Le 28/06/2012 12:11, Nicolas Ecarnot a écrit :

Following the advices here :
I'm converting with ffmpeg / avconv my input media files to MJPEG files.

No obvious quality loss occurs, but they result in darker videos - dark
enough to be noticed. In fact, they are getting darker and/or more

Obviously, once mjpeg-converted, they are well managed by Cinelerra.

I'm a completly newbie regarding to details of colorspace, encoding and
so on.

But when I'm converting, here is what I notice in avconv/ffmpeg output:

 > Incompatible pixel format 'yuv420p' for codec 'mjpeg', auto-selecting
format 'yuvj420p'

This happens only on video that have this yuv420p pix format.
How do I have to understand that?

Is that those files will forever have to get darker when converted?
Is there a way to first convert the pixel format with no color/light
Can ffmpeg/avconv managed other pix formats?

As you can see, I'm a bit lost amongst those notions, and though I'm not
looking for a direct and obvious answer, I'd be glad to be lead to
accurate documentation.


I'm sorry to insist on that point, but according to every doc I read related to cinelerra, everyone seems to advice to convert to MJPEG. This format sounds great to nle software, but I can't figure it out how I can manage this contrast problem. I'm not clear about whether the fault is on my source files, or a limitation of the MJPEG format, or a limitation of the converter (ffmpeg/avconv).

I'm sure many of you have a well established workflow and you can't live with this issue, so maybe your video source formats don't bother you the way I'm bothered...

Nicolas Ecarnot

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