Refleksi : Ayo para petinggi dan pengusaha NKRI jangan kikir dengan hanya 
sumbangkan kambing dan sapi waktu hari raya, tetapi sumbangkanlah alat-alat 
berguna tahan lama untuk kepentingan masyarakat berkesusahan. Kalau kambing, 
ayam, sapi disembelih dan dimakan paling-paling dua hari sudah habis, harus 
tunggu 350 hari lagi baru ada bila tiba belas kasihan.

Olam Singapore donates two ambulances to West Sumatra
Friday, February 12, 2010 15:55 WIB | National | | 
Padang (ANTARA News) - International agri-commodity company Olam Singapore has 
donated two ambulances to West Sumatra`s provincial administration.

The two Grand Max Long Chasis ambulances were handed by Olam marketing director 
for Indonesia, De Samanta Kumar, to West Sumatra provincial administration 
secretary Firdaus K here on Thursday at a function to lay the first cornerstone 
of elementary school SDN 07 Gurung Laweh in Padang.

De Samanta Kumar said here on Friday Olam was an agri commodity company based 
in Singapore which has been operating in Indonesia for 15 years and six months 
in West Sumatra.

Samanta said the company was giving the ambulances to West Sumatra to help 
victims of disasters."We were also a victims of last year`s earthquake because 
when it happened I was in Padang city," Samanta said, adding that the donation 
was channeled through Indonesia`s Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Task 
Force led by Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas.

The two ambulances would be used together bythe West Sumara provincial 
administration and the Padang Pariaman district administration as moving 
clinics in the aftermaths of disasters.

According to Samanta, Olam company would continue to give assistance to West 
Sumatra in the form of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program for the 
social and economic empowerment of cocoa farmers.(*)

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