Beasiswa Studi di Eropa - PhD Website Information System

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15-Sep-2007, 19:56:42 WIB - []

KabarIndonesia - Tawaran untuk mendapatkan beasiswa studi di Eropa - 
PhD Website Information System.

Apakah anda tertarik untuk bisa mendapatkan beasiswa studi di Eropa 
(Belgia) agar bisa meraih gelar PhD "Website Information System"? 

Koran Online KabarIndonesia

Anda bisa bekerja sambil kuliah di Eropa tepatnya di Belgia untuk 
mendapatkan gelar PhD dari Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Berita 
selengkapnya dalam bahasa Inggris bisa dibaca dibawah ini:
Author: Geert-Jan Houben <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: PhD-positions in Web Information Systems at Vrije 
Universiteit Brussel

Body: The Vrije Universiteit Brussel is searching for candidates for
PhD-positions in Web Information Systems for a number of projects 
funded by different organizations, ranging from  the Brussels region 
to the EU. The candidates will work as members of  the WISE research 
group in the Computer Science department at the Vrije  Universiteit 
Brussel. WISE research is concentrated on advanced  technology for 
large-scale Web information systems, with topics that include but 
are not limited to: Web Engineering, design methodologies for Web 
information systems, data transformation, adaptation, Semantic Web 
technology and semantic interoperability.

The projects we are now hiring for differ in their specific 
requirements, and the participation of the new group members will 
depend on prior experience and skills. As an example, one project 
concerns variability in software-intensive product development and 
WISE will focus on modeling relevant aspects of configurability in a 
software product. 

Another project concerns semantic interoperability, in 
particular the large-scale, distributed sharing of user models for 
personalized Web applications. A third project concerns theory and 
tools for the optimization of storing and querying Semantic Web data 
in distributed systems.

Successful candidates should possess the following knowledge and 

- advanced information systems design & modeling

- (Semantic) Web technologies and languages

- good programming skills, ability to develop proof-of-concept tools

- basic software engineering methods and techniques

Knowledge in one or more of the following areas will be considered a 

- variability & configurability in software products

- Semantic Web languages, e.g. RDF(S)

- ontology-based reasoning techniques

- adaptation & personalization

- aspect-oriented software development

We invite candidates that are interested in these positions to 
contact Geert-Jan Houben via email 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mentioning "Vacancies" in the subject of 
the email and attaching a CV with relevant details on prior 
education, skills and experience.

Alamat ratron (surat elektronik): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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