User Development
: science General
now, most people have become familiar with the basic functionality
and interfaces of computers. However, developing new or modified
applications that effectively support users' goals still requires
considerable expertise in programming that cannot be expected from
most people. Thus, one fundamental challenge for the coming years is
to develop environments that allow users who do not have background
in programming to develop or modify their own applications, with the
ultimate aim of empowering people to flexibly employ advanced
information and communication technologies.
present book is an effort to make many important aspects of the
international discussion on End-User Development (EUD) available to a
broader audience. It provides a unique set of contributions from
various research institutes in various countries addressing relevant
issues and proposing original solutions.

editors hope that this broad look at the emerging paradigm of
End-User Development leads you to appreciate its diversity and
potential for the future. And we look forward to having you, the
reader, the "end-user" of this book, contribute what you
can to the field, whether it is working on a system for EUD, or
simply achieving a better understanding of how EUD might fit into
your work and your life

Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership
: Leadership
this third edition of their best-selling classic, authors Lee Bolman
and Terrence Deal explain the powerful tool of "reframing."
The authors have distilled the organizational literature into a
comprehensive approach for looking at situations from more than one
angle. Their four frames view organizations as factories, families,
jungles, and theaters or temples:
Structural Frame: how to organize and structure groups and teams to
get results 
*The Human Resource Frame: how to tailor
organizations to satisfy human needs, improve human resource
management, and build positive interpersonal and group dynamics...........Read 
 Klik : Read More

http://ariefbudi.wordpress.com   http://jalanku.multiply.com  
FaceBook : http://id-id.new.facebook.com/people/Arief-Budi-Setyawan/1663852032
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'Dia' sedang melukis pelangi untukmu.."

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