June 11, 2009

Shell's pay out and implications for Colombia
Posted by Sebastian Castaneda under Conflict, Politic, Violence | Tags: 
Chiquita Brands, human rights violations, Paramilitaries, Royal Dutch 

Incidents where Multinational Corporations (MNCs) sponsor massacres in order to 
eradicate dissenting voices against their obsession for profit have been a 
motif through Colombia's history.

At the beginning of the 20th century it was the army who suppressed labor 
protests. The best example is the Banana Massacre in 1928 in which the army 
exterminated laborer protesting over wages in behalf of the United Fruit 
Company. This bloody episode in Colombia's history was immortalized in Gabriel 
Garcia Marquez's novel Hundred Years of Solitude.

Since the mid 20th century, the slaughtering of the most vulnerable in society 
has been "outsourced" from the military to paramilitaries directly sponsored by 
MNCs but still in direct complicity with the government and the army.

The most representative case of recent slaughters sponsored by MNCs was 
conducted by Chiquita Brands. This US Corporation admitted paying the 
paramilitaries US$ 1.7 million between 1997 and 2004. Chiquita claims that the 
armed group blackmailed its employees. However, Salvatore Mancuso, a 
paramilitary boss currently in US jail, declared that the payments were 
voluntary. Chiquita was fined US$ 25 million payable over five years by the US 
government for supporting a terrorist organization, but none of the executives 
were jailed. Chiquita Brands was formerly known as United Fruit Company.

Nevertheless, the victims of paramilitary massacres have not been compensated, 
if that is at all possible. But Colombian lawyers have opened criminal cases 
against the Chiquita's board members who authorized such payments. Since the 
company confessed making the payment in a US federal court, they could 
potentially be apt for extradition to Colombia.

The US Attorney General, Eric Holder, was the defense lawyer who obtained this 
juicy deal for Chiquita in US courts. Recently, Holder met with Colombia's 
Interior and Justice Minister, Fabio Valencia Cossio - whose brother is 
investigated for links to the paramilitaries whilst being regional attorney - 
to iron out details on a new extradition arrangement in order to circumvent 
Supreme Court obstructions. However, it is obvious that US nationals being 
extradited to Colombia were not part of the conversations but ways to keep 
extradited paramilitaries from talking about "sensitive topics" was certainly 
high in the agenda.

The case of Chiquita Brands is just the tip of the iceberg. Mancuso has 
admitted receiving money from Dole and Del Monte Foods Companies and Drummond 
Coal Company. The food companies appear to not only have paid for "pacifying" 
the workers, but also for driving farmers off their lands so bananas could be 
planted. In the case of the coal company, there have been various civil 
lawsuits on behalf of the relatives of Drummond sponsored paramilitary's 

In light of the many obstacles from the highest levels of government to dismiss 
the legal cases against multinational companies a recent landmark case offers a 
silver lining to the family of the thousands that have been massacred with the 
complicity of MNCs.

Oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has paid a US$ 15.5 million out-of-court settlement 
to the family of the victims due to the incriminating evidence of their 
complicity against the atrocities committed on the Ogoni tribe of Southern 
Nigeria in the 1990's. Shell was accused of colliding with the Nigerian 
military to hunt down tribesmen opposed to oil developments and their ecology 
devastation affecting their livelihoods. What is important of the verdict is 
that, although the company did not directly engage human rights violations, it 
did facilitate vehicles, patrol boats and ammunition to the military to 
terrorize the population.

Together with the United Nations Human Rights Commission interest in 
extrajudicial killings by the Colombian state, Shell's news offer some hope for 
justice. Hopefully the impunity and manners in which MNC and the government 
have been operating in Colombia for hundreds of years can be modified.


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