CiKEAS Ucapan Seorang Ibu

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Ucapan Seorang Ibu

By: agussyafii

Ada seorang ulama terkenal bernama Zamakhsyari, beliau penulis terkenal tafsir 
al-Khassyaf yang hanya memiliki satu kaki. Baliau sendiri mengatakan bahwa 
memiliki satu kaki karena ucapan ibunya. menurut beliau pernah waktu masih 
kecil, dirinya naik keatas dinding untuk membantu mengeluarkan anak burung dari 

Anak burung itu berusaha lari dari cengkeraman Zamakhsyari, karena dia menahan 
kaki sebelahnya sehingga menyebabkan kaki burung itu terputus. Zamakhsyari yang 
masih anak-anak itu berlari menemui ibunya dan menunjukkan burung itu kepada 
ibunya karena terkejut dan marah ibu mengatakan, 'Ya Alloh, Engkau akan 
kehilangan satu kaki.' 

Dikemudian hari  ketika dewasa beliau mengalami sebuah tragedi yang menyebabkan 
kehilangan satu kakinya.

Itulah gambaran ucapan seorang ibu adalah doa bagi anak-anaknya. Sebaiknya 
apapun yang diucapkan seorang ibu kepada anaknya dipikirkan terlebih dahulu 
daripada menyesal dikemudian hari. Sekecil apapun kesalahan atas kelakuan anak 
kita, memaklumi dan memaafkan jauh lebih baik untuk anak kita.

Dari Jabir bin Abdullah Radhiyallahu anhu, dia menceritakan bahwa Rasulullah 
Shalallahu alaihi wassalam telah bersabda, 'Janganlah kalian menyumpahi diri 
kalian, dan jangan pula menyumpahi anak-anak kalian dan harta kalian, kalian 
tidak mengetahui saat ucapan (do'a) dikabulkan sehingga Allah akan mengabulkan 
sumpah itu' (HR.Muslim).


Terima kasih atas dukungan dan partisipasi teman2 semua pada program 'Peduli 
Kasih Amalia (PKA)' Teriring doa 'Semoga Alloh SWT membalas kebaikan teman2 
semua' amin ya robbal dan dukungan silahkan ke, atau sms 087 
8777 12431


CiKEAS (oot) Cita-Cita: PSIKOLOG HEBAT Seperti Profesor FUAD HASAN

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik Yudistira S. Aji
Cita-Cita: PSIKOLOG HEBAT Seperti Profesor FUAD HASAN
by Y.S. Aji Soedarsono
Rabu, 22 Juli 2009

Saya mempunyai beberapa orang teman dan
sahabat yang menyandang predikat sebagai PSIKOLOG. Bahkan ada beberapa
anak muda yang belum lama ini lulus Sarjana Psikologi dan ada seorang
mahasiswa yang luarbiasa, yang multi-talented yang kini kuliah di
Fakultas Psikologi UI. Walaupun kini, untuk menyandang predikat
Psikolog Profesional diharuskan untuk mengambil program
Master/Magister, saya tetap saja menganggap teman-teman saya tersebut
sebagai Psikolog yang profesional. 

Apa yang membuat mereka ini memilih ilmu psikologi sebagai jalur untuk membuka 
Apakah karena mereka sebagian besar mempunyai masalah probadi yang berat?

ulasannya ada di:

salam hangat.




CiKEAS Police release images of Jakarta hotel suicide bombers

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny,25197,25820032-601,00.html

Police release images of Jakarta hotel suicide bombers
Stephen Fitzpatrick, in Jakarta | July 22, 2009 

Article from:  The Australian 
INDONESIAN police today released images of the two suicide bombers who killed 
nine people in attacks on Jakarta hotels on Friday.

Suspect Nur Said was not one of the bombers, police said, based on DNA testing, 
but he may still have been connected to the attacks on the Ritz-Carlton and the 

Ritz-Carlton florist Ibrahim, who has been linked to the attack, has also been 
ruled out through DNA testing. 

Police estimated the Ritz-Carlton bomber was about 40 years old, dark skinned 
with short-black hair and about 160cm tall. 

The Marriott bomber is believed to have been much younger - aged between 17 and 
20 - with paler skin than the other bomber. 

He also had short-black hair but, at 180cm tall and with a shoe size of 42-43, 
was much bigger. 

Police hope the images, based on two severed heads found at the bomb sites, 
will help in the identification of the bombers. 

The bombers are suspected members of the Jemaah Islamiah regional extremist 
network or one of its offshoots. 

CiKEAS Taliban wearing burkas kill 14

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny,25197,25818571-2703,00.html

Taliban wearing burkas kill 14
Article from:  The Australian 
KABUL: Taliban suicide bombers, most of them disguised in burkas, tried to 
storm government buildings and a military base in two Afghan cities yesterday, 
as this month's death toll for US forces rose to the highest in the war.

Fourteen people died in the attacks in Gardez and Jalalabad, a day after a 
roadside bomb killed four American troops amid a surge in violence ahead of 
elections on August 20, when President Hamid Karzai will stand for re-election 
despite criticisms about security and corruption. 

Taliban militants have increasingly used co-ordinated suicide and gun attacks 
in their fight against Mr Karzai's Western-backed government and its foreign 
military allies deployed in the country for nearly eight years. 

Six suicide bombers, some of them also carrying guns, tried to enter several 
government buildings in Gardez in Paktia province but were shot dead before 
reaching their targets, provincial spokesman Rohullah Samoon said. 

One of the bombers detonated in front of the intelligence department, killing 
three intelligence officers. The other bombers were killed by security forces, 
he said. Two policemen were also killed. The bombers entered Gardez, the 
provincial capital, wearing burkas -- the traditional all-covering veil worn by 
Afghan women. 

In Jalalabad, two other bombers were killed in a shootout with police as they 
tried to fight their way into the city airport, a base for Afghan and foreign 

Provincial government spokesman Ahmad Zia Abdulzai and a doctor in Jalalabad's 
hospital said one policeman was killed in the incident. 

The American deaths on Monday night come two days after Private Benjamin 
Ranaudo was killed while on foot patrol in the Baluchi Valley, southern 
Afghanistan -- the 11th Australian killed in Afghanistan since 2002, and the 
third since the beginning of March. 

The US deaths brought to at least 30 the number of American service members who 
died in Afghanistan this month -- two more than the figure for all of June last 
year, which had been the deadliest month for the US since the 2001 invasion 
drove the Taliban from power. 

This month's death toll for the entire US-led coalition, which includes 
American, British, Canadian and other forces, stands at 55 -- well above the 46 
deaths suffered in June and August of last year. 

US commanders had predicted a bloody summer after President Barack Obama 
ordered 21,000 additional US troops to Afghanistan to take on a resurgent 
Taliban and shift the focus on the global war against Islamic extremism from 

Defence Secretary Robert Gates has warned that US-led forces must demonstrate 
progress in Afghanistan by the middle of next year or face a public perception 
that the conflict cannot be won. Heavy losses this month have triggered a 
public debate in Britain that the war in Afghanistan may not be worth the 


CiKEAS Pelaku Pengeboman Tidak Harus Selalu Mati

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
Pelaku Pengeboman Tidak Harus Selalu Mati
Apa yang direlease oleh Kepolisian selama ini sangat lah irrasional hingga bisa 
disimpulkan semua keterangan2 polisi yang ditulis dalam berbagai surat2 kabar 
di Indonesia se-mata2 jebakan untuk mengecoh para pelakunya sejauh mana polisi 
menguasai informasi yang didapatkannya dari lapangan.

Misalnya saja, tentang tidak ada kecocokan DNA Ibrahim dengan identifikasi DNA 
dari mayat2 yang ditemukan, oleh Kepolisian disimpulkan bahwa Ibrahim bukanlah 
pelaku pengeboman.

Padahal pelaku pengeboman tidak selalu harus mati, dan mereka yang mati juga 
tidak bisa dituduh salah satunya sebagai pelaku pengeboman.

Karena untuk meledakkan bomb dihotel JW-Marriot dan Ritz-Carlton tidak perlu 
harus bunuh diri, bomb bisa ditinggalkan di kakus, bisa ditinggalkan dibawah 
kursi atau meja di Lounge dan kemudian diledakkan dengan remote dari jauh.  
Bahkan bisa diledakkan dengan telephon celluler.

Yang enggak pernah disinggung di-koran2 adalah bahwa semua pegawai dikedua 
hotel itu diseleksi oleh bekas jendral2 di DepHanKam.  Bahwa sekeras dan 
sejelimet gimanapun screening untuk keluar masuk hotel, tetap saja para bekas 
anggauta Abri atau Kopasus bisa lewat tanpa harus diperiksa.

Kesimpulannya sangat jelas, semua keterangan dari kepolisian sama sekali tidak 
ada sangkut pautnya dengan pengejaran terhadap para pelakunya, malah 
menyesatkan kepada mereka yang tidak terkait sebagai pelaku seperti Noordin M 
Top.  Apalagi Noordin M Top itu sendiri bukanlah pemain tunggal, tidak mungkin 
dia bisa gampang2 hidup di Indonesia apalagi tidak kerja atau kerja 
ber-pindah2.  Padahal orang Indonesia sendiri susah hidupnya, apalagi Noordin M 
Top yang orang asing ini.  Transfer uang dari luar negeri untuk menunjang 
kehidupan Noordin M Top juga bisa gampang dilacak.  Sejak di-kejar2, Noordin M 
Top ini susah bergerak, kesempatan melakukan terror yang begitu ketat 
pengamanannya seperti meledakkan bomb didalam Lounge JW-Marriott betul2 
mustahil kalo tidak ada bantuan dari sekurity, abri, atau kepolisian.  Juga 
keterlibatan orang2 didalam sendiri bisa dipastikan, mereka bisa menyusup 
kebagian house-keeping, security, kitchen.

Jadi kalo dalam waktu sekian lama belum juga terpecahkan siapa pelakunya, maka 
memang tidak mungkin lagi dipecahkan atau sengaja ditutupi karena kejadian ini 
kemungkinan besar seperti yang diucapkan oleh SBY hingga penyelesaiannya cuma 
mungkin dibelakang layar saja.  Bagi intel2 abri, apalagi bekas jendral 
sekualitas SBY, kejadian ini sudah bisa langsung diketahui siapa2 saja yang ada 
dibelakang kejadian ini tanpa harus mengumpulkan bukti2 lagi.

Memang gampang kalo menyiarkan berita bahwa pelakunya adalah bomb bunuh diri 
yang juga mati dalam pemboman ini.  Se-olah2 si pelaku menggunakan kamar sewaan 
1808 untuk merakit dan menyimpan bomb itu, padahal tak perlu sewa kamar, gudang 
JW-Marriott sendiri bisa digunakan untuk menyimpan bomb2 ini dan sewa kamar 
1808 hanyalah untuk menyesatkan saja dengan meletakkan bomb2 lain yang se-olah2 
belum diledakkan.

Yang sangat khas disini adalah bahan ledak yang digunakan adalah TNT yang low 
explosive.  Ini adalah bahan peledak yang cuma digunakan militer bukan 
terrorist jihad Islam.  Bom Bali menggunakan bahan RDX yang termasuk jenis High 
Explosive, sebaliknya bom JW-Marriot adalah TNT jenis Low Explosive yang 
menjadi standard bahan peledak militer.

RDX bahan peledak yang digunakan Amrozy, bahan2nya harus diimport, sebaliknya, 
sedangkan yang digunakan di JW-Marriott bisa dibeli dari abri.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

CiKEAS Fw: Best Solution For Tranportation Logistics Professionals

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Bagi yang belajar atau berkecimpun dalam bidang  transport dan logistik, 
barangkali ini literatur  yang ada gunanya.

- Original Message - 
From: Aristo Bhupal 
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 3:47 PM
Subject: Best Solution For Tranportation  Logistics Professionals

  The Foremost  Most Comprehensive Source of Information for 
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d.. Analysis of the laws and treaties governing the transportation of 
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e.. Protection afforded by the BMC 32 and FF 32 Endorsements 
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  Click here now for more information and to get your copy of this truly 
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  You're receiving this email because you may be interested in this book. 
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promotional emails, please click here. 

CiKEAS Meneg BUMN Temui BI Bahas Utang Garuda

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi: Hutang Rp 1 triiun atau kurang lebih US$ 1,-- milyar, kapan bisa 
dilunasi ?

Meneg BUMN Temui BI Bahas Utang Garuda
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009 00:43 WIB | Ekonomi  Bisnis |
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Menteri Negara BUMN Sofyan Djalil mengatakan ia telah 
bertemu dengan Bank Indonesia guna membahas penyelesaian restrukturisasi utang 
perusahaan penerbangan milik negara Garuda kepada Bank Mandiri senilai sekitar 
Rp1 triliun.

Ketemu BI kemarin masalah restrukturisasi garuda, masih perlu pembicaraan 
lebih lanjut bagaimana dalam konteks UU perbankan bisa dilakukan tapi tujuan 
menyelamatkan Garuda juga dapat dilakukan, karena banyak peraturan yang BI bisa 
lakukan, BI akan berupaya untuk melihat bagaimana kemungkinannya, katanya di 
Jakarta, Rabu malam.

Garuda memiliki utang dalam bentuk mandatory convertible bond (MCB) senilai 
sekitar Rp1 triliun. Utang dalam bentuk MCB berarti utang itu dapat 
diselesaikan dengan mengubah menjadi kepemilikan saham. Namun demikian, hal ini 
terkedala oleh aturan perbankan yang melarang kepemilikan saham disektor non 
finansial kecuali shama gadai (repo) dan kostudian.

Sebelumnya Direktur Utama Garuda Emir Syah mengharapkan agar utang yang telah 
jatuh tempo selema beberapa tahun ini dapat direstrukturisasi, sehingga dapat 
memperkuat kinerja Garuda.

Sementara itu terkait dengan divestasi 14 persen Newmont Nusa Tenggara senilai 
493,6 juta dolar AS, Meneg BUMN menyatakan ihaknya akan mengirim surat kepada 
menteri keuangan perihala kesiapan BUMN untuk membali saham hasil divestasi 
tersebut bila pemerintah pusat tak mampu membeli. 

Nanti saya akan kirim surat resmi kalau pemerintah tidak mengambil supaya 
diberikan pada BUMN, katanya.

Ia menyatakan, bahwa BUMN siap untuk ikut serta membeli saham hasil divestasi 
tersebut. Ia menambahkan, BUMN memiliki dana yang sangat memadai bila 
pemerintah mau memberikan kesempatan kepada BUMN untuk membeli saham hasil 
divestasi tersebut.

Kalau dana tidak ada masalah, katanya.(*)garuda120407.jpg

CiKEAS Kebakaran hutang di Riau (Foto Antara)

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Kebakaran Hutan Riau

CiKEAS Kura-kura Galapagos Berkembang Biak Pada Usia 90

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Mungkin rahasia untuk tetap tegang, kencang nan kuat pada usia 90 
tahun ialah rajin diminumkan jamu Nyonya Meneer. Ada usulan lain?

Kura-kura Galapagos Berkembang Biak Pada Usia 90
Rabu, 22 Juli 2009 12:09 WIB | Iptek | Sains | Dibaca 286 kali

Kura-Kura Galapagos (Istimewa)@Quito (ANTARA News) - George, kura-kura darat 
raksasa yang tersisa dan kesepian, mungkin segera menjadi bapak sehingga 
membuat gembira para petugas perlindungan margasatwa.

Beberapa telur yang belum menetas telah ditemukan di kandang sang bujangan di 
Kepulauan Galapagos, kata beberapa penjaganya Selasa seperti dikutip Reuters.

Selama beberapa dasawarsa, kura-kura terakhir pulau Pinta yang diketahui masih 
hidup tersebut nyaris tak memperlihatkan keinginan untuk berkembang biak.

Tetapi George, yang kini berusia 90 tahun, dikatakan berada pada usia 
terbaiknya untuk berkembang biak.

Kura-kura Galapagos termasuk di antara spesies yang diamati oleh Charles Darwin 
untuk merumuskan teori evolusinya pada Abad 19.

Banyak ilmuwan telah berusaha membawakan pasangan buat George sejak 1993, 
ketika mereka menghadirkan dua kura-kura betina dari subspesies yang berbeda ke 

Taman Nasional Galapagos mengatakan lima telur ditemukan pada Senin berada 
dalam kondisi sempurna dan telah ditaruh di inkubator.

Kini kita harus menanti selama masa inkubasi 120 hari untuk mengetahui apakah 
semua telur itu subur, kata taman tersebut dalam satu pernyataan.

George, yang memiliki berat 90 kilogram, mengejutkan para petugas perlindungan 
tahun lalu, saat untuk pertama kali mengawinkannya dalam 36 tahun hewan itu 
berada di dalam kurungan. Namun semua telur yang dihasilkan oleh pasangan 
betinanya ternyata tidak subur.

Kura-kura diburu untuk diambil dagingnya oleh pelaut dan nelayan sampai hewan 
tersebut berada di ambang kepunahan, sementara habitatnya telah dimusnahkan 
oleh kambing yang dibawa dari daratan utama.

Sebanyak 20.000 kura-kura raksasa masih hidup di Galapagos.(*kuragalapagos-220709.jpg

CiKEAS Ahmadinejad humiliated over vice-president choice

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Ahmadinejad humiliated over vice-president choice 

Wednesday, 22 Jul, 2009 | 03:32 PM PST | 
TEHRAN: Iran's supreme leader ordered the president, a close ally, to dismiss 
his controversial choice of a top deputy, the semi-official media reported 
Wednesday, in a rare split among the country's top conservatives.

The order is a humiliating setback for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who has strongly 
defended his decision to appoint Esfandiar Rahim Mashai, his son's 
father-in-law, as his first vice-president.

Mashai angered hard-liners in 2008 when he said Iranians were 'friends of all 
people in the world, even Israelis.' Mashai was serving as vice president in 
charge of tourism and cultural heritage at the time.

Iran has 12 vice presidents, but the first vice president is the most important 
because he leads Cabinet meetings in the absence of the president.

Ahmadinejad is already in a crisis over opposition claims he stole last month's 
presidential election from the pro-reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi. 
Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei strongly backed Ahmadinejad, who is seen 
as his protege, in the June 12 election.

'The view of the exalted leader on removed Mashai from the post of 
vice-president has been notified to Ahmadinejad in writing,' the semi-official 
Fars news agency reported Wednesday.

It was not immediately clear if Ahmadinejad would cave in to Khamenei's order, 
who has the final say on all state matters in Iran.

Another semi-official news agency, ISNA, quoted vice speaker of the parliament 
Mohammad Hasan Aboutorabi-Fard as saying that Mashai's dismissal was a decision 
by the ruling system itself.

'Removing Mashai from key posts and the position of vice-president is a 
strategic decision of the system ... Dismissal or resignation of Mashai needs 
to be announced by the president without any delay,' ISNA quoted him as saying 
late Tuesday.

Pressure has been mounting on Ahmadinejad to remove Mashai from the top post 
immediately after he appointed the controversial figure to the post Friday.

But nearly the same time as Khamenei was issuing his order late Tuesday, 
Ahmadinejad vowed to keep Mashai as his first vice president.

'Mr. Mashai is a pious, caring, supporter of the position of the supreme 
leader, clean and creative managers of Iran. Why should he resign? ... Mashai 
has been appointed as first vice president and continues his activities in the 
government,' the official IRNA news agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying late 

Iran's state television didn't report Ahmadinejad's comments supporting his 
deputy. A conservative Web site said TV officials had orders from higher 
officials not to do so.

Ahmadinejad's top adviser, Mojtaba Hashemi Samareh, insisted Tuesday that 
Mashai won't be removed.
'Mr. Mashai's appointment as fist vice president won't be reconsidered at all,' 
ISNA quoted Samareh as saying Tuesday.

Mashai also angered many of Iran's top clerics in 2007 when he attended a 
ceremony in Turkey where women performed a traditional dance. Conservative 
interpretations of Islam prohibit women from dancing.

He ran into trouble again in 2008 when he hosted a ceremony in Tehran in which 
several women played tambourines and another one carried the Quran to a podium 
to recite verses from the Muslim holy book.

The criticism is a change of focus for hard-liners, who have spent the last few 
weeks lambasting Mousavi and his supporters for challenging the presidential 

On Saturday, hard-liners accused Rafsanjani of defying Khamenei by using his 
sermon to encourage opposition supporters to continue their protests. -AP

CiKEAS Muslim woman to be flogged in Malaysia over beer

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Muslim woman to be flogged in Malaysia over beer 

Tuesday, 21 Jul, 2009 | 04:45 PM PST |

KUALA LUMPUR: An Islamic court in Malaysia has sentenced a Muslim woman to be 
flogged with a rattan cane for having a beer in a nightclub, a court official 
said Tuesday, AP reported.

It is rare for a woman in Malaysia to be sentenced to caning - a punishment 
usually reserved for men in various crimes ranging from rape to bribery.

Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno was sentenced Monday to six lashes and a fine of 
5,000 ringgit for consuming alcohol, said a Shariah High Court official who 
declined to be identified because he was not authorized to make public 

Shukarno, a 32-year-old model, pleaded guilty in the court in eastern Pahang 
state to a charge of drinking beer when Islamic authorities raided a hotel 
nightclub in August 2008.

Consuming alcohol is a religious offence in Malaysia only for Muslims, who make 
up nearly two-thirds of the population. Offenders are prosecuted in Shariah 
courts, which handle cases mainly related to family and moral issues for 

Most offenders are fined, but the law also provides for a three-year prison 
term and caning. Shukarno was the only Muslim caught in the raid at the Pahang 

Malaysian clubs and lounges typically serve alcohol but are not legally 
required to check if customers are Muslim before serving them, so the hotel 
nightclub operators were not charged with any offence.

Shukarno plans to appeal the sentence, the New Straits Times daily reported.

The punishment 'is aimed at making the accused repent and serves as a lesson to 
Muslims,' the newspaper quoted Judge Abdul Rahman Yunus as saying.

The judge did not elaborate on why he imposed a relatively severe sentence, but 
local media noted that he had a history of being tough on alcohol offenders, AP 

Rattan canes used in the punishment are made from palm plants common in 
tropical parts of Asia. They have been used for decades for corporal 
punishments in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

The caning sentence is generally carried out by specially trained officials at 

CiKEAS Fruitful meeting between Raúl and Dos Santos

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

  Havana.  July 22, 2009

  Fruitful meeting between 
  Raúl and Dos Santos
  . Talks took place on the second day of the Cuban president's visit to 

  Jorge Martín Blandino /Photo: Raúl Abreu

  LUANDA, July 21.- The meeting between Cuban President Raúl Castro Ruz and 
Angolan President José Eduardo Dos Santos allowed for a broad and fruitful 
exchange of ideas, as corresponds to the fraternity existing between the two 

  Raúl's arrival at the Presidential Palace where President Dos Santos was 
awaiting him was followed by a reception ceremony. After the playing of both 
countries' national anthems and a review of the Honor Guard, the two leaders 
greeted Angolan high government officials and members of the Cuban delegation. 

  Subsequently, Raúl and Dos Santos had a private meeting while members of 
the two countries' delegations met simultaneously. 

  This new exchange will give fresh impetus to the already rapidly growing 
mutual and advantageous cooperation between the two nations, linked together in 
sisterhood through long years of struggle. 

  Speaking to the press, Angolan Heath Minister Jose Viera Van-Dunen 
described Cuban cooperation in achieving government objectives in this vital 
sphere as indispensable.

  From the end of 2006, the number of Cuban collaborators has grown more 
than five-fold and currently stands at 2,000-plus, more than half of them in 
the area of health. Another 500 are university professors or technical school 
instructors. This year a literacy campaign began with the help of Cuban 

  Currently more than 200 young Angolans are studying in Cuba, 140 of them 
in different branches of the medical sciences. In addition, five Faculties of 
Medicine, with professors from the island, have been operating since last year. 
In 2014, 500 new doctors will graduate from these programs. 

CiKEAS Rafsanjani back in the limelight

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Rafsanjani back in the limelight
Publish Date: Wednesday,22 July, 2009, at 10:17 PM Doha Time
By Dr S M M Nainar/Doha
The current turn of events in Iran has brought former president Ali Akbar 
Hashemi Rafsanjani back into the limelight. Many are intrigued by his moves and 
wonder whether he is plotting to succeed the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali 
Hussein Khamenei. 
Iran is governed by a complex and unusual political system. It combines 
elements of a modern Islamic theocracy with democracy. A network of unelected 
institutions controlled by the highly powerful conservative Supreme Leader is 
countered by a president and a parliament elected by people.

Rafsanjani is an outstanding symbol of the Persian stream of the Islamic 
civilisation. A man of many parts, he is both a clever operator and a model of 
sobriety and wisdom in politics. He is very apt in playing the game of 
balancing between politics and ideology - the mundane and the supra-mundane. 

His moves are like a barometer by which one could gauge the rough and tumble of 
Iranian politics. He never reacts to any situation but makes others react on 
his behalf. In spite of being insulted and accused of corruption by President 
Mahmoud Ahmadinijad in a television debate with Mir Husain Mousavi, Rafsanjani 
cleverly manipulated matters in such a way so as to provoke the Supreme Leader 
Ali Khamenei to publicly reprimand Ahmadinijad. 

It was a moment of great joy and vicarious pleasure for Rafsanjani to see the 
tension mounting between the two leaders. Rafsanjani is often described as a 
reformist among the conservatives and a conservative among the reformists. He 
is the scholar who suffered torture and imprisonment during the monarchy of 
Shah Reza Pahlavi. He was the blue-eyed boy of the founder of the Iranian 
revolution Ayatollah Khomeini in spite of being despised by many. 

Ironically, he is the one politician always preferred by the Western nations 
irrespective of the fact that he is strongly committed to the principle of Iran 
remaining independent in all its decisions. His latest political salvo was to 
challenge the results of the presidential election certified by the Supreme 
Leader. He did so in his capacity as the chairman of the Assembly of Experts 
which is responsible for appointing or removing the Supreme Leader. 

He addressed a mammoth Friday congregation at the University of Tehran on July 
17 and said: All of us, the establishment, the security forces, police, 
parliament and even protesters, should move within the framework of law... We 
should open the doors to debates. We should not keep so many people in prison. 
We should free them so that they can take care of their families... It is 
impossible to restore public confidence overnight, but we have to let everyone 
speak out... We should have logical and brotherly discussions and our people 
will make their judgments.

He thus indirectly implied that the Supreme Leader is part of the crisis 
whereas he is considered to be above any reproach according to the terms of his 
(Based on an article by Saeed Mehio, al-Khaleej, Sharjah, July 20 and other 

CiKEAS Saudi anti-terror efforts hurt human rights: Amnesty

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Saudi Arabia 

Saudi anti-terror efforts hurt human rights: Amnesty 
By Jumana Al Tamimi, Associate Editor 

Published: July 22, 2009, 07:37
Dubai: Efforts to fight terrorism in Saudi Arabia has resulted in a noticeable 
deterioration in the human rights record in the kingdom in the past few years, 
an Amnesty International report claimed. 

However, informed Saudi sources denied Amnesty's conclusions of unjust 
anti-terrorism measures, and stressed that all efforts in combating terrorism 
are within the acceptable legal boundaries. 

According to Amnesty's report, which was released in the early hours of 
Wednesday, the number of detained people since 2001 has increased from hundreds 
to thousands. It was also coincided with excessive measures, including 
arbitrary arrests, prolonged detention of political and security suspects 
without a trial or an access to lawyers. 

In July 2007, the Interior Minister reported that 9,000 security suspects had 
been detained between 2003 and 2007 and that 3,106 of them are still being 
held. Others have been moved to an official re-education programme though it 
is unclear how they are selected and under what conditions they can obtain 
release, the report said. 

The report also highlighted how trials of political or security detainees in 
Saudi Arabia take place in extreme secrecy and fail to meet international 
standards of fairness. 

Furthermore, torture and ill-treatment methods adopted include severe beatings 
with sticks, punching, and suspension from the ceiling, use of electric shocks 
and sleep deprivation. Flogging is also imposed as a legal punishment by itself 
or in addition to imprisonment, and sentences can include thousands of lashes. 

These unjust anti-terrorism measures have made an already dire human rights 
situation worse, Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International's Middle East and North 
Africa Program was quoted as saying by a press statement. 

The Saudi Arabian government has used its powerful international clout to get 
away with it. And the international community has failed to hold the government 
to account for these gross violations, he added. 

We have not chosen Saudi Arabia just because it is Saudi Arabia, Lamri 
Chirouf, a leading author of the report and a researcher on Saudi Arabia at 
Amnesty International said. But because the situation of human rights have 
deteriorated as a result of anti-terrorism measures, which disregarded by the 
international human rights standards required by the UN, Chirouf told Gulf 

No immediate comment from the concerned Saudi authorities or Saudi human right 
organization was available despite repeated attempts by Gulf News. They said a 
comment will follow reading the report. 

However, Jamal Khashoqshi, Editor-in-Chief of Al Watan Saudi newspaper stressed 
that as far as he knows, all Saudi measures in terms of fighting terrorism in 
Saudi Arabia are within the legal measures, (and) which are announced 

In some security cases and according to the law, the state has the right to 
keep some (suspects) under detention and in secrecy, Khashoqshi said. 

We are not talking about political prisoners or prisoners of opinion. We are 
talking about people who raised their weapons in the face of the state, he 
told Gulf News. 

Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia has announced that 330 detainees have been 
tried in the first known trials of Al Qaeda suspects in the kingdom. They 
include 289 Saudis and 41 foreigners, and their sentences ranged between death 
penalty and few months. Seven were acquitted, and three were not charged with 
any crimes. 

Furthermore, Sheikh Abdullah Hamad Al Sa'adan, Justice Ministry spokesperson 
announced then that plans are underway to allow the press to cover subsequent 
trials. However, priority will be given to the relatives of those on trial 
based on seating capacity available in the court room, he was quoted as 

Asked whether the public trials decision was taken under pressure from abroad, 
Khashogshi refuted such an interpretation. 

The judicial system in Saudi Arabia is passing through a reform process, and 
in similar times, you don't expect all experiences to succeed, he said. 

Saudi Arabia is still in the middle of its fight against terrorism and some 
times there is a need for secrecy, he stressed. 

Concerned authorities are in a difficult situation in doing the right thing 
for everybody, he added. 

On the other hand, Lamri welcomed the intention to allow media inside court 
rooms in the future, saying you can't have justice in secrecy. It has to be 
done. It has to be seen. It has to be transparent.

CiKEAS Israel circulates photo of Hitler greeting late Palestinian mufti

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Last update - 23:44 22/07/2009 

  Israel circulates photo of Hitler greeting late Palestinian mufti  
  By Reuters  
  Tags: Hitler, Palestinian mufti   


  Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has ordered diplomats to use an old 
photograph of a former Palestinian religious leader meeting Adolf Hitler to 
counter world criticism of a Jewish building plan for East Jerusalem. 

  Israeli officials said on Wednesday that Lieberman told Israeli 
ambassadors to circulate the 1941 shot in Berlin of the Nazi leader seated next 
to Haj Amin al-Husseini, the late mufti or top Muslim religious leader in 

  One official said Lieberman, an ultranationalist, hoped the photo would 
embarrass Western countries into ceasing to demand that Israel halt the 
project on land owned by the mufti's family in a predominantly Arab 
neighbourhood in East Jerusalem. 
  Israel captured East Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War, annexing it 
as part of its internationally unrecognised claim to Jerusalem as its 

  Some diplomats opposed Lieberman's move, arguing it could earn Israel 
stiffer world criticism for seeming to sidestep the wider conflict it faces 
with the Palestinians who want East Jerusalem as capital of a future state, 
another official said. 

  Asked why Lieberman issued the order, a spokesman said: because it's 
important for the world to know the facts and would not elaborate. 

  The United States and Europe this week protested the plan by private 
Israeli developers to build 20 apartments on the land which Israel says was 
bought by an American-Jewish millionaire as well as Israel's threats to 
demolish Palestinian homes that could leave thousands homeless. 

  The controversy has complicated an Israeli rift with the U.S. over its 
refusal to meet President Barack Obama's demands to halt settlement building 
throughout the West Bank so that stalled peace talks may resume. 

  About half a million Israelis live in the settlements built in the West 
Bank and East Jerusalem, areas that are home to some three million 

  An official in Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's government accused 
Lieberman of political bankruptcy in ordering the distribution of the 
Husseini-Hitler photograph. 

  It's an old story that has its own circumstances and doesn't apply to 
the present, said Adnan al-Husseini, the Palestinian Authority-appointed 
governor of Jerusalem, and a relative of the late mufti. 

  The Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem said said Husseini 
supported Nazi Germany to try to win backing for Arab nationalistic goals and 
that he lobbied for the extermination of Jews in North Africa and Palestine. 


CiKEAS Mendagri Diperiksa KPK

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

  Rabu, 22 Jul 2009, | 5 

  Mendagri Diperiksa KPK 
  Jakarta, AE.- Menteri Dalam Negeri Mardiyanto kembali diperiksa KPK 
terkait pengadaan mobil pemadam kebakaran (damkar).
  Pemeriksaan yang berlangsung lebih dari dua jam itu menyoroti 
keterlibatan Mardiyanto semasa dia masih menjabat sebagai Gubernur Jawa Tengah.

  Mardiyanto sendiri membantah terlibat dalam proses pencairan maupun 
pembayaran damkar. Semua sistem sudah kita lewati, sebut Mardiyanto, saat 
keluar dari gedung KPK pukul 12.55 WIB, Rabu (22/7).

  Kedatangannya ke KPK yang sampai tiga kali, lanjut Mardiyanto, adalah 
bukti dia selama ini menghormati lembaga antikorupsi tersebut. Sekali 
diperiksa waktu saya jadi gubernur, dan dua kali saat jadi Mendagri, 

  Dikatakannya, pengadaan damkar di Jateng tahun 2003, memang diperlukan 
oleh kabupaten/kota. Hanya saja, Mardiyanto menolak menjawab saat ditanya 
wartawan apakah semasa menjadi gubernur, pernah bertemu langsung dengan Hengky 
Samuel Daud.

  Hengky Samuel Daud adalah Direktur PT Istana Sarana Raya dan PT Satal 
Nusantara, rekanan yang mendapat penunjukan langsung pengadaan damkar, menyusul 
terbitnya radiogram tertanggal 13 Desember 2002 dari Dirjen Otonomi Daerah, 
Oentarto Sindung Mawardi.

  Radiogram itu secara spesifik meminta daerah agar membeli damkar dari 
perusahaan mili Hengky Samuel Daud, baik damkar tipe V80 ASM maupun hidrolik 

  Dari hasil persidangan Tipikor terhadap mantan Gubernur Jabar Danny 
Setiawan, mantan Gubernur Riau Saleh Djasit, mantan Walikota Makassar Baso 
Amirudin Maula, Walikota Medan Abdillah, serta pimpinan proyek pengadaan damkar 
Kaltim Ismed Rusdany, terungkap, selain penunjukan langsung, harga yang 
ditawarkan Daud di atas harga normal. 

CiKEAS Turkey ready to resume Israel-Syria talks, says PM

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Turkey ready to resume Israel-Syria talks, says PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
ALLEPPO - Daily News with wires
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan pays a one-day visit to Syria and holds 
talks that focus on the stalled Turkish-mediated peace negotiations between 
Israel and Syria. Turkey is ready to resume its role as mediator in the 
suspended indirect talks, Erdogan says
Turkey is ready to resume its role as mediator in indirect talks between Israel 
and Syria, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday before leaving 
for a one-day visit to Syria.

Requests to resume the process have started to come in; we should get to work 
on this issue, he said at Ankara's airport, without indicating which country 
had contacted Turkey.

Ankara last year brokered four rounds of indirect talks between longtime foes 
Israel and Syria, focusing on the contentious issue of the return of the Golan 
Heights, a strategic plateau seized by Israeli forces during the 1967 war.

But talks were suspended when Israel launched an offensive against the 
Palestinian Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip in late December. Since then, 
rightist Benjamin Netanyahu has been elected as the Israeli prime minister.

Damascus has said it is willing to resume the Turkish-mediated talks if they 
focus on a complete Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights, but Netanyahu 
has said he is not willing to cede the territory.

Meeting in Aleppo

We feel a responsibility ... and we should be ready to re-launch the talks, 
the Turkish prime minister said, according to Agence France-Presse. We are 
determined to do all we can for peace in the Middle East, he added.

In the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, the Turkish prime minister met Syrian 
President Bashar al-Assad in his presidential palace. No statement was made 
following the hour-long meeting, which was also attended by Turkish Foreign 
Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and his Syrian counterpart, Walid al-Moallem.

Turkey is Israel's main regional ally and the two countries have enjoyed strong 
economic ties since signing a military-cooperation accord in 1996. However, the 
Gaza offensive that killed more than 1,000 Palestinians has strained relations 
between the two nations. In January, an angry Erdogan stormed out of a debate 
on the Gaza conflict at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, that 
included Israeli President Shimon Peres.

On the eve of Erdogan's visit to Syria, some reports in the Turkish media 
linked the prime minister's trip to the recent visit to Damascus by Fred Hof, 
an adviser to U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell.

In a meeting with Hof on July 15, Deputy Israeli Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon 
emphasized that Tel Aviv is prepared to enter direct negotiations with Syria 
without preconditions, reported Iran's English-language television channel 
Press TV.

He also argued, though, that it was impossible for Syria to enter peace talks 
as long as it allies itself closely with Iran and supports the Islamist rulers 
of Gaza, Hamas, and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Hof presented Netanyahu and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak with a document 
titled Marking the Border Between Syria and Israel, according to the Israeli 
media. But Ayalon has said that Hof would not be presenting any maps or border 

Yedioth Ahronoth had earlier reported that the document includes a future 
border route, based on an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights, which 
Israel annexed in 1981 with no recognition from the international community.

Mitchell returning to region

Erdogan's visit comes as U.S. special envoy Mitchell is set to return to the 
region at the end of this week, according to a statement by the State 

George Mitchell will be traveling to the region later this week, spokesman 
Philip Crowley said during a press briefing. His itinerary is still not 
completely set, but he will be traveling to ... talk to Israeli officials, 
Palestinian officials, others in the region.

Crowley said Mitchell would also head to Bahrain to give a speech.

Mitchell's planned visit to Bahrain comes after the country's crown prince 
Sheikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa authored a column in the Washington Post 
calling on Arab leaders to reach out to the Israeli people by engaging with 
Israeli media outlets.

That message was applauded by the State Department and Crowley said Mitchell 
would have the opportunity to express once again our gratitude to Sheikh 
Salman for his message last week.


CiKEAS Police look for evidence of manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death, attorney says [Updated]

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Police look for evidence of manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death, attorney 
says [Updated]

11:52 AM | July 22, 2009
A search warrant executed today at the Houston offices of Dr. Conrad Murray, 
Michael Jackson's personal doctor, indicates that authorities are investigating 
the offense of manslaughter in relation to the pop star's death, Murray's 
attorney said.

The statement by attorney Edward Chernoff is the strongest indication yet that 
investigators are considering serious criminal charges against anyone connected 
with Jackson's sudden death June 25.

We can confirm that a search warrant was executed today on Dr. Murray's 
offices in Houston Texas, Chernoff said in a statement. We reviewed the 
warrant and remained on the premises while the search was being executed. The 
search was conducted by members of the DEA, two Robbery-Homicide detectives 
from the Los Angeles Police Department and Houston Police officers. The search 
warrant authorized law enforcement to search for and seize items, including 
documents, they believed constituted evidence of the offense of manslaughter. 
Law enforcement concluded their search around 12:30 p.m., and left with a 
forensic image of a business computer hard drive and 21 documents. None of the 
documents taken had previously been requested by law enforcement or the L.A. 
Coroner's office.

On Tuesday, The Times reported that the Los Angeles County coroner's office had 
requested another interview with Murray and were seeking additional information 
from him.

Murray, 51, is a central figure in the probe as a witness and a possible 
criminal target. He discovered Jackson unconscious in the bedroom of his rented 
Holmby Hills home and performed CPR on him until paramedics arrived.

Police questioned Murray at UCLA Medical Center, where Jackson was pronounced 
dead, and two days later, the physician and his attorney met with police 
detectives for three hours.

Through his lawyer, Murray has said he administered no narcotics or other 
medications that should have caused Jackson's death and remains puzzled as to 
his death.

Murray is one of several doctors the Los Angeles Police Department and other 
agencies are investigating as they try to determine the circumstance of 
Jackson's death. Authorities removed prescription drugs and other medical 
evidence from Jackson's home and are trying to determine whether they played a 
role in his death. Murray has not been named as any type of criminal suspect, 
and his attorney said he did nothing wrong.

Murray is currently in Las Vegas, where he has his primary practice, according 
to his lawyer. He worked about two days a month at the Houston clinic, which 
has served a poor, predominantly black neighborhood. He opened the clinic in 
2006 in honor of his late father, who had been a longtime physician and 
community activist in the neighborhood.

[Updated at 12:30 p.m.: Items seized from Murray's office included rolodex 
cards, e-mails, a photocopied picture of Murray and a folder containing the 
doctor's bio, according to a source knowledgeable with the search. 
Investigators also took paperwork, such as receipts for a public storage unit 
and cellphone and pamphlets from the Sleep Center of Doctors Hospital in 
Houston, located near Murray's clinic.

 Although Murray's attorney said the search warrant authorized law enforcement 
officials to seek evidence in support of manslaughter, sources familiar with 
the investigation cautioned that the probe may not lead to any criminal 

To obtain a search warrant, authorities are required to show probable cause for 
a felony. Police would not discuss the nature of the search warrant, its 
contents or the statement issued by Murray's lawyer. It is an ongoing 
investigation into circumstances surrounding Michael Jackson's death, said 
L.A. Police Department Commander Pat Gannon. No determination has been made yet 
whether Jackson's death was a homicide or an accident.]

-- Harriet Ryan and Andrew Blankstein

CiKEAS Gunmen kill five Iranian pilgrims in Iraq

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

Thursday, July 23, 2009 
Rajab 28, 1430 AH

Gunmen kill five Iranian pilgrims in Iraq 
'Pakistan Times' Wire Service

BAQUBA: Gunmen shot dead five Iranian pilgrims - including a woman - in an 
attack on a minibus near the restive Iraqi city of Baquba on Wednesday, police 

At least five people were killed in an attack by armed men against three buses 
carrying Iranian pilgrims in the Nabi Wais region, a police official at the 
provincial security command centre said. 

He said the five victims were among about 30 pilgrims travelling on minibuses 
in the area northeast of Baquba, the capital of the province of Diyala north of 
the Iraqi capital. 

The attack came a day after 21 people were killed in a wave of attacks across 
Iraq on Tuesday, one of the bloodiest days since US forces pulled out of towns 
and cities across the country on June 30.  

Despite the violence, hundreds of thousands of Iranians travel to Iraq every 
year to visit holy shrines since the regime of Saddam Hussein was toppled in 
the US-led invasion of 2003. 

In April, 56 people were killed in a suicide bombing on a restaurant packed 
with Iranian pilgrims in Muqdadiyah, north of Baquba in Diyala province, which 
remains one of the most dangerous areas of the country. 

Violence had dropped markedly throughout the country in recent months, but 
attacks increased in the run-up to the US military pullback, with 437 Iraqis 
killed in June - the highest death toll in 11 months.

CiKEAS Russia May Soon Have Its Own Obama from Guinea-Bissau

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny


Russia May Soon Have Its Own Obama from Guinea-Bissau
  Russia's 'Volgograd Obama' 

The campaign to elect the municipal government of Russia's Volgograd region has 
turned into a scandal. The candidates use all possible methods, including the 
racial issue, to attract electors' attention, the Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports. 

A native of Guinea-Bissau, Joakim Krima, a 37-year-old graduate of the 
Volgograd Pedagogical University, set out his wish to run for the head of the 
regional government. The black Russian was born in Africa and moved to 
Russia's Volgograd region 12 years ago. Krima, who sells watermelons, refers to 
himself as a Russian citizen. He says that his name is Vasily Ivanovich (in 
honor of Vasily Chapayev, a legendary commander of the Red Army). 

The billboards with Joakim Krima's image and The New Head of the Region 
slogan have been erected along many regional highways recently. Local reporters 
have already dubbed him as the Volgograd Obama. Local people joke that if he 
is elected, he will work like a slave for the region. 

Volgograd is a city and the administrative center of Volgograd Oblast, Russia. 
It is 80 kilometres (50 mi) long, north to south, situated on the western bank 
of the Volga River. The city was the site of the Battle of Stalingrad during 
World War II. 

Volgograd originated with the foundation in 1589 of the fortress of Tsaritsyn 
at the confluence of the Tsaritsa and Volga Rivers. The fortress, which took 
its name from the local name Sary Su (Yellow Water/River in the Tatar 
language), was established to defend the unstable southern border of Tsarist 
Russia and became the nucleus of a trading settlement. It was captured twice by 
Cossack rebels, under Stepan Razin in the rebellion of 1670 and Yemelyan 
Pugachev in 1774. Tsaritsyn became an important river port and commercial 
centre in the 19th century. 

Under Stalin, the city became heavily industrialized and was developed as a 
centre of heavy industry and trans-shipment by rail and river. During World War 
II (Great Patriotic War), the city of Stalingrad became the center of the 
Battle of Stalingrad as well as the pivotal turning point in the war against 
Germany. The battle lasted from August 21, 1942 to February 2, 1943. 1.7 
million to 2 million Axis and Soviet soldiers were either killed, wounded or 
captured, as well as over 40,000 civilians killed. The city was reduced to 
rubble during the fierce fighting, but reconstruction began soon after the 
Germans were expelled from the city

CiKEAS Abu Bakar Bashir's warning: the terror will not end

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny,25197,25822368-601,00.html

Abu Bakar Bashir's warning: the terror will not end
Paul Toohey, Solo | July 23, 2009 

Abu Bakar Bashir in Solo, Java, says anyone who had thoughts against Islam 'is 
allowed to be killed'. Picture: Renee Nowytarger 

Article from:  The Australian 
ABU Bakar Bashir has endorsed the deadly work of Southeast Asia's most wanted 
terrorist, Noordin Top, saying Allah would protect him in his fight for Islam.

The fanatical Muslim cleric, who is the spiritual adviser to the al-Mukmin 
Islamic school for children on the outskirts of Solo, in central Java, said if 
the victims of the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton suicide bombings had ever 
held any thoughts against Islam, they deserved to die. 

Bashir refused to condemn the suicide bombings, saying the use of terror was 
justified in the war against infidels, or non-Muslims. 

Bashir was convicted and jailed for inciting terrorism in relation to the 2002 
Bali bombings and has not since moderated his views. 

He is seen as the spiritual head of Jemaah Islamiah, and while he is deeply 
unpopular in Indonesia, he carries dangerous influence that marks him as more 
than a mere ranting eccentric. The 1000 boys and 1000 girls who board at the 
al-Mukmin school he co-founded are taught predominantly in Arabic, and are 
indoctrinated to his views from kindergarten through to their leaving 

Bashir regularly travels across Java to other pesantrens, or Islamic schools, 
to speak, although on Tuesday, in the east Java town of Malang, Indonesian 
police reportedly banned him from giving a public lecture. 

Yesterday, Bashir attacked the Australian, US and Indonesian governments. The 
main cause of this disaster (the bombings) is the Indonesian government, which 
undermines the supremacy of Islamic law. 

This (terror) will not end until the government follows the right path. 

Asked by The Australian whether he felt any sadness for the seven victims of 
the suicide bombings, Bashir said: What makes me sad about the bombings was 
that it involved innocent people being killed. 

People such as women and children who are not involved in the fight against 
Muslims should not be killed. 

But the problem is we don't know for sure that the victims weren't involved in 
the fight against Islam. Even the thought of fighting against Islam is 
involvement. Everyone that thinks like that is allowed to be killed. 

Fifteen of his former students are said to have been directly involved in acts 
of terror across the region.

Asked if he was embarrassed by this, Bashir said: There are no Muslim 
terrorists. The terrorists are the CIA, the Americans and the Australians. 
They're the ones who terrorise Muslims.

The Australians are making a fuss about their victims, but when it comes to 
Muslim victims they don't say anything about it.

One of those former students is Nur Said, who many thought was one of the hotel 
suicide bombers. While DNA tests from the bombers' bodies at both sites have 
ruled him out, there remains a view that he may have been Noordin Top's 
second-in-command in the operation.

In the little hillside village of Katekan, northwest of Jogjakarta, famed for 
its tobacco, a media crew said it had been staking out Nur Said's parents' home 
for days but they had gone into hiding.

Bashir said he had never met Nur Said.

Speaking within the grounds of the al-Mukmin school, where students studied a 
noticeboard with newspaper accounts of the attacks, Bashir was asked whether 
Noordin Top, who used the school as his main recruitment ground, should be 

If Noordin M.Top has bad intentions, then he should be apprehended, said 
Bashir. If he is right, then Allah will protect him. What I know about Noordin 
M.Top is that he is a Malaysian who fights to defend Islam.

Bashir claimed it was not Muslim terrorists who conducted the suicide bombings. 
The person who bombed the Marriott is probably influenced by the CIA, which is 
an enemy of Islam. It will do anything to discredit and destroy Islam in 

In my opinion, acts of bombing are only allowed after one declares war against 
infidels. Such as al-Qa'ida, which has declared war on America. Go ahead (and 

I'm not saying the (Marriott and Ritz) bombers are wrong, they could have been 
right. But he would prefer if there was a formal declaration of jihad before 
targets were attacked.

Students and teachers call Bashir Pak Ustad, meaning senior teacher. One 
teacher, Syehuddin, said he had no problem with the school's record of 
producing terrorists.

Even though terrorists radiated from here, they also come from other places. 
Foreign intervention leads to all the attention on this school.

The school previously ran to university level but has since dropped off. 
Syehuddin would not say why this was, but it seems an al-Mukmin degree is no 
longer regarded as something you'd want on your CV.

Teachers claim they 

CiKEAS Genetic find links India to Australia

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny,25197,25820898-2703,00.html

Genetic find links India to Australia
Peter Wilson, Europe correspondent | July 23, 2009 

Article from:  The Australian 
GENETIC research has found links between Australian Aborigines and the earliest 
settlers of the Indian subcontinent, supporting the belief humans reached 
Australia via south Asia.

The findings indicate that a group of hunter-gatherers moved from the Horn of 
Africa, across the mouth of the Red Sea into Arabia and southern Asia at least 
50,000 years ago. 

The so-called Southern Route theory of how humans reached Australia was 
backed by the discovery that modern Indian populations have telltale genetic 
mutations exclusively shared by Aborigines. 

Members of 26 Indian relic tribes or communities known to have very early 
roots in the region were found to have seven DNA genomes that share traits 
specific to Australian Aborigines. 

Raghavendra Rao and other researchers from the Anthropological Survey of India 
carried out the research, which has been reported in the BMC Evolutionary 
Biology journal. 

Mitochondrial DNA is inherited only from the mother and so allows us to 
accurately trace ancestry, he said. 

We found certain mutations in the DNA sequences of the Indian tribes we 
sampled that are specific to Australian Aborigines. This shared ancestry 
suggests that the Aborigine population migrated to Australia via the so-called 
'Southern Route'. 

The genetic evidence that modern human populations expanded rapidly along the 
coastlines of southern Asia, southeastern Asia and Indonesia to arrive in 
Australia at least 45,000 years ago is backed by archeological evidence of 
human occupation in the Lake Mungo area dated to roughly the same period. 

Human evolution is usually understood in terms of millions of years, Dr Rao 

This direct DNA evidence indicates that the emergence of 'anatomically modern' 
humans in Africa and the spread of these humans to other parts of the world 
happened only 50,000 or so years ago. 

In this respect, populations in the Indian subcontinent harbour DNA footprints 
of the earliest expansion out of Africa. Understanding human evolution helps us 
to understand the biological and cultural expressions of these people, with 
far-reaching implications for human welfare.

CiKEAS The fourth man speaks: Last testimony of Anthony Blunt

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik sunny

The fourth man speaks: Last testimony of Anthony Blunt

After 25 years locked away, the memoirs of a Cambridge spy have finally been 
released. Andy McSmith discovers what drove him to betray his country 

Thursday, 23 July 2009




In 1945 Sir Anthony Blunt was appointed Surveyor of the King's Pictures for 
Queen Elizabeth II, a role for which he was knighted in 1956

  a..  More pictures 

A very sad, isolated old man set down to write an account of his life, 25 years 
ago, hoping that he might explain the terrible mistake that had hung over the 
whole of his adult life. 

Yesterday the public got its first view of the last testimony of Anthony Blunt, 
art historian and Soviet spy, which had been kept under a lock and key in the 
British Library since he died, subject to a 25-year rule banning anyone from 
reading them. The quarter century is now up and anyone curious enough can join 
the queue of readers at the library to dip into a long memoir by an old man 
looking back on a life soured by what he called the, biggest mistake of my 

He had confessed in 1964 but his treachery and confession were kept as state 
secret for 15 years until, in 1979, the writer Andrew Boyle used the US Freedom 
of Information Act, for which there was then no British equivalent, to tease 
out the fact that there was an unnamed fourth man in the Cambridge spy ring. 
Margaret Thatcher then identified that person as Sir Anthony, Surveyor of the 
Queen's Pictures. 

He describes the start of his fascination with Guy Burgess, the man who drew 
him into the murky world of espionage. When they first met, in 1931, Blunt was 
24 and a don at Trinity College in Cambridge while Burgess was a 20-year-old 
undergraduate. They were both gay, but Blunt denies they were ever lovers.

At first he was put off by the younger man, because he began immediately to 
talk very indiscreetly about the private lives of people who were quite unknown 
to me. But later he fell for the liveliness and penetrating quality of his 

Blunt wrote: He could be perverse both in argument and in behaviour, but in 
the former he would wriggle back to sense and in the latter he would apologise 
in such an engaging manner that it was difficult to be angry for long. His sex 
life was already fairly full, but he did not blazon it about as he was to do 

Blunt was not then interested in politics, despite the events unfolding in 
Europe, but Burgess was. I found that Cambridge had been hit by Marxism and 
that most of my friends among my junior contemporaries - including Guy Burgess 
- had either joined the Communist Party or were at least very close to it 

Eventually, largely owing to the influence of Guy Burgess ... I realised that 
one could no longer stand aside. The issue of Fascism, as posed by the advent 
to power of Hitler and later by the Spanish Civil War, became so urgent that 
the Ivory Tower no longer provided adequate refuge.

Blunt considered following his friend's lead by joining the Communist Party, 
until Burgess revealed the startling secret that he had resigned on 
instructions from the Comintern, who wanted him working for them inside the 
government or the BBC.

I was thus faced with the most important decision of my life. I might have 
joined the Communist Party, but Guy, who was an extraordinarily persuasive 
person, convinced me that I could do more good by joining him in his work. What 
I did not realise at the time is that I was so naïve politically that I was not 
justified in committing myself to any political action of this kind. The 
atmosphere in Cambridge was so intense, the enthusiasm for any anti-fascist 
activity was so great, that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

Blunt also confirmed what historians of the spy trade have long suspected, that 
Burgess fled east on impulse. Investigators were closing in on Donald Maclean, 
a London-based diplomat known to his soviet spymasters as Homer. Burgess and 
the leader of the Cambridge spy ring, Kim Philby, were in New York. Philby 
persuaded Burgess to cross the Atlantic to warn Maclean, not expecting they 
would both flee to the USSR.

Blunt insists he played no active part in arranging their escape plan via a 
cross-Channel ferry to France, although he acknowledged that he had been in 
constant contact with Burgess throughout.I may have conveyed a message from 
Guy to his Russian contact but I have no recollection of even doing this, he 

But after that, anyone expecting a story resembling a John le Carré novel is in 
for a disappointing read. Blunt gave no details away about how he first 
contacted the NKVD, the foreunner of the KGB, nor how he stayed in contact with 
his Russian controllers, or what information he passed on. No names are 
mentioned except for those already well known. I simply found it unthinkable 

CiKEAS Menghindari Percabulan

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik dede wijaya
Mohon sempatkan Please Vote my Blog at SINI

Studi kasus: 
Anak SMP bersama pacarnya menonton Video Porno dari Situs Internet di sebuah 
Seorang Bapak konseling ke pdt, bahwa setiap kali berada di depan Komputer, dia 
selalu tergoda menonton Video Porno di Internet.

Apakah ini juga terjadi pada anak Anda yg masih SD-SMU, atau ini mencerminkan 
diri anda dan saya di zaman yg serba Hitech ini? Bung Napi tidak henti2nya 

Hendaklah kamu semua penuh hormat terhadap perkawinan dan
janganlah kamu mencemarkan tempat tidur, sebab orang-orang sundal dan
pezinah akan dihakimi Allah. (Ibrani 13:4)

terutama orang percaya harus murni secara moral dan seksual (.2Kor
11:2; Tit 2:5; 1Pet 3:2). Kata murni (Yun. _hagnos_ atau _amiantos_)
berarti bebas dari semua noda hal-hal yang cabul. Kata ini menekankan
agar menahan diri dari segala tindakan dan pikiran yang merangsang
keinginan yang tidak selaras dengan keperawanan atau janji-janji nikah
seseorang. Kata ini juga menekankan agar mengendalikan diri dan
menjauhi semua tindakan dan rangsangan seksual yang dapat menajiskan
kemurnian seseorang di hadapan Allah. Hal itu termasuk menguasai tubuh
kita sendiri dan hidup dalam pengudusan dan penghormatan (.1Tes 4:4),
dan bukan di dalam keinginan hawa nafsu (.1Tes 4:5). Petunjuk
alkitabiah ini berlaku baik bagi mereka yang hidup lajang maupun bagi
mereka yang sudah menikah. Mengenai ajaran Alkitab soal moralitas
seksual, perhatikan hal-hal berikut:

1) Hubungan sanggama hanya
diizinkan bagi mereka yang sudah menikah dan disetujui serta diberkati
Allah dalam keadaan itu saja ( Kej 2:24; Kid 2:7; 4:12]

pernikahan suami dan istri menjadi satu daging menurut kehendak Allah.
Kesenangan jasmaniah dan emosional yang dihasilkan dalam hubungan
pernikahan yang setia telah ditetapkan oleh Allah dan dihormati

2) Perzinahan, tindakan seksual yang tak bermoral,
homoseksualitas, sensualitas, ketidaksucian, dan nafsu-nafsu yang hina
dipandang sebagai dosa(Kel 20:14]

yang hebat di hadapan Allah
karena merupakan pelanggaran terhadap hukum kasih dan pencemaran
hubungan pernikahan. Dosa-dosa semacam itu dikutuk dalam Alkitab (.Ams

dan menempatkan seseorang di luar kerajaan Allah (.Rom 1:24-32;  .1Kor 6:9-10; 
Gal 5:19-21).

Tindakan seksual yang tak bermoral dan ketidaksucian bukan saja berupa
perbuatan sanggama dan persetubuhan yang terlarang, tetapi juga
meliputi setiap perbuatan pemuasan seksual dengan orang lain yang bukan
pasangan nikahnya, yang dilaksanakan dengan menyingkapkan ketelanjangan
orang tersebut. Ajaran kontemporer yang mengatakan bahwa hubungan
seksual di antara kaum muda dan orang dewasa yang belum nikah tetapi
sudah bertunangan dapat diterima sejauh tidak terjadi hubungan
sanggama, merupakan ajaran yang bertentangan dengan kekudusan Allah dan
norma kesucian Alkitab. Allah secara tegas melarang setiap bentuk
hubungan seksual dengan (secara harfiah artinya menyingkapkan
ketelanjangan) siapa saja yang bukan suami atau istri yang sah (.Im
18:6-30; .Im 20:11,17,19-21;Im 18:6]

4) Orang percaya harus
menjalankan penguasaan diri dalam kaitan dengan semua hal seksual
sebelum pernikahan. Membenarkan keintiman seksual pranikah dalam nama
Kristus hanya berlandaskan suatu komitmen yang sungguh-sungguh atau
yang hanya dirasakan kepada pasangannya secara terang-terangan
mencemarkan norma-norma kudus dari Allah dengan cara-cara duniawi
sehingga sesungguhnya membenarkan kedursilaan. Setelah menikah,
keintiman seksual harus terbatas pada pasangan nikahnya saja. Alkitab
menyebutkan penguasaan diri sebagai salah satu aspek buah Roh, kelakuan
yang positif dan murni yang bertentangan dengan permainan seksual,
pemuasan seksual, perzinaan dan ketidakmurnian. Komitmen iman seseorang
terhadap kehendak Allah dalam hal kemurnian akan membuka jalan untuk
menerima karunia penguasaan diri oleh Roh Kudus ini (.Gal 5:22-24).

Istilah-istilah Alkitab yang digunakan untuk tindakan seksual yang
dursila, yang menggambarkan luas kejahatan itu, adalah sebagai berikut:

a) Kedursilaan seksual (Yun. _porneia_) menggambarkan aneka ragam
perbuatan seksual sebelum atau di luar pernikahan; istilah ini tidak
terbatas pada perbuatan sanggama. Setiap kegiatan atau permainan
seksual yang intim di luar hubungan pernikahan, termasuk menyentuh
bagian-bagian kelamin atau menyingkapkan ketelanjangan seseorang,
terangkum dalam istilah ini dan jelas merupakan pelanggaran terhadap
norma-norma moral Allah bagi umat-Nya (lih. .Im 18:6-30; .Im
20:11-12,17,19-21; 1Kor 6:18; 1Tes 4:3).

( b) Sensualitas (Yun.
_aselgeia_) menunjuk kepada ketiadaan prinsip moral, khususnya
mengabaikan penguasaan diri dalam hal seksual yang menjaga kemurnian
perilaku (1Tim 2:9]

mengenai perilaku yang senonoh). Termasuk di
dalamnya kecenderungan untuk menurutkan atau merangsang nafsu berahi
sehingga dengan demikian mengambil bagian dalam tindakan yang tidak
dibenarkan Alkitab (.Gal 5:19; Ef 4:19; 1Pet 4:3; 2Pet 2:2,18).


CiKEAS [Info] Training SUCCESSFUL RECRUITMENT: Jurus Jitu Mendapatkan Karyawan Berkualitas

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik Rina Andriani M
(Jurus Jitu Mendapatkan Karyawan Berkualitas)
11-12 Agustus 2009
Apartemen Batavia, Jakarta Pkl. 09.00 wib -17.00 wib
Kesuksesan dari sebuah perusahaan sangat ditentukan oleh keunggulan Sumber Daya 
Manusia (SDM) yang ada di dalam organisasi. Fungsi Departemen SDM adalah 
membangun tenaga kerja yang berkualitas 
Langkah awal upaya membentuk SDM yang berkualitas adalah melalui pencarian dan 
pemilihan pekerja yang tepat 
Setelah mengikuti workshop ini, peserta akan memahami:

Strategi mencari (recruit), memilih dan menilai calon pekerja unggul. 
Berbagai tips untuk menarik calon pekerja secara mudah, efisien dan efektif 
Teknik seleksi dalam mempelajari latar belakang calon pekerja 
Kiat merancang pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diperlukan dalam wawancara 
Aplikasi efektif dalam sistem penerimaan pekerja 
Assessment Center, Perlukah? 
SILABUS MATERI ( 2 hari @ 8 jam)
Sesi 1:  Sumber Daya Manusia yang menggerakkan sumber daya yang lain seperti 
Finance, Bahan baku, Peralatan dan Metode ( 5 M = Man, Money, Materials, 
Machines, Method) 

Langkah utama – mencari tenaga kerja 
Mencari dan menseleksi – dua hal yang berbeda namun saling mendukung
 Sesi 2:  Menyusun THE JOB REQUIREMENT – tuntutan pekerjaan 

Mulai dengan Uraian pekerjaan - Job description 
Perlu adanya Profile Pekerjaan -  Job profiles 
Usaha mempengaruhi calon / pelamar kerja 
Berbagai usaha: Mengetahui sumber tenaga kerja, Saluran Komunikasi, Pembuatan 
dan Pemasangan Iklan Tenaga Kerja, Jaminan dan Jaringan. 
 Sesi 3  4:Wawancara dan Penilaian sebagai bagian Seleksi

Phase perencanaan dan tehnik wawancara 
Metode screening sebagai pelaksanaan awal penilaian 
Meneliti tuntutan kerja (job requirements) untuk penyesuaian dengan wawancara. 
Melaksanakan prosedur baku dan pembuatan keputusan seleksi 
Memastikan kebenaran informasi mengenai: 
Perusahaan tempat kerja masa lalu. 
Alasan berhenti dari perusahaan 
Riwayat pelatihan 
Kemungkinan terlibat tindakan kriminal 
Menilai hal-hal yang tidak terungkap dalam pembicaraan
 Sesi 5  6:Melakukan Penilaian 

Metode yang dipakai dalam penilaian 
Formulir data pelamar 
Formulir penilaian hasil wawancara 
Anggota Team Pewawancara 
Memastikan pendapat bersama 
Menetapkan kreteria yang sesuai dengan posisi yang ditawarkan 
Wawancara dengan penekanan (Stress interviews) 
Apakah pelamar dapat menghadapi situasi yang menekan? 
Evaluasi akhir, untuk mencocokkan: 
Melihat kecocokan calon dengan budaya perusahaan 
Persyaratan, kondisi dan penggajian
 Sesi 7:Hal – hal lain dalam pelaksanaan Rekrutmen

Assessment center 
Recruitment agencies 
 Sesi 8:Penempatan dan tindak lanjut proses penerimaan

Bagaimana perusahaan memberikan kesan positif 
Program induksi – pengenalan perusahaan lebih jauh 
Pelatihan dan Pengembangan (bila ada perencanaannya) 
Perlakuan terhadap calon yang gagal
Tingkat Executive Manajemen SDM yang khusus menangani Rekrutmen - Manager, 
Assistant Manager, Supervisor dan Senior Staff lainnya.
Drs Achmad Sablie (psi)
Drs Achmad Sablie (psi)  adalah Professional Trainer yang memiliki pengalaman 
lebih 25 tahun di bidang HRD. Beliau pernah menduduki jabatan penting di 
berbagai perusahaan ternama antara lain:

Head of Human Resources Division Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia (RCTI) 
Human Resources Director dari Hero Group of Companies 
Deputy General Manager Human Resources Division Bank Swasta 
Personnel Administration Coordinator Huffco /VICO Indonesia 
Personnel Manager/Human Resources Manager PT Raja Garuda Mas 
Personnel Manager/Human Resources Manager PT Semen Cibinong
Sarjana lulusan Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, dan beberapa 
pelatihan/courses di Inggris, Amerika, Singapore dan Malaysia ini , kini aktif 
memberikan berbagai seminar dan pelatihan dibidang Psikologi, Komunikasi, 
Public  Relations, Manajemen Sumber Daya  Manusia, dan Leadership.
Investasi : 
Rp 2.500.000/peserta
Pembayaaran sebelum tgl 25 Juli 2009 Rp 2.100.000/peserta
Diskon 10% untuk perusahaan yang mengirimkan 3 peserta atau lebih
Informasi  Registrasi
Service Leadership
Jl. Mampang Prapatan VI/ 51
Jakarta Selatan - 12790
Telp : 08129766822 (Tohap), 08128028352 (Rina)
Fax: 021-79199419
Website : 


CiKEAS Terror Bomb Pasti Terkait Dengan Hasil Pemilu !!!

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik Hafsah Salim
Terror Bomb Pasti Terkait Dengan Hasil Pemilu !!!
Tidak perlu kita berbohong, membohongi masyarakat dan membohongi diri sendiri.  
Kalo dikatakan bahwa terror bomb baru2 ini dianggap tidak ada kaitannya dengan 
politik atau dengan pilpres jelas bohong karena dalam persaingan pileg dan 
pilpres ternyata hasilnya betul2 mengejutkan, semua partai Islam tidak satupun 
ada yang masuk nominasi, semuanya berguguran untuk kemudian cari2 koalisi agar 
bisa kebagian jatah kursi.

Tujuan Politik Al Qaeda diatas ternyata sama dengan program JK apabila dia 
terpilih menjadi presiden, yaitu memaksakan penegakkan Syariah Islam di 
Indonesia yang pluralistik.

 mantan Kepala Detasemen Khusus 88
 Antiteror Mabes Polri, Brigjen Pol
 Suryadharma Salim yakin, bom bunuh
 diri yang mengguncang JW Marriott
 dan Ritz Carlton tak ada hubungan
 apapun dengan politik di Indonesia.
 Seribu persen ini politik Al Qaeda,
 untuk mendirikan negara Islam.
Kalo mantan Densus 88 saja sudah 1000% yakin bahwa terror bomb ini terkait 
dengan tujuan memaksakan tegaknya Syariah Islam, maka hal itu merupakan bukti 
adanya hubungan dengan politik di Indonesia, yaitu politik kekalahan partai2 
Islam dalam merebut kursi di legislatif dan kursi presiden.

Ini Densus cuma membohongi masyarakat saja, kalo dia sendiri sudah yakin bahwa 
terror bomb ini merupakan karya AlQaeda dalam rangka penegakkan Syariah Islam, 
bagaimana mungkin dia blang tidak ada kaitannya sama sekali dengan politik di 
Indonesia, padahal JK sendiri dalam kampanye politiknya sudah menyatakan akan 
menegakkan Syariah Islam kalo dia menjadi presiden.  Ternyata dia kalah, wajar 
kalo AlQaeda dan terrorist JI menjadi naik pitam sehingga melakukan peledakan2 
brutal yagn Islamiah ini.

Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

CiKEAS Jiwa Mereka Sakit

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik leonardo rimba

T = Bagaimana menurut Anda keadaan dunia pendidikan pada saat ini ?

J = Pendidikan formal di Indonesia jelas semakin lama semakin mahal.

Waktu saya kuliah di Universitas Indonesia, uang kuliah hanya Rp40 ribu
per semester. Sampai lulus SMA saya bersekolah di sekolah swasta
Katolik, uang sekolahnya mungkin sekitar Rp20 ribu per bulan saat itu.
Sekarang sekolah yg sama mungkin memungut Rp500 ribu per bulan.

Sehabis lulus dari UI saya melanjutkan sekolah ke Amerika Serikat, di
Penn State, dan lulus tahun 1994. Master's degree sudah cukup, dan yg
penting saya tahu seperti apa yg diajarkan di luar negeri.

Ternyata pendidikan di luar Indonesia mengajarkan hal yg sama dengan di
Indonesia. Cuma kenapa lulusan mereka lebih dihargai ? Apa karena
kemampuan berbahasa Inggris ? Atau adakah suatu kelebihan lainnya yg
tidak dimiliki oleh lulusan Indonesia ?

Saya bukan pemerhati pendidikan, walaupun secara sepintas lalu saya
bisa melihat bahwa lulusan baru sikapnya lebih kritis. Anak-anak
belasan tahun itu sudah bisa berpikir bahwa banyak hal yg diajarkan di
sekolah-sekolah, terutama yg berhubungan dengan agama dan akhlak adalah
omong kosong belaka.

Kita tidak bisa lagi membohongi anak-anak kita dengan bilang bahwa
Allah menurunkan kitab suci dan bahwa ada Sorga dan Neraka kalau para
pemimpin negara memperlihatkan bahwa mereka tidak takut masuk Neraka
dan cuma perduli pada Sorga ketika mengucapkan innalilahi wa innaillahi
roji'un, semoga di terima di sisi-Nya.

Nya itu siapa ? Allah ?

Saya pemerhati spiritualitas manusia, dan saya melihat bahwa
kemunafikan semakin meraja-lela. Memang jilbab sedang menjadi mode
sekarang, bahkan pemerintah Pekanbaru secara tidak tahu malu
mengeluarkan peraturan bahwa di sekolah-sekolah umum diwajibkan memakai
jilbab bagi siswi wanita.

Itu adalah pendidikan (dalam tanda kutip) yg diberikan oleh kita
terhadap generasi muda. Pendidikan kemunafikan. Munafik luar dalam. Yg
dikutip adalah alasan bahwa akhlak itu ditentukan oleh jilbab, pedahal
dalam praktek siswa siswi itu tahu bahwa pemerintah Indonesia, baik
pusat maupun daerah, bukanlah pemerintahan yg bersih. Korupsi
merajalela, dan bahkan banyak dari orang tua para siswa siswi itu juga
terlibat korupsi, dan mereka juga tahu itu.

Tapi Allah tetap disembah bukan ? Pelajaran agama tetap menjadi
pelajaran wajib bukan ? Pedahal yg penting bukanlah pelajaran agama yg
hasil akhirnya adalah kemunafikan, melainkan pelajaran etika dan
logika. We do good to each other because we want to do good, dan bukan
karena ada Allah.

Logika juga penting, karena kalau tidak kita akan seperti ini saja,
seperti MUI yg bilang bahwa pluralisme haram. Bahwa perbedaan itu
haram, tetapi kondom dijual bebas, dan sudah banyak sekali yg
menggunakannya. Itu kemajuan luar biasa sekali, yg di jaman saya
sekolah belum ada.

Anak-anak sekarang semakin lebih cepat dewasa, they can have sex with
each other walaupun tetap pakai jilbab. Bukan akhlak yg rusak, tetapi
logika yg berjalan.



T = Gak habis pikir,

Bagaimana bisa ada sekelompok orang yg agar dipuji oleh Tuhannya dan
dijanjikan masuk Surga agar bisa bersetubuh dengan bidadari dengan cara
membunuh sebanyak mungkin orang-orang yg tidak berdosa ? Suatu
kepercayaan yg sangat sangat menyesatkan dan sangat sangat berbahaya.

Pertanyaan saya, apa yg bisa kita lakukan dengan orang-orang seperti itu ?

J = Orang-orang seperti itu tetap bebas berkeliaran karena kita tidak
bisa mengadili jalan pikiran orang. Apapun yg orang mau percayai
merupakan HAM yg ada di orang itu. Namanya HAM Kebebasan Beragama.

Tetapi kalau sudah melakukan tindakan terorisme, maka tentu saja sudah
masuk kriminalitas, dan pelakunya harus ditindak dengan tegas.

Menurut saya, kita masih bisa melakukan tindakan preventif dengan
berbicara dan menulis terus terang bahwa Allah itu cuma konsep saja.

Dan bahwa kitab-kitab suci itu semuanya buatan manusia belaka, walaupun
tentu saja ada ayat yg bilang bahwa dia Allah yg menciptakan langit dan
bumi dan menjanjikan Sorga as well as mengancam dengan Neraka.

Surga bagi manusia yg mau taat kepada si Allah, dan Neraka bagi orang yg tidak 
mau mengikuti kemauan si Allah.

Ayat-ayat itu semuanya buatan manusia belaka, dan dibuatnya oleh
manusia yg jauh lebih terbelakang pemikirannya dibandingkan dengan kita
yg hidup di abad 21 M ini.

Cukup pengertian itu saja yg disebar-luaskan, dan sedikit demi sedikit
orang akan sadar juga bahwa yg selama ini diajarkan ternyata kebohongan

Mengajarkan bahwa agama diturunkan oleh Allah adalah suatu kebohongan.
Itu belief system belaka, sesuatu yg tidak benar tetapi dipercayai
sebagai benar.

Sesungguhnya agama-agama itu diciptakan oleh manusia-manusia di masa
lalu yg bilang bahwa Allah menurunkan ayat-ayat itu. Pedahal semua ayat
itu asalnya dari si manusia itu sendiri, hasil pemikirannya sendiri.

And this is as honest as I can say it.