog. That should happen by early next week.


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.
cifs-protocol mailing list

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-07-01 Thread Bill Wesse
A quick update: Confirmation on time/dates of the latest schema text files will 
be forthcoming after the July 6 meeting I mentioned below. Sorry I won't be 
able to confirm before that. Thanks again for your patience...

From: Bill Wesse 
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 7:57 AM
To: ''
Cc: MSSolve Case Email
Subject: [REG:110062452298172] Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

Hi Andrew. I am advised that a planning meeting including the topic of where we 
intend to post the schema text files is scheduled for next Tuesday (July 6). I 
will advise you on the results as soon as I can after that (it is occurring 
very late in the day, my time).

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC Protocol Team
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273
Tel:   +1(980) 776-8200
Cell:  +1(704) 661-5438
Fax:  +1(704) 665-9606

-Original Message-
From: Bill Wesse
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 1:19 PM
To: "Andrew Bartlett" 
Cc: "MSSolve Case Email" ; "" 

Subject: [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

Hello again Andrew; Schema text file zip attached... 

My confidence that the files are the latest is ~8 on a scale of 1-10. I won't 
know more until later today, more likely tomorrow.

Concerning the support limits - I think they are 'provided as-is', per #Tools 
below; confirmation pending from same people who will verify latest/not-latest.

Concerning the errors in earlier file sets, I also find it hard to understand 
why there are any at all - unless they were generated using an imperfect 
utility (the most likely reason). But I simply don't know.

From the files: 
#Intellectual Property Rights Notice for Protocol Documentation ... 
#Tools. This protocol documentation is intended for use in conjunction with 
publicly available standard specifications and network programming art, and 
assumes that the reader either is familiar with the aforementioned material or 
has immediate access to it. A protocol specification does not require the use 
of Microsoft programming tools or programming environments in order for you to 
develop an implementation.
If you have access to Microsoft programming tools and environments you are free 
to take advantage of them.

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC Protocol Team
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273 
Tel:   +1(980) 776-8200 
Cell:  +1(704) 661-5438 
Fax:  +1(704) 665-9606 

-Original Message-
From: Bill Wesse
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 10:10 AM
To: "Bill Wesse" 
Cc: "MSSolve Case Email" ; "" 

Subject: [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of

On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 11:57 +, Bill Wesse wrote: 
> Hi Andrew. I am advised that a planning meeting including the topic of 
> where we intend to post the schema text files is scheduled for next 
> Tuesday (July 6). I will advise you on the results as soon as I can 
> after that (it is occurring very late in the day, my time).

OK.  Please just post them in a reply to cifs-protocol in the meantime. 

> Meanwhile, I am currently waiting for confirmation on the latest file 
> dates for the schema files we have provided. I expect to have that 
> info within the next day or so.

OK.  Can you give me some indication as to your level of confidence that the 
latest files match what is actually found in the respective AD versions?  I 
just want to set my expectations correctly before I start trying to have Samba 
load them. 

> Also, there are some limits on our support level for the schema text 
> files – I will also advise you on that (query in progress…).

I'm sorry to hear about the limitations on the support for the schema files.  
We only ask for them because we found the PDF documents to be both inaccurate 
and unusable for the purpose for which they purport to be provided (the 
creation of interoperable implementations).  

We do appreciate the extra effort that has gone into providing them, and 
getting them under an acceptable licence, but it is only by the provision of 
text-format schema that we have been able to show how deficient the 
documentation has been in the first place.  

I still don't understand how so many errors crept into a document that should 
be no more than a reformat of a direct extract from the version control system 
for the relevant AD versions. 

Andrew Bartlett 

Andrew Bartlett 
Authentication Developer, Samba Team 
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc. 

cifs-protocol mailing list

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-07-01 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 17:21 +, Bill Wesse wrote:
> A quick update: Confirmation on time/dates of the latest schema text
> files will be forthcoming after the July 6 meeting I mentioned below.
> Sorry I won't be able to confirm before that. Thanks again for your
> patience...

No worries.  I would rather wait until you have absolute confidence that
these schema files match the schema in Windows than spend time debugging
why they don't match. 

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
cifs-protocol mailing list

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-07-08 Thread Bill Wesse
Hi Andrew, here is the current status of your request.

We have submitted a request to our product team to complete a validated and 
combined schema for Windows 2000, 2003, 2003R2, 2008 and 2008R2, incorporating 
all TDI’s submitted against [MS-ADA1], [MS-ADA2], [MS-ADA3], [MS-ADSC] and 
[MS-ADTS]. Please expect this to take at least several weeks before we have any 
results. I will keep you posted.

Also, please note that the text schemas in the I sent on Wed 6/30/2010 are the most 
recent we have provided, with the exception of the Windows 2008 files - 
2k8\MS-AD_Schema_2K8_*.txt; 2k8\DisplaySpecifiers-Win2k8.txt  is current with 
the other display specifier text files.

In the meantime, if you aren’t already aware of the following blog entries, I 
would like to bring them to your attention, as they bear somewhat on your 
efforts. On the same topic, I have attached ‘DumpSchema.cmd.txt’, which will 
invoke ldifde.exe to dump a Windows 2xxx AD domain RootDSE and Configuration 
trees into .ldf files (it will ask if you want to change the domain/DC/user, 
which are preselected from environment variables).

Understanding the minimum set of DIT elements required by the first DC using 

Using the Windows Server Protocols documentation set to better understand the 
Active Directory Schema

Thanks for your patience!

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC Protocol Team
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273
Tel:   +1(980) 776-8200
Cell:  +1(704) 661-5438
Fax:  +1(704) 665-9606

-Original Message-
From: Bill Wesse
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 6:51 AM
To: "Bill Wesse" 
Cc: "MSSolve Case Email" ; "" 

Subject: [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 17:21 +, Bill Wesse wrote: 
> A quick update: Confirmation on time/dates of the latest schema text 
> files will be forthcoming after the July 6 meeting I mentioned below.
> Sorry I won't be able to confirm before that. Thanks again for your 
> patience...

No worries.  I would rather wait until you have absolute confidence that these 
schema files match the schema in Windows than spend time debugging why they 
don't match. 

Andrew Bartlett 

Andrew Bartlett 
Authentication Developer, Samba Team 
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc. 

@echo off

if defined _vect_ goto :%_vect_%

set _this_="%~f0"
set _vect_=GetDefaultSettings
call %_this_%
set _vect_=EchoSettings
call %_this_%
set _resp_=
set /p _resp_=Enter 'y' to change these settings: 
if "%_resp_%" equ "" goto :Perform
if /i "%_resp_:~0,1%" neq "y" goto :Perform
set _vect_=GetDomainName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=GetDCName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=GetUserName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=EchoSettings
call %_this_%
set _vect_=DumpOnePartition
call %_this_% "%_from_%" Configuration
call %_this_% "%_from_%"
goto :Exit

echo %_esep_%
set _root_=%~1
if "%~2" equ "" (
   set _file_=RootDSE.ldf
   goto :DumpOnePartitionExecute
set _file_=%~1.ldf

if "%~1" equ "" goto :DumpOnePartitionExecute
set _root_=CN=%~1,%_root_%
goto :DumpOnePartitionNextSubtree

echo Exporting: %USERDNSDOMAIN%
echoTo: %_file_%
echo  Root: %_root_%
if exist "%_file_%" del /f "%_file_%">nul
ldifde.exe %_sarg_%%_uarg_%-d %_root_% -f "%_file_%"
set _errn_=%errorlevel%
if %_errn_% neq 0 (
   echo Error: %_errn_%
   echo  Deleting: %_file_%
   del /f "%_file_%">nul
goto :EOF

set _vect_=CrackDnsDomainName
set _from_=
for /f "tokens=1-26 delims=." %%a in ("%_ddns_%") do call %_this_% %%a %%b %%c 
%%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m %%n %%o %%p %%q %%r %%s %%t %%u %%v %%w 
%%x %%y %%z
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
goto :EOF

if "%~1" equ "" goto :EOF
if "%_from_%" equ "" (
   set _from_=DC=%~1
) else (
   set _from_=%_from_%,DC=%~1
goto :CrackDnsDomainName

set _ddns_=%USERDNSDOMAIN%
set _serv_=%LOGONSERVER:~2%
set _user_=
set _pass_=
set _from_=
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
call %_this_% %_ddns_%
goto :EOF

echo %_esep_%
echo Domain: %_ddns_%
echo BaseDN: %_from_%
if "%_serv_%" equ "" (
   echo Server: DC of %_ddns_%
) else (
   echo Server: %_serv_%
if "%_user_%" neq "" (
   echo   User: %_user_%
if "%_pass_%" neq "" (
   echo Passwd: %_pass_%

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-07-08 Thread Bill Wesse
Resending the DumpSchema.cmd(.txt) file; I broke the earlier one during an edit 
(deleted a label ':Perform'). Sorry.

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC Protocol Team
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273
Tel:   +1(980) 776-8200
Cell:  +1(704) 661-5438
Fax:  +1(704) 665-9606

-Original Message-
From: Bill Wesse
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 7:42 AM
To: "Andrew Bartlett" 
Cc: "MSSolve Case Email" ; "" 

Subject: [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

Hi Andrew, here is the current status of your request. 

We have submitted a request to our product team to complete a validated and 
combined schema for Windows 2000, 2003, 2003R2, 2008 and 2008R2, incorporating 
all TDI’s submitted against [MS-ADA1], [MS-ADA2], [MS-ADA3], [MS-ADSC] and 
[MS-ADTS]. Please expect this to take at least several weeks before we have any 
results. I will keep you posted.

Also, please note that the text schemas in the I sent on Wed 6/30/2010 are the most 
recent we have provided, with the exception of the Windows 2008 files - 
2k8\MS-AD_Schema_2K8_*.txt; 2k8\DisplaySpecifiers-Win2k8.txt  is current with 
the other display specifier text files.

In the meantime, if you aren’t already aware of the following blog entries, I 
would like to bring them to your attention, as they bear somewhat on your 
efforts. On the same topic, I have attached ‘DumpSchema.cmd.txt’, which will 
invoke ldifde.exe to dump a Windows 2xxx AD domain RootDSE and Configuration 
trees into .ldf files (it will ask if you want to change the domain/DC/user, 
which are preselected from environment variables).

Understanding the minimum set of DIT elements required by the first DC using 

Using the Windows Server Protocols documentation set to better understand the 
Active Directory Schema

Thanks for your patience! 

Bill Wesse
MCSE, MCTS / Senior Escalation Engineer, US-CSS DSC Protocol Team
8055 Microsoft Way
Charlotte, NC 28273 
Tel:   +1(980) 776-8200 
Cell:  +1(704) 661-5438 
Fax:  +1(704) 665-9606 

-Original Message-
From: Bill Wesse
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 6:51 AM
To: "Bill Wesse" 
Cc: "MSSolve Case Email" ; "" 

Subject: [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of

On Thu, 2010-07-01 at 17:21 +, Bill Wesse wrote: 
> A quick update: Confirmation on time/dates of the latest schema text 
> files will be forthcoming after the July 6 meeting I mentioned below.
> Sorry I won't be able to confirm before that. Thanks again for your 
> patience...

No worries.  I would rather wait until you have absolute confidence that these 
schema files match the schema in Windows than spend time debugging why they 
don't match. 

Andrew Bartlett 

Andrew Bartlett 
Authentication Developer, Samba Team 
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc. 

@echo off

if defined _vect_ goto :%_vect_%

set _this_="%~f0"
set _vect_=GetDefaultSettings
call %_this_%
set _vect_=EchoSettings
call %_this_%
set _resp_=
set /p _resp_=Enter 'y' to change these settings: 
if "%_resp_%" equ "" goto :Perform
if /i "%_resp_:~0,1%" neq "y" goto :Perform
set _vect_=GetDomainName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=CrackDomainName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=GetDCName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=GetUserName
call %_this_%
set _vect_=EchoSettings
call %_this_%

set _vect_=DumpOnePartition
call %_this_% "%_from_%" Configuration
call %_this_% "%_from_%"
goto :Exit

echo %_esep_%
set _root_=%~1
if "%~2" equ "" (
   set _file_=RootDSE.ldf
   goto :DumpOnePartitionExecute
set _file_=%~1.ldf

if "%~1" equ "" goto :DumpOnePartitionExecute
set _root_=CN=%~1,%_root_%
goto :DumpOnePartitionNextSubtree

echo Exporting: %USERDNSDOMAIN%
echoTo: %_file_%
echo  Root: %_root_%
if exist "%_file_%" del /f "%_file_%">nul
ldifde.exe %_sarg_%%_uarg_%-d %_root_% -f "%_file_%"
set _errn_=%errorlevel%
if %_errn_% neq 0 (
   echo Error: %_errn_%
   echo  Deleting: %_file_%
   del /f "%_file_%">nul
goto :EOF

set _vect_=CrackDnsDomainName
set _from_=
for /f "tokens=1-26 delims=." %%a in ("%_ddns_%") do call %_this_% %%a %%b %%c 
%%d %%e %%f %%g %%h %%i %%j %%k %%l %%m %%n %%o %%p %%q %%r %%s %%t %%u %%v %%w 
%%x %%y %%z
set _vect_=CrackDomainName

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-08-17 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 11:43 +, Bill Wesse wrote:
> Resending the DumpSchema.cmd(.txt) file; I broke the earlier one during an 
> edit (deleted a label ':Perform'). Sorry.


Perhaps I need to explain:  It is great having commands to dump the
schema - we can write such commands easily, and use those to confirm
that the schema we supply to our users is correct.  Indeed, such
commands have shown that we have not been supplied correct schema in the

However, what I need isn't tools to extract schema from AD servers, but
the actual schema, provided by Microsoft to us under the agreed licence.
This makes it unambiguous that we can redistribute the result. 

Therefore, we do require the schema from the WSPP documentation, we
require it in a format that is suitable for use in creation of an
interoperable implementation, we need is under the licence, and we
require that it is 100% correct. 

If we cannot get those assurances, we have two problems:  We waste an
inordinate amount of time fixing bugs that should never have occurred
(surely the docs were generated with tools such as you supplied in your
mail), and we loose confidence that any update to the schema or a new
revision is correct. 

Have you had any luck securing those assurances from the product group?
It seems to have taken quite some time, for something that should be
nothing more than providing an automated extract. 


Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
cifs-protocol mailing list

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-08-17 Thread Andrew Bartlett
On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 11:43 +, Bill Wesse wrote:
> Resending the DumpSchema.cmd(.txt) file; I broke the earlier one during an 
> edit (deleted a label ':Perform'). Sorry.


I was working on this with Bill, but I need to bump this a long a
little, and to clarify things a bit more:

It is great having commands to dump the schema - we can write such
commands easily, and use those to confirm that the schema we supply to
our users is correct.  Indeed, such commands have shown that we have not
been supplied correct schema in the past.

However, what I need isn't tools to extract schema from AD servers, but
the actual schema, provided by Microsoft to us under the agreed licence.
This makes it unambiguous that we can redistribute the result. 

Therefore, we do require the schema from the WSPP documentation, we
require it in a format that is suitable for use in creation of an
interoperable implementation, we need is under the licence, and we
require that it is 100% correct. 

If we cannot get those assurances, we have two problems:  We waste an
inordinate amount of time fixing bugs that should never have occurred
(surely the docs were generated with tools such as you supplied in your
mail), and we loose confidence that any update to the schema or a new
revision is correct. 

Have you had any luck securing those assurances from the product group?
It seems to have taken quite some time, for something that should be
nothing more than providing an automated extract. 


Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
cifs-protocol mailing list

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2010-08-17 Thread Hongwei Sun

   Since Bill is out of office, I have taken over the ownership of this case.  
I have been actively working on this case.   I will update you as soon as I 
have any new status.

   Thanks for your patience. 


-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Andrew Bartlett
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 7:46 PM
To: Interoperability Documentation Help
Cc: MSSolve Case Email;; Bill Wesse
Subject: Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all 
of 2000-2008R2

On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 11:43 +, Bill Wesse wrote:
> Resending the DumpSchema.cmd(.txt) file; I broke the earlier one during an 
> edit (deleted a label ':Perform'). Sorry.


I was working on this with Bill, but I need to bump this a long a little, and 
to clarify things a bit more:

It is great having commands to dump the schema - we can write such commands 
easily, and use those to confirm that the schema we supply to our users is 
correct.  Indeed, such commands have shown that we have not been supplied 
correct schema in the past.

However, what I need isn't tools to extract schema from AD servers, but the 
actual schema, provided by Microsoft to us under the agreed licence.
This makes it unambiguous that we can redistribute the result. 

Therefore, we do require the schema from the WSPP documentation, we require it 
in a format that is suitable for use in creation of an interoperable 
implementation, we need is under the licence, and we require that it is 100% 

If we cannot get those assurances, we have two problems:  We waste an 
inordinate amount of time fixing bugs that should never have occurred (surely 
the docs were generated with tools such as you supplied in your mail), and we 
loose confidence that any update to the schema or a new revision is correct. 

Have you had any luck securing those assurances from the product group?
It seems to have taken quite some time, for something that should be nothing 
more than providing an automated extract. 


Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

cifs-protocol mailing list

Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all of 2000-2008R2

2011-03-16 Thread Hongwei Sun

   To close the loop on this request, we just made the schemas for Windows 
Server 2008 R2 available to public on Microsoft Download site 
   This information is also added to the beginning of MS-ADA1,MS-ADA2 and 
MS-ADA3 as follows:

  "Note The object definitions in this document are also available for download 
in LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) at the following location: 



-Original Message-
From: Hongwei Sun 
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 7:36 PM
To: Andrew Bartlett
Cc: MSSolve Case Email;; Bill Wesse
Subject: RE: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all 
of 2000-2008R2


  We have completed the process to use tools to automatically extract the  
Windows server 2008R2 schema from the schema documents and validate it against 
a Windows DC implementation.  The schema file includes a EULA.  Please review 
it and provide feedback.  Although this is a private delivery, we are working 
to create a standard way to publicly publish the schema and we will provide 
further updates when we have finalized this plan.



-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Andrew Bartlett
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 7:46 PM
To: Interoperability Documentation Help
Cc: MSSolve Case Email;; Bill Wesse
Subject: Re: [cifs-protocol] [REG:110062452298172] Re: Text-file Schema for all 
of 2000-2008R2

On Thu, 2010-07-08 at 11:43 +, Bill Wesse wrote:
> Resending the DumpSchema.cmd(.txt) file; I broke the earlier one during an 
> edit (deleted a label ':Perform'). Sorry.


I was working on this with Bill, but I need to bump this a long a little, and 
to clarify things a bit more:

It is great having commands to dump the schema - we can write such commands 
easily, and use those to confirm that the schema we supply to our users is 
correct.  Indeed, such commands have shown that we have not been supplied 
correct schema in the past.

However, what I need isn't tools to extract schema from AD servers, but the 
actual schema, provided by Microsoft to us under the agreed licence.
This makes it unambiguous that we can redistribute the result. 

Therefore, we do require the schema from the WSPP documentation, we require it 
in a format that is suitable for use in creation of an interoperable 
implementation, we need is under the licence, and we require that it is 100% 

If we cannot get those assurances, we have two problems:  We waste an 
inordinate amount of time fixing bugs that should never have occurred (surely 
the docs were generated with tools such as you supplied in your mail), and we 
loose confidence that any update to the schema or a new revision is correct. 

Have you had any luck securing those assurances from the product group?
It seems to have taken quite some time, for something that should be nothing 
more than providing an automated extract. 


Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

cifs-protocol mailing list