Dracula was not bloodthirsty, just a victim of bad propaganda, new exhibition 

Vlad the Impaler, the medieval Romanian prince who inspired the character of 
Count Dracula, was not a blood-thirsty tyrant, he was simply a misunderstood 
victim of bad Western European propaganda, a new exhibition has claimed. 

By Nick Squires 
Published: 2:31PM BST 11 Jul 2010

 Vlad the Impaler: bloodthirsty tyrant or victim of bad PR? Photo: PA 
The show, which has just opened in Bucharest, attempts to rehabilitate Vlad 
Tepes, also known as Vlad Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, who ruled Wallachia in 
the 15th century. 

"Vlad Dracula was doubtlessly cruel, but not more so than other princes of his 
time," said Margot Rauch, the Austrian curator of the exhibition, entitled 
"Dracula - Voivode and Vampire". 

Vlad was born in the town of Sighisoara, in Transylvania, in 1431. He ruled 
over Wallachia, now a region of Romania, between 1456 and 1462 and was reputed 
to have killed thousands of political opponents, common criminals and captured 
Turkish soldiers by having them impaled on sharp wooden stakes. It is estimated 
he had 50,000 people put to death. 

He is also said to have committed other atrocities, including torturing, 
roasting, dismembering and drowning his enemies. 

But despite the historical evidence, according to Ms Rauch, "In fact he was a 
victim of bad propaganda". 

She said historical studies presented in the exhibition show legends related to 
Vlad Dracula were "aimed at presenting eastern Europe as a primitive land and a 
source of evil". 

The exhibition includes portraits of Vlad from the Kunsthistoriches Museum in 
Vienna and the Schloss Ambras museum in Innsbruck, as well as manuscripts which 
depicted him as a blood-thirsty maniac. 

One of the engravings, dating back to 1500, shows him having a meal under the 
eyes of a dozen impaled men, while others have their limbs lopped off and their 
heads boiled in cauldrons. 

Many Romanians regard Vlad as a hero because he fought the invading Ottoman 

The legends about his rule inspired Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula", published in 
1897, and later formed the basis of countless books, films and television 

The famous image of Dracula, with his deathly pale skin, dark cape and 
blood-stained fangs, came largely from seven Dracula films made by Universal 
Studios between 1930 and 1960. 

"It's time to see Vlad Dracula in another light than that given by Hollywood," 
said Ms Rauch. 


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