Kuwait women face host of challenges, problems
Published Date: March 09, 2010 
By Rawan Khalid, Staff Writer 

KUWAIT: As the world marked the 100th International Women's Day, Kuwait's First 
Women's Forum was held yesterday under the patronage of the Speaker of the 
Kuwaiti Parliament, Jassem Al-Khorafi. "Kuwaiti women are faced with problems 
and challenges," Al-Khorafi said. "Their political activity must serve as an 
effective tool in addressing the issues affecting women as well as society as a 
whole." He noted that women's contribution to society is a testament to the 
honorable role they play in developing and s
erving society. "This involves a grave responsibility," he stressed. "Their 
contribution must remain within the restraints and norms of Kuwaiti society and 

Al-Khorafi pointed out that, as important as it is, recognizing women is more 
important than their "mere appointment to leading positions in the Cabinet or 
Parliament." On empowering women, Al-Khorafi said that "women and women's 
groups in our civil community must pay attention to the tools of social and 
economic empowerment.

They should also work on providing social security to those groups of Kuwaiti 
women who need it the most," he added, "and address all forms of discrimination 
against women in the state's legislative and administrative structure. A 
woman's role in preserving the fabric of Kuwaiti society and family should be 
strengthened. These," the Speaker stressed, "are the greatest challenges facing 
women at this stage, in my view.

Minister of Information and Oil, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Sabah said, "Women represent 
half of this society if not more; she is my mother, my sister and my daughter. 
Wherever you go she is there. I was the first minister to vote for women's 
rights and I believe they deserve as much support as possible. They need to be 
an active part of our daily lives because, after all, they are everything in 
our life.

Dr Masuoma Al-Mubarak, President of the Women and Family Affairs Committee, and 
MP in the National Assembly (NA) said, "International Women's Day should be 
celebrated openly. I wish there were demonstrations and something more than 
just a forum. For the first time in Parliament we are studying a draft 
demanding that current laws regarding women be more equal and offer more 
opportunities for women in legislation.

We held this forum to discuss issues regarding women as civil workers, women in 
public housing, social security laws and family laws. All the laws we have 
implemented at this time." Al-Mubarak added. "Our task at this point of time is 
to go through these laws and amend them in order to have more gender equality 
in these laws. We want to implement the United Nation's slogan; 'equality in 
rights, equality in opportunity' and this means progress for all. This is what 
we are looking for. It is not a war again
st men, it is the logical and legal demands necessary to improve the status of 
women." Al-Mubarak concluded.
MP Dr Aseel Al-Awadhi added that "this is the first forum organized by the 
Women Committee and we are working on changing some legislation that does not 
treat men and women's civil rights equally.

Dr Rola Dashti, also an MP said that the Parliament's women committee hosted 
the event in order to highlight issues facing women today. The women's 
committee will propose laws to empower women and encourage them to be more 
active in society, she added.

We have a lot of experienced and qualified women and we want to see them get 
leading positions, decision making positions," she said. The challenges that a 
woman faces in the work place is a topic of importance to us, she stressed, and 
we are working on providing women more rights in the workplace. She pointed out 
that the housing issue and the rights of Kuwaiti women married to non-Kuwaitis 
is also a very important issue to the committee.

We acknowledge the challenges that women face here," Dashti continued. "The 
fight is continuous. We are going to move the process forward to ensure that 
women get full partnership in the development of society and make sure she is 
treated like a real citizen.

The Speaker of the House is extremely supportive of our cause and is advancing 
it. We thank him, and I thank the Kuwaiti men and women for electing four women 
to parliament to ensure their part of society," Dashti concluded. "I think it's 
a great idea to commemorate and reflect on the advances that women have made, 
particularly in political sphere and the economic sphere," said Deborah Jones, 
American Ambassador to Kuwait. "I believe that every day is women's day because 
women play such an integral and im
portant role in our society. When we don't include women as full members of 
society we don't grow as much as we can.

I am impressed by the courage of individuals, both men and women, who advance 
these causes," Jones continued. "I've never seen a weak women anywhere in the 
world. Women know their responsibilities, they carry a heavy load for the 
family and the society and it's nice to see that things have progressed to the 
point where they can put all the talent they develop into raising a family into 
the very foundation of our society.

All the multi tasking and political debate that goes on inside the family is 
applied to society. We always remind people that economics come from managing 
finances at home. The more we have both parts of our society involved in making 
solutions, the more productive our societies become," Deborah concluded. 

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