Re: [CinCV] server payment

2014-01-14 Thread Frans de Boer

On 01/14/2014 08:01 AM, Haldun ALTAN wrote:

Hello Christian
I can also send 50 €. Just need information.
And thanks a lot for doing this.
Hope the project will live.
Haldun :))

You have to send your replies to the list, not just use reply-to

I forwarded this to the list.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Server Funding

2014-01-13 Thread Frans de Boer

On 01/13/2014 10:28 PM, Christian Thaeter wrote:

Some time ago I've send the following text to the 'Transfering' ML thread. But I guess no one noticed' i haven't gotten
any replys. While some people are now working out how to reactivate
'' I'd like to remind that the server is not payed either
and how to send me money in a transparent way:

--- here is the old text--->

The Server on the other side isn't payed either (or rather its me who
is paying for it), but I can promise not to take it down because of
that (for the time being). Still I'd like to get some money eventually.
We once agreed that Cinelerra will contribute 10Eur per month to the
server rent, meanwhile the static IPv4 Address gets billed too that
would be 11Eur/Month. I haven't made the accounting for the
server since some time now but I guess it is a few years (approx 2-3
years) in debt now.

If anyone wants to help out I'd like to propose following plan to make
payment as transparently as possible:

1. If anyone wants to send me money for the server, place a pledge on
this Mailinglist or send me a private Mail (and express me if you
want to do this anonymously) including the amount of money you want
to send.
2. I'll then send an ack/acceptance Mail to the ML and contact you
directly about how you can transfer me money.
3. You send me the money and as soon I receive it I'll acknowledge this
on the ML again (if I don't do so you can call me a scamer and
you lost the money :P)

anyways the Server is founded privately and is not tax deductible or
anything else. If you want that, just donate some money to Lumiera or
some other of your favorite Free Software Projects :)

Another more pressing thing is that the Server needs some love, aka
some responsible person/admin, I asked that longer ago but no one
cared. This is more serious as I can only keep it running as long it is
not broken/hacked/used for spaming. We have some solid backup
running and I've disabled the spamed wiki already but if some more
serious desaster strikes where simply restoring the backup won't be
enough then the Project would rather crumble to dust. Anyone with a
bit time and Debian/Webserver administration experience would be a big
help here. I can give some hands and assistance for starters. Contact me
if you feel right for that Job.


- Original Message -
From: Richard Baverstock
Sent: 10/15/13 12:36 PM
To:,, Subject: Re: Transferring

The  domain is about to expire, so I need to
know who to transfer it to.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Richard Baverstock < > wrote: Since I'm no longer really
involved in the project, and haven't been for years, I'd like to
transfer the domain to either Adam or the current leads in the
unofficial version.

If Adam is not on this list, does anyone know his current email

Who is currently leading the unofficial version (or who is
maintaining the web presence)?

Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

So, you are in need of some 750,- Euro to cover the debts and another 
250,- to run for another year. However, I see absolutely no development 
of any kind the last 1,5 year or so. Is the project not a dead fish yet?

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Alive?

2013-08-07 Thread Frans de Boer

Dear Reader,

I notice that the git has not been touched since September 24th, 2012. 
Are there plans to move forward or is Cinelerra 4.4 so much better that 
the CV version is not needed anymore?

regards, Frans.
Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Cinelerra 2.2 vs 4.3

2012-01-10 Thread Frans de Boer

On 01/10/2012 07:17 PM, Laurent ROCHE wrote:


I am new to Cinelerra.
I've read that the Community Version integrates the changes of the
Heroine Virtual version.
However considering the version numbers are quite different between both
version right now, does that still mean that CV 2.2. integrates all the
changes of HV 4.3 ?
In other terms, are there any benefits in using HV instead of CV, or can
I stick to CV ?

As far as I can tell, CV2.2 is a further development of CV2.1 which was 
original HV2.1. HV4.3 has features the CV version has not, however, the 
CV version sometimes has also features HV only now have.
The CV version was developed because the makers of the original version 
cared mostly about features and far less of stability.

Now CV2.1 was rather unstable due to the heritage but work was done to 
improve the stability of the CV2.2 version.
I don't know if the HV4.3 version is more robust/stable then previous 
versions but if the original developers still only care for features...I 
chose CV2.2. If anybody can tell me about the HV4.3 stability, I can 
consider to switch to HV4.3, although I do not need all the features 
HV4.x has.

Regards, Frans.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Feature Films in Cinelerra

2011-11-20 Thread Frans de Boer

On 11/20/2011 10:26 PM, feli wrote:

Le 2011-11-20 11:27, Heikki Repo a écrit :

2011/11/20 Leandro Martins:


I would like to know where I could find information about people editing
feature films meant for theatrical release with Cinelerra.

I'm ready for a little sweat when it comes to figure out and put
the best machine to run it on. What worries me, though is whether the
software will be able to handle the task somehow easily.

I try to use as much free software as possible not just for economic
but to back the philosophy behind it. I would love to add Cinelerra
to my
professional kit.

Thanks a lot!

Good work for you guys.

Hi Leandro,

What kind of workflow do you have? Are you shooting digital or film?
Do you need to collaborate with post production houses? Separate
offline and online edit? These questions are rather important, because
I'm afraid to say that Cinelerra might not yet be there for heavy
professional work.

Why? The biggest problem I can see is the lack of support for good
consistent handling of timecode. If, for example, you are going to do
an offline edit with DV and later recapture footage from HDCAM
according to an EDL in a post production house, it won't be too easy.

Some other things to consider:
- Cinelerra can be somewhat fickle when doing cuts. It isn't too
difficult to get black frames between cuts if one isn't very careful.
- You'll probably have to do quite many saves and backups. A LOT of
saves and backups.
- Codecs and file formats: Linux video does support many formats, at
least decode them. How efficient it is when doing it is another
- The UI doesn't really have too many guides for moving video around.
Want to know how many frames you are dragging a clip forward or
backwards? Want to lock video and audio together? Then Cinelerra isn't
the tool you want.

To sum it up: it can be done, but it won't be too enjoyable trip, at
least if one has gotten used to many small but useful features present
in professional software. Cinelerra is certainly at the moment the
best Linux editing software, but unfortunately it doesn't mean that it
would be the tool I'd select for important work. If you want to edit
on Linux, you might be interested of Lightworks, which should be
released as beta for Linux next month.

Sorry to offer such a depressing view on Cinelerra -- I'm very much
for open source movement and use linux as my main operating system,
but at the moment it just isn't yet there if professional editing work
is concerned.

Best regards

Cinelerra mailing list

Hi Leandro,
At onset, I must admit that I share some of the views of Heikki with
regard to using Cinelerra for editing lengthy films.

However let me share my experience,
I've been making short films since 2004, short films that I presented at
our local kino club (kino Montréal being the first one of these clubs,, I moved to Linux some time in 2008, because I
learn about Cinelerra and believed that It could match other
professional editing software. The learning curved has been steep and
had it fair share of frustration and lengthy problem/resolution
processes. I think that the worst of them resulted from the lack of
audio/video lock. It is frustrating to realize after multiples edit
steps on your time line, that an audio and a video sequences that you
had alined together are off by some keyframe because the audio or video
track was still "armed" while you where editing an other track.

I supposed that now that I'm comfortable with Cinelerra, after 3 or 4
years of editing 5 to 20 minutes short films, I would find it
interesting to tackle a full length production. Recently I've put up a
render farm of 8 cores and I'm been editing footage in 1080p
successfully. I use ffmpeg (an essential tool) to convert AVC video
(.MOV) from my cannon camera to Mjpeg and edit the Mjpeg in Cinelerra. I
export the final edit to raw YUV files that I convert to what ever final
format with ffmpeg. I use 4 hard drive in a raid 0 configuration to hold
the very large video files. Some time I find it useful to devide a
project in a coupled of smaller projects, which export's are united
later in the production process. In such a work flow, a feature film of
120 minutes would require some very large hard drive to hold all the
intermediate raw or Mjpeg footage.

I also read some where (correct me if I'm wrong) that the render engine
as no limits as to the size of the project. I've editing a few short
films in 2k and made some test (not exhaustive or anything) in a 4k
project. Editing 4k footage, albeit requirering a massive render farm
would seem to be an advantage of Cinelerra over some professional video
editing software.

Hence to sum up, I think that Cinelerra could be use for professional
work if you master its secrets, divide your project is sm

Re: [CinCV] AV Linux and it's 'non-GPL' license

2011-10-06 Thread Frans de Boer

On 10/06/2011 11:41 PM, Nicola Ferralis wrote:


Please don't feel you're under any pressure, or attack. GPL issues are
far from being clear to everybody.

I'd just like to add that I have doubts you can re-license the GPL
components (which are essentially Debian, so GPL v2), into GPL v3.

Can anybody confirm this?


 > Subject: Re: [CinCV] AV Linux and it's 'non-GPL' license
 > From:
 > To:
 > Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2011 14:29:33 -0700
 > Eeesh!
 > Joining this list has been both uncomfortable and educational at the same
 > everyone greeted with such 'hospitality'?
 > OK, so what about this:
 > AV Linux goes GPL(3) and I issue a disclaimer statement declaring which
 > EXACT packages are 'non-free' but come bundled with the ISO and clearly
 > state that the declared non-free packages must be removed in order to
 > redistribute AV Linux...
 > Will this appease the powers that be?
 > In all seriousness thanks for the feedback, -GLEN
 > >> Well I'm not a lawyer either so we have something in common!
 > >
 > > Hi Glen and the others,
 > >
 > > likewise, I'll join the club of non-lawyers discussing legal issues ;-)
 > >
 > > Am 05.10.2011 00:41, schrieb
 > >> I've been distributing AV Linux like this since 2007 and 
 > >
 > >> ... but I was under the impression that any derived work could be
 > >> licensed
 > >> outside of the GPL provided the source code of the derived work
was made
 > >> available upon request.
 > >
 > > This impression is simply wrong. You just had the luck that no one sued
 > > you.
 > >
 > > This matter isn't difficult.
 > > Any confusion boils down to being precise with the term "derived work".
 > >
 > >
 > > If you want to license a "derived work" *outside* the GPL, then you
 > > to
 > > negotiate with *each* contributor to the GPLed work to get you an
 > > *separate*
 > > usage agreement for his/her code *independent* of that code being
 > > published
 > > also under the GPL.
 > >
 > > If you can't do that, the GPL as it stands is crisp and clear.
 > > *You* use GPLed content to build your derived work.
 > > This implies that *you* comply to the GPL beforehand.
 > > And the GPL dictates that every derived work has to be
 > > *licensed again under the GPL*. End of the discussion.
 > >
 > >
 > > This is what often is referred to as the "infectious" or "viral"
 > > of the GPL. Other licenses (e.g. the Apache License) are deliberately
 > > different and do not employ this strict ruling.
 > >
 > >> The 'source code' is the ISO image...
 > >
 > > Sorry, no.
 > > Source code is source code is source code. This isn't a matter for
 > > interpretation. Source code is an textual or similarly editable
 > > representation from which you can re-create your whole delivery.
 > >
 > > There is an absolutely simple criterion: What everyone can rebuild
 > > from the accessible source code, needs to be equivalent to what
 > > you distribute in binary form (including all your modifications).
 > >
 > > Btw: that exactly was the reason why GPL doesn't play well for
 > > distributing media content. That's one of the reasons, why
 > > we have the CreativeCommons licenses.
 > >
 > >
 > >>  and of course the GPL content of Debian has it's source code
 > >> available as well. Regardless the icluded closed source content falls
 > >> outside
 > >> of the GPL and there is no law forbidding me to distribute it on
an ISO
 > >> of my
 > >> making providing I have the permission of the developers which I do.
 > >
 > > What you do here is compiling several products into a distribution.
 > > That is another matter altogether. Indeed you're free to do so. The key
 > > distinguishing point is if you just ship independent pieces together,
 > > as opposed to combining GPLed and non-GPLed code into a new product.
 > >
 > > If you do the latter, the GPL rulez! But you're always free to do the
 > > former (just shipping together). Just in that case you need to make
 > > to your users that they get content with two different licenses, and,
 > > because you're distributing GPLed content as part of your distribution,
 > > *you* need to make the source code for that GPLed content available.
 > >
 > > It doesn't suffice that you state that everyone interested can get the
 > > source code from "somewhere". *You* need to provide it. The GPL-2 even
 > > contains some rules on how, and how much you're allowed to charge for
 > > e.g. mailing an CD with source code to a user requesting that from you.
 > >
 > > The GPL-2 is very outdated in that respect, indeed. If I recall
 > > only the GPL-3 contains a ruling that it is sufficient to publish an
 > > URL to a net server holding the full and exact source code, and that
 > > you're not bound to ship floppies to some bozo in Mongolia where there
 > > is no internet access. Nevertheless, even with the GPL-3, you need to
 > > assure that t

Re: [CinCV] Problemi istallazione cinelerra ubuntu 10.04

2011-07-27 Thread Frans de Boer

On 07/27/2011 06:16 PM, LucaP70 wrote:

Ciao e scusate se vi disturbo.
Mi è stata segnalata la vostra mailing list dall'utente njin in seguito
ad un topic di assistenza aperto su
da qui in giù i dettagli del problema:,472639.msg3699028.html#msg3699028

(aperto inizialmente per domande su PiTiVi)
poi ho continuato qui:,473043.0.html

ho preferito linkare direttamente ai topic in quanto i vari output erano
già presenti.

Grazie dell'attenzione. :)

Cinelerra mailing list

Maybe try some english?

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] hardware

2011-01-24 Thread Frans de Boer

On 01/25/2011 12:28 AM, Gerrit de Jong wrote:


I want a low-budget desktop computer optimized for cinelerra. Say up 
to 500 dollar. What should I buy? Do I need a fast graffic card or 
should I better spend the money on a faster CPU? What CPU performs the 
best for the money? If I need a graffic card which one gives the best 
value for money? How much memory is optimal?
My expectation is I will often have to stabilize shaky footage, and 
sometimes I want to overlay a shot onto another one. If I got it right 
these two things are done much faster by a graffic card, but some say 
to me that rendering relays heavily on the CPU, and a graffic card 
won't speed up that process. What is true?
My idea is to use an SSD for the swap partition (amongst others) Is 
that a good idea? Or are there some pitfalls? And which distribution 
will be the best performing. At this time I am using Ubuntu 8.04. I 
like it but I did never get cinelerra to work with that. Besides that 
cinelerra has been removed from the ubuntu repository two months ago, 
so no updates. Arch linux may be to archaic for me. How is Gentoo?

Any comments are welcome.


  1. You have to make the math yourself, since prices vary widly in The
  2. Using a modern CPU AMD/Intel will provide you with enough power.
  3. Rendering graphics using Cinelerra has nothing to do with the
 graphics card.
  4. Using SSD is an expensive option compared to having say, 4GB or
 more of main memory.
  5. use a modern Linux distro of any kind. If Cinelerra is not
 distributed with it, you can easily compile it yourself. Don't has
 experience there? Find a distro with Cinelerra included.

My first use of Cinelerra was with an S3 card, pentium 100MHz and 512 
MB. All worked well, albeit somewhat slower then today where I use an 
AMD phenom II X4, 8GB memory and 2 TB online. Main difference is 
processor speed and memory size.


Re: [CinCV] Compile error

2010-10-07 Thread Frans de Boer
On 10/07/2010 03:36 PM, sfrase6 wrote:
> Maybe silly answer but... make sure you have libx264 and libx264-devel
>> installed.
>> Why don't you use the packages provided by your distro instead of 
>> building the x264 git version?
> Frans,
> In my experience on both Ubuntu and Fedora (32 and 64bit versions), compiling 
> X264 is a nightmare.  Do yourself a favor and, as Roland suggests, use 
> your distros' pre-compiled packages.
> scott
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list
Sorry, but OpenSuse 11.3 does not have these libraries nor a compiled
versions of Cinelerra, at least not that I can see.

What else can I do, I will look into the code and if it gets to
difficult, I just switch to another tool.

Thanks for the remarks, I leave at that.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Compile error

2010-10-06 Thread Frans de Boer
Ok, all of you are using top-listing?

As I stated before, my libraries are upto date, but since many...many
months cinerella is not updating anymore to the current versions of
either x264 or ffmpeg. Meaning that the project is dead in my view. And
as far as included x264 code goes, I do not see any library in the
source tree, only interface functions. There is also no switch
(documented) to disable x264 functionality.


On 10/07/2010 02:26 AM, anyeos wrote:
> You may have the incorrect version of x264 libraries installed.
> qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘x264_nal_encode’
> I don't know is there are x264 libraries bundled with cinelerra, but
> if it is the case, you can search for some configure option to use that.
> On Thu, 07 Oct 2010 01:32:21 +0200, Frans de Boer 
> wrote:
>> On 10/07/2010 01:05 AM, Edouard Chalaron wrote:
>>> Hi Frans
>>> Well, it worked straight out of the box for me(to my surprise I
>>> must say) on 11.3 AMD 64 bits and intel 32 bits.
>>> It has to do with the (to my view) ridiculous amount of different
>>> x264 available.
>>> Try
>>> make distclean
>>> first then
>>> ./configure --disable-mmx --enable-opengl
>>> then make
>>> However I have the same error on 11.2 64 bits and on a 11 64 bits.
>>> Meaning that I will soon update these boxes.
>>> Cheers
>>> E
>>> --- On *Thu, 7/10/10, Frans de Boer //* wrote:
>>> From: Frans de Boer
>>> Subject: [CinCV] Compile error
>>> To:
>>> Date: Thursday, 7, October, 2010, 11:37 AM
>>> Using OpenSuse 11.3 and the the .configure /without/ any options
>>> results in:
>>> /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --tag=CC   --mode=compile gcc
>>> -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3   -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
>>> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc
>>> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex   
>>> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I.../quicktime/ffmpeg -g
>>> -O2 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c -o qth264.lo
>>> qth264.c
>>> libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
>>> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc
>>> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
>>> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -g
>>> -O2 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c qth264.c 
>>> -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/qth264.o
>>> qth264.c: In function ‘encode’:
>>> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘x264_nal_encode’
>>> from incompatible pointer type
>>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_t *’ but
>>> argument is of type ‘unsigned char *’
>>> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘x264_nal_encode’
>>> from incompatible pointer type
>>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘uint8_t *’ but
>>> argument is of type ‘int *’
>>> qth264..c:245:4: warning: passing argument 3 of
>>> ‘x264_nal_encode’ makes pointer from integer without a cast
>>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_nal_t *’
>>> but argument is of type ‘int’
>>> qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function
>>> ‘x264_nal_encode’
>>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: declared here
>>> qth264.c:242:14: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
>>> make[3]: *** [qth264.lo] Error 1
>>> make[3]: Leaving directory
>>> `/media/raidarray/fdb-data/projects/linux/multimedia/cinelerra/git-cinelerra/quicktime'
>>> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[2]: Leaving directory
>>> `/media/raidarray/fdb-data/projects/linux/multimedia/cinelerra/git-cinelerra/quicktime'
>>> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory
>>> `/media/raidarray/fdb-data/projects/linux/multimedia/cinelerra/git-cinelerra'
>>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>>> Same result

Re: [CinCV] Compile error

2010-10-06 Thread Frans de Boer
On 10/07/2010 01:05 AM, Edouard Chalaron wrote:
> Hi Frans
> Well, it worked straight out of the box for me(to my surprise I
> must say) on 11.3 AMD 64 bits and intel 32 bits.
> It has to do with the (to my view) ridiculous amount of different x264
> available.
> Try
> make distclean
> first then
> ./configure --disable-mmx --enable-opengl
> then make
> However I have the same error on 11.2 64 bits and on a 11 64 bits.
> Meaning that I will soon update these boxes.
> Cheers
> E
> --- On *Thu, 7/10/10, Frans de Boer //* wrote:
> From: Frans de Boer 
> Subject: [CinCV] Compile error
> To:
> Date: Thursday, 7, October, 2010, 11:37 AM
> Using OpenSuse 11.3 and the the .configure /without/ any options
> results in:
> /bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --tag=CC   --mode=compile gcc
> -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3   -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE
> -DX86_CPU  -DHAVE_FIREWIRE  -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc
> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex   
> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I.../quicktime/ffmpeg -g
> -O2 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c -o qth264.lo
> qth264.c
> libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc
> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -g
> -O2 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c qth264.c  -fPIC
> -DPIC -o .libs/qth264.o
> qth264.c: In function ‘encode’:
> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘x264_nal_encode’
> from incompatible pointer type
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_t *’ but
> argument is of type ‘unsigned char *’
> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘x264_nal_encode’
> from incompatible pointer type
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘uint8_t *’ but argument
> is of type ‘int *’
> qth264..c:245:4: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘x264_nal_encode’
> makes pointer from integer without a cast
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_nal_t *’
> but argument is of type ‘int’
> qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function
> ‘x264_nal_encode’
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: declared here
> qth264.c:242:14: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
> make[3]: *** [qth264.lo] Error 1
> make[3]: Leaving directory
> `/media/raidarray/fdb-data/projects/linux/multimedia/cinelerra/git-cinelerra/quicktime'
> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory
> `/media/raidarray/fdb-data/projects/linux/multimedia/cinelerra/git-cinelerra/quicktime'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/media/raidarray/fdb-data/projects/linux/multimedia/cinelerra/git-cinelerra'
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> Same result with various options.
> As I asked before: advancements in ffmpeg and x264 are not
> incorporated in the SVN repository? If so, it makes cinelerra only
> usable on old systems without any recent update. I use x264
> version form git.
> Maybe I am missing something?
> Frans.
Nope that is not working either. Like I said: I am using the latest git
version. However, about 2-3 months ago I had the same problem and nobody
reacted. One year ago I had a solution for another (mask) problem. Did
anybody incorporated it? Nope again.
This evening I tried again, to no avail.
I guess cinelerra is dead in the water and everybody is waiting for
Lumiera or the 4.x version (which they do already for the past 2-3
years). After all, nobody seems to maintain compatibility with x264 and

Maybe I should look for another tool despite the fact that I love
cinelerra rich features (not its (in)stability ;))


[CinCV] Compile error

2010-10-06 Thread Frans de Boer
Using OpenSuse 11.3 and the the .configure /without/ any options results in:

/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --tag=CC   --mode=compile gcc
-DX86_CPU  -DHAVE_FIREWIRE  -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
-I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex   
-DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -g -O2 -MT
qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c -o qth264.lo qth264.c
libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
-DHAVE_MMX -DUSE_MMX -DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
-I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
-DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -g -O2 -MT
qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c qth264.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o
qth264.c: In function 'encode':
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 1 of 'x264_nal_encode' from
incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'struct x264_t *' but argument
is of type 'unsigned char *'
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 2 of 'x264_nal_encode' from
incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'uint8_t *' but argument is of
type 'int *'
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 3 of 'x264_nal_encode' makes
pointer from integer without a cast
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'struct x264_nal_t *' but
argument is of type 'int'
qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function 'x264_nal_encode'
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: declared here
qth264.c:242:14: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
make[3]: *** [qth264.lo] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [all] Error 2

Same result with various options.

As I asked before: advancements in ffmpeg and x264 are not incorporated
in the SVN repository? If so, it makes cinelerra only usable on old
systems without any recent update. I use x264 version form git.
Maybe I am missing something?


[CinCV] Not compiling with latest x264

2010-09-11 Thread Frans de Boer
Dear devs,

Cinelerra is not compiling anymore for the git repository. That is, the
new x264 is not eaten by cinelerra.
Message while compiling:

libtool: compile: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
-DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
-I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
-DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -O3
-march=amdfam10 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c qth264.c
-fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/qth264.o
qth264.c: In function ‘encode’:
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘x264_nal_encode’ from
incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_t *’ but argument
is of type ‘unsigned char *’
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘x264_nal_encode’ from
incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘uint8_t *’ but argument is of
type ‘int *’
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘x264_nal_encode’ makes
pointer from integer without a cast
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_nal_t *’ but
argument is of type ‘int’
qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘x264_nal_encode’
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: declared here
qth264.c:242:14: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
make[3]: *** [qth264.lo] Error 1

This is with or without my patch for the new ffmpeg (0.6) library. i.e.:
the same error is reported when I use the external-ffmpeg or not.

I am using; all latest version from git repositories and/or stable
distributions under OpenSuse 11.3. Whatever compiles and runs the 'make
check' properly.

X264 has been changed, but cinelerra does not keep up, so it seems.
Since the website doe not offer a "stable" tar file anymore, I have only
the git repositories of cinelerra to use.

Pointers and/or more concrete help is appreciated.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Old error in relation to FFMPEG

2010-08-30 Thread Frans de Boer
On 08/31/2010 03:49 AM, Bo Darble wrote:
> Frans de Boer wrote:
>>   On 08/30/2010 11:12 PM, Frans de Boer wrote: The next error has
>> been reported long ago (> 1 year) and I remember that a patch was
>> proposed.
>> I can apply that patch again, but just wonder why this has not been
>> fixed already. After all, the build-in FFMPEG library is quite old
>> and numerous errors and improvements have been published already.
>> Using latest git source with external ffmpeg enabled:
>> libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
>> -DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
>> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
>> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I/usr/include/libavcodec
>> -I/usr/include/libswscale -DHAVE_SWSCALER -O3 -march=amdfam10 -MT
>> qtffmpeg.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qtffmpeg.Tpo -c qtffmpeg.c  -fPIC -DPIC
>> -o .libs/qtffmpeg.o
>> qtffmpeg.c: In function ‘decode_wrapper’:
>> qtffmpeg.c:192:3: warning: ‘avcodec_decode_video’ is deprecated
>> (declared at /usr/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:3452)
>> qtffmpeg.c: In function ‘get_chroma_factor’:
>> qtffmpeg.c:228:8: error: ‘PIX_FMT_YUV422’ undeclared (first use in
>> this function)
>> qtffmpeg.c:228:8: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only
>> once for each function it appears in
>> qtffmpeg.c: In function ‘quicktime_ffmpeg_decode’:
>> qtffmpeg.c:427:8: error: ‘PIX_FMT_YUV422’ undeclared (first use in
>> this function)
>> make[3]: *** [qtffmpeg.lo] Error 1
>> Using latest git source /with/ internal ffmpeg produces the next
>> error message:
>> libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
>> -DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
>> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
>> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -O3
>> -march=amdfam10 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c
>> qth264.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/qth264.o
>> qth264.c: In function ‘encode’:
>> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘x264_nal_encode’ from
>> incompatible pointer type
>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_t *’ but
>> argument is of type ‘unsigned char *’
>> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘x264_nal_encode’ from
>> incompatible pointer type
>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘uint8_t *’ but argument is
>> of type ‘int *’
>> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘x264_nal_encode’
>> makes pointer from integer without a cast
>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected ‘struct x264_nal_t *’ but
>> argument is of type ‘int’
>> qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function ‘x264_nal_encode’
>> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: declared here
>> qth264.c:242:14: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
>> make[3]: *** [qth264.lo] Error 1
>> Since Cinelerra version 4.x CV is still a pipe dream, the 2.1 CV
>> version might need a "makeover" and improvement to the ffmpeg
>> libraries. Wish I could help, but I am no longer a good programmer
>> anymore (has been to long ago).
>> Hope someone can do something with the above report.
>> Regards,
>> Frans.
>> I was wrong, I have the patch since April 30th this year. I don't
>> remember if I made it myself or have received from someone. Anyhow,
>> this patch fixes the first reported error message. I did not apply
>> yet because I wanted to start fresh but the site is down to reload
>> the git repository again.
>> The patch is attached.
>> Frans.
> Unpatched CinCV will compile if you use:
> x264 <=v75(x264-snapshot-20090922-2245)
> ffmpeg <=v0.5.2 !!! WITH swscale ENABLED !!!
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list
Thanks that is obvious, but how about the many improvements in x264 and
ffmpeg? Are we just ignoring them?


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Old error in relation to FFMPEG

2010-08-30 Thread Frans de Boer
On 08/30/2010 11:12 PM, Frans de Boer wrote:
> The next error has been reported long ago (> 1 year) and I remember
> that a patch was proposed.
> I can apply that patch again, but just wonder why this has not been
> fixed already. After all, the build-in FFMPEG library is quite old and
> numerous errors and improvements have been published already.
> Using latest git source with external ffmpeg enabled:
> libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
> -DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I/usr/include/libavcodec
> -I/usr/include/libswscale -DHAVE_SWSCALER -O3 -march=amdfam10 -MT
> qtffmpeg.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qtffmpeg.Tpo -c qtffmpeg.c  -fPIC -DPIC
> -o .libs/qtffmpeg.o
> qtffmpeg.c: In function 'decode_wrapper':
> qtffmpeg.c:192:3: warning: 'avcodec_decode_video' is deprecated
> (declared at /usr/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:3452)
> qtffmpeg.c: In function 'get_chroma_factor':
> qtffmpeg.c:228:8: error: 'PIX_FMT_YUV422' undeclared (first use in
> this function)
> qtffmpeg.c:228:8: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only
> once for each function it appears in
> qtffmpeg.c: In function 'quicktime_ffmpeg_decode':
> qtffmpeg.c:427:8: error: 'PIX_FMT_YUV422' undeclared (first use in
> this function)
> make[3]: *** [qtffmpeg.lo] Error 1
> Using latest git source /with/ internal ffmpeg produces the next error
> message:
> libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
> -DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
> -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
> -DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -O3
> -march=amdfam10 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c
> qth264.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/qth264.o
> qth264.c: In function 'encode':
> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 1 of 'x264_nal_encode' from
> incompatible pointer type
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'struct x264_t *' but
> argument is of type 'unsigned char *'
> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 2 of 'x264_nal_encode' from
> incompatible pointer type
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'uint8_t *' but argument is
> of type 'int *'
> qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 3 of 'x264_nal_encode' makes
> pointer from integer without a cast
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'struct x264_nal_t *' but
> argument is of type 'int'
> qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function 'x264_nal_encode'
> /usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: declared here
> qth264.c:242:14: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
> make[3]: *** [qth264.lo] Error 1
> Since Cinelerra version 4.x CV is still a pipe dream, the 2.1 CV
> version might need a "makeover" and improvement to the ffmpeg
> libraries. Wish I could help, but I am no longer a good programmer
> anymore (has been to long ago).
> Hope someone can do something with the above report.
> Regards,
> Frans.
I was wrong, I have the patch since April 30th this year. I don't
remember if I made it myself or have received from someone. Anyhow, this
patch fixes the first reported error message. I did not apply yet
because I wanted to start fresh but the site is down to reload the git
repository again.

The patch is attached.


diff -rb -u6 a/git-cinelerra/cinelerra/ffmpeg.C b/git-cinelerra/cinelerra/ffmpeg.C
--- a/git-cinelerra/cinelerra/ffmpeg.C	2010-04-30 22:50:59.719942284 +0200
+++ b/git-cinelerra/cinelerra/ffmpeg.C	2010-04-30 23:12:28.375817437 +0200
@@ -1,20 +1,30 @@
 extern "C" {
 #include "filebase.h"
 #include "quicktime.h"
 #include "ffmpeg.h"
 #include "guicast.h"
+// Fix for external ffmpeg version 52 and later
+#ifndef PIX_FMT_UYVY411
+#ifndef PIX_FMT_RGBA32
+#ifndef PIX_FMT_YUV422
+#define PIX_FMT_YUV422 PIX_FMT_YUYV422
 FFMPEG::FFMPEG(Asset *asset) {
 	this->asset = asset;
 	codec = 0;
 	context = 0;
 	picture = 0;
diff -rb -u6 a/git-cinelerra/quicktime/qtffmpeg.h b/git-cinelerra/quicktime/qtffmpeg.h
--- a/git-cinelerra/quicktime/qtffmpeg.h	2010-04-30 22:50:59.695941508 +0200
+++ b/git-cinelerra/quicktime/qtffmpeg.h	2010-04-30 23:15:03.075942814 +0200
@@ -17,13 +17,22 @@
 #include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"
 #include "qtprivate.h"
+// Fix for ffmpeg version 52 and later
+#ifndef PIX_FMT_UYVY411
+#ifndef PIX_FMT_RGBA32
+#ifndef PIX_FMT_YUV422
+#define PIX_FMT_YUV422 PIX_FMT_YUYV422
 typedef struct
 #define FIELDS 2
 // Encoding
 AVCodec *encoder[FIELDS];

[CinCV] Old error in relation to FFMPEG

2010-08-30 Thread Frans de Boer
The next error has been reported long ago (> 1 year) and I remember that
a patch was proposed.
I can apply that patch again, but just wonder why this has not been
fixed already. After all, the build-in FFMPEG library is quite old and
numerous errors and improvements have been published already.

Using latest git source with external ffmpeg enabled:

libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
-DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
-I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
-DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I/usr/include/libavcodec
-I/usr/include/libswscale -DHAVE_SWSCALER -O3 -march=amdfam10 -MT
qtffmpeg.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qtffmpeg.Tpo -c qtffmpeg.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o
qtffmpeg.c: In function 'decode_wrapper':
qtffmpeg.c:192:3: warning: 'avcodec_decode_video' is deprecated
(declared at /usr/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h:3452)
qtffmpeg.c: In function 'get_chroma_factor':
qtffmpeg.c:228:8: error: 'PIX_FMT_YUV422' undeclared (first use in this
qtffmpeg.c:228:8: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once
for each function it appears in
qtffmpeg.c: In function 'quicktime_ffmpeg_decode':
qtffmpeg.c:427:8: error: 'PIX_FMT_YUV422' undeclared (first use in this
make[3]: *** [qtffmpeg.lo] Error 1

Using latest git source /with/ internal ffmpeg produces the next error

libtool: compile:  gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -I../libmpeg3
-DX86_CPU -DHAVE_FIREWIRE -I/usr/include/mjpegtools
-I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex
-DENCORE_INCLUDE=\"encore50/encore.h\" -I../quicktime/ffmpeg -O3
-march=amdfam10 -MT qth264.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/qth264.Tpo -c qth264.c 
-fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/qth264.o
qth264.c: In function 'encode':
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 1 of 'x264_nal_encode' from
incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'struct x264_t *' but argument
is of type 'unsigned char *'
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 2 of 'x264_nal_encode' from
incompatible pointer type
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'uint8_t *' but argument is of
type 'int *'
qth264.c:245:4: warning: passing argument 3 of 'x264_nal_encode' makes
pointer from integer without a cast
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: expected 'struct x264_nal_t *' but
argument is of type 'int'
qth264.c:245:4: error: too many arguments to function 'x264_nal_encode'
/usr/include/x264.h:456:6: note: declared here
qth264.c:242:14: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
make[3]: *** [qth264.lo] Error 1

Since Cinelerra version 4.x CV is still a pipe dream, the 2.1 CV version
might need a "makeover" and improvement to the ffmpeg libraries. Wish I
could help, but I am no longer a good programmer anymore (has been to
long ago).

Hope someone can do something with the above report.


Re: [CinCV] Memory for big projects

2010-06-11 Thread Frans de Boer
On 06/11/2010 10:08 PM, Adam B wrote:
> Hello all,
> I tried Cinelerra for the first time last night.  I was generally very
> impressed by it's speed and responsiveness.  I'd like to use Cinelerra
> to create a video of my vacation but I seem to be limited by RAM.  I
> have about 10.5GB of 720x480 video spread across about 200 files.  If
> I try to load all these files into the resources window I run out of
> RAM (after many minutes of swap thrashing).  My system is Ubuntu 9.04
> with 2GB ram and 1GB of swap.
> Any suggestions?  Can Cinelerra be used for huge video projects?
> Thanks
> - Adam
Hi Adam,

I hope you don't take offense, but 10.5GB is no huge but rather a very
small project. But as with all systems, if you use up to many system
resources, you run into some system boundaries. Now believe me, 2+1 GB
is not much but I have run projects having only 640MB + 1 GB swap.
Lately I have 8+8GB and things really fly now.

The reason that Cinerella is crashing is maybe more a Cinderella
question then anything else. The CV version is relatively stable
compared to the original version, but it is still prone to crashes. I
even have a script to reset things after a crash because I need it many

So, just continue and sit back, don't move mouse or whatever and your
more likely to have the files included.

Regards, Frans.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Version question

2010-04-06 Thread Frans de Boer
On 04/06/2010 04:20 PM, Christian Thaeter wrote:
> Frans de Boer wrote:
>> On 04/06/2010 09:12 AM, Christian Thaeter wrote:
>>> Frans de Boer wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> I am using CV 2.1 and am still waiting for the CV 4.1 version.
>>>> As the developers have stated before - that the original authors where
>>>> interested in features, not stability and thus usability - I just wonder
>>>> why there is no CV 4.1 release yet. Is it because the original 4.1
>>>> release is so much more stable today? Or is it a matter of fading
>>>> interest and/or lack of time?
>>>> Waiting for Luminera (or so) seems to be waiting for . well, fill in
>>>> the dots.
>>> CV means Community Version, waiting will not make any progress, both
>>> projects depens on the community to improve it. We really need helpers,
>>> both, Lumiera and Cinelerra. There is some lack of development
>>> resources, while you sit, twiddling your thumbs, consider to help in
>>> some part.
>>> Christian
>> Hm, not all of us users are proficient programmers. I have done my share
>> in the past, but that's a long time ago.
>> Instead of the negative undertone I feel, some positive remarks could
>> have been made. Like, how I could help while not being a programmer.
>> Beside, any comments on the stability of the original 4.1 version?
> Sorry about the negative undertone, I am just a bit demotivated about so
> much demand and no so much people showing up helping, well that seems to
> be a general case on free projects.
> I can't say much about 4.1 stability, i've once compiled it with no much
> efforts (few trivial changes in the code) and it worked for me. There
> are some bugfixes as well as new features which may introduce new bugs.
> I'd don't expect miracles, while 2.1 is reasonable stable for me (after
>  learning how to avoid the bugs).
> For Cinelerra I don't exactly know what non-programming tasks are
> pending. I recently asked if someone could help out with administrating
> the server, that would be one. Migration of the mailinglist to the
> Cinelerra server could also be done. Caring for web content and
> documentation, but I dont know the current state there.
> For Lumiera, there are some tasks non programmers can so. The Website
> reorganization is still pending, raffa is very busy and can't help with
> that currently. Andrew and Wouter have some other duties too. Then there
> are some mildly programming tasks as in shell scripting and stuff for
> the insfrastructure, people dont need to be programming gurus to help
> there. Documentation improvements (as easy as just care for formatting,
> no need for writing documentation, we developers do that, but some hands
> making it look better would be welcome). Some volunteer for mailinglist
> moderation (deleting spam, maybe caring for spam filtering) and such.
> Some tasks are quite simple one time things others are labor intensive
> or ongoing. But any help would be welcome.
>   Christian
> ___

Don't ask me to do stuff like maintaining web content. I am bound to
mesh things up.
However, making documents more readable is a task I could do well. Also,
shell programming (bash) is something I do on occasion also. Still
learning tricks their.

So, you can sent me some trial documents if you like. Let me spent my
time fruitfully instead of twiddling my thumbs ;)


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Version question

2010-04-06 Thread Frans de Boer
On 04/06/2010 09:12 AM, Christian Thaeter wrote:
> Frans de Boer wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am using CV 2.1 and am still waiting for the CV 4.1 version.
>> As the developers have stated before - that the original authors where
>> interested in features, not stability and thus usability - I just wonder
>> why there is no CV 4.1 release yet. Is it because the original 4.1
>> release is so much more stable today? Or is it a matter of fading
>> interest and/or lack of time?
>> Waiting for Luminera (or so) seems to be waiting for . well, fill in
>> the dots.
> CV means Community Version, waiting will not make any progress, both
> projects depens on the community to improve it. We really need helpers,
> both, Lumiera and Cinelerra. There is some lack of development
> resources, while you sit, twiddling your thumbs, consider to help in
> some part.
>   Christian
Hm, not all of us users are proficient programmers. I have done my share
in the past, but that's a long time ago.
Instead of the negative undertone I feel, some positive remarks could
have been made. Like, how I could help while not being a programmer.
Beside, any comments on the stability of the original 4.1 version?


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Version question

2010-04-05 Thread Frans de Boer
Dear All,

I am using CV 2.1 and am still waiting for the CV 4.1 version.
As the developers have stated before - that the original authors where
interested in features, not stability and thus usability - I just wonder
why there is no CV 4.1 release yet. Is it because the original 4.1
release is so much more stable today? Or is it a matter of fading
interest and/or lack of time?

Waiting for Luminera (or so) seems to be waiting for . well, fill in
the dots.

Regards, Frans.

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Compile error

2009-08-14 Thread Frans de Boer
Dear Reader,

Using the latest external libraries from git and svn of all the required
packages, I stumble on the next error:

qtffmpeg.c:228: error: ‘PIX_FMT_YUV422’ undeclared (first use in this

If I compile cinelerra without the '--with-external-ffmpeg' switch, all
goes well. But then I end up with ffmpeg support which is rather dated
by now. Since the next Cinelerra version (4.x?) seems to take forever
and lumiera is also taken forever to complete, does anyone has a
suggestion how to resolve this question?

Of course, I might be chasing ghosts because improvements in ffmpeg are
not used in the latest git Cinelerra version?

Regards, Frans.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Meaning of "armed" and other questions

2009-06-02 Thread Frans de Boer
On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 00:45 +0300, phil hefferan wrote:
> "Armed" allows changes to a track, yes?
> One track must always be armed?
> If no track is armed, then no edits etc will be saved, even to the xml
> file?
> ie Changes are only written to the xml file for armed tracks.
> No actual changes are made to loaded files, ever?  Only the rendered
> output file gets the changes, right?
On every question the only answer is "yes". Original tracks are NEVER


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Help! Cannot apply preferences, bottom of settings window in Ubuntu Hardy is hidden by toolbar

2009-06-02 Thread Frans de Boer
On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 00:01 +0300, phil hefferan wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:51 PM, Richard Rasker 
> wrote:
> Hold down the Alt key, point your mouse somewhere in the
> window, and you
> can left-click & drag the window up. This way, you can move a
> window
> without dragging & dropping it by the title bar.
> No, unfortunately that doesn't work.  The top of the preferences
> window is hard against the top of the screen and it won't budge
> upwards offscreen.
> In any case, I now can apply preferences since I figured out how to
> hide the Gnome toolbars.  But I still can't get to the bottom corner
> so I can't resize the window.
> However I do think not supporting 1280x800 screens (the most common
> laptop screen resolution by far) ought to be regarded as a bug.
It's not a bug, it's a feature. There was otherwise no place to put all
the controls in a window. The preference window can not be resized!.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Help! Cannot apply preferences, bottom of settings window in Ubuntu Hardy is hidden by toolbar

2009-06-02 Thread Frans de Boer
On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 23:24 +0300, phil hefferan wrote:
>  I cannot apply any Cinelerra settings->preferences changeson Ubuntu
> Hardy because the 'apply' button is hidden somewhere below the toolbar
> (if that is what it is called) along the bottom of the screen.  The
> prefernces window opens that way - with the bottom already obscured by
> that stupid Gnome toolbar thing, which does not seem to be able to be
> hidden or dragged away.
> Neither can I hold down Alt and drag the preferences window up so I
> can to click 'apply', since the wndow will not move offscreen upwards
> past the top toolbar, unlike on simple desktops like Fluxbox.
> This is somewhat urgent - how do I apply my preference changes and why
> is this window too large for the gnome desktop?  Did I inadvertently
> make it too large?

I had the same problem when I started. As it turns out, you can not use
a 1024x768 screen. The minimum is 1280x1024. I guess this is the same
with you. You can overcome this problem also by pressing ALT-A [if I
remember correctly].


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Cinelerra

2009-02-19 Thread Frans de Boer
Hello Elisabeth,

The simple answer is just: yes.

Cinelerra is licensed under (L)GPL and is free of use. The license it
self deals with addition and/or modifications to the source code. In
fact, Cinelerra is already used by some of the big players to make, yes,
commercial grade clips.

Be advised that this product is powerful but not for the fainthearted.

Good luck,

On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 17:32 +0100, Eder Elisabeth wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam, 
> Is it allowed to work with Cinelerra for commercial use?
> Best regards,
> Elisabeth Eder
> Hubert Burda Media 
> Marketing & Communications GmbH 
> Arabellastraße 23 
> D-81925 München 
> Tel.: +49 (89) 9250-2923 
> Fax: +49 (89) 9250-2745 
> Mail: 
> Hubert Burda Media Marketing & Communications GmbH, Geschäftsführer:
> Dr. Marcel Reichart und Stephanie Czerny, Sitz München, Amtsgericht
> München, HRB Nr. 154251

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] FFmpeg and x264

2008-09-28 Thread Frans de Boer
On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 20:38 -0300, rafael2k wrote:
> Hey people,
> Thank you all !!
> Very nice to see cinelerra cv project getting always re-newed :)
> bye,
> rafael diniz
> Em Saturday 27 September 2008, Johannes Sixt escreveu:
> > On Samstag, 27. September 2008, rafael2k wrote:
> > > Ow, it was quite easy to fix.
> > > Can anyone review the patch to fix cinelerra w/ the newer ffmpeg API?
> > > I think the fix is correct, as I got it looking at the ffmpeg svn diff.
> > >
> > > ps: how will I version my cinelerra packages? git has no revision number!
> > > ps2: can anyone make a tag that represents the svn r1061 in the git repo?
> >
> > The solution is that you maintain your own git repository (Cillian is about
> > to set one up for you). You can put the tag there. Then you can also invent
> > your own naming scheme. And you can place additional changes there if you
> > have such.

The required patch as proposed by Rafael2k and augmented by Nicolas to
cope with FFmpeg version 51 as well as version 52 are here listed
diff --git a/quicktime/mpeg4.c b/quicktime/mpeg4.c
index d418f66..9bab00f 100644
--- a/quicktime/mpeg4.c
+++ b/quicktime/mpeg4.c
@@ -671,7 +671,11 @@ static int encode(quicktime_t *file, unsigned char
**row_pointers, int track)

context->b_quant_factor = 1.25;
context->b_quant_offset = 1.25;
+ #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < ((52<<16)+(0<<8)+0)
context->error_resilience = FF_ER_CAREFUL;
+ #else
+   context->error_recognition = FF_ER_CAREFUL;
+ #endif
context->error_concealment = 3;
context->frame_skip_cmp = FF_CMP_DCTMAX;
context->ildct_cmp = FF_CMP_VSAD;
diff --git a/quicktime/wma.c b/quicktime/wma.c
index 6ceefe5..452f72d 100644
--- a/quicktime/wma.c
+++ b/quicktime/wma.c
@@ -187,12 +187,22 @@ printf("decode 2 %x %llx %llx\n", chunk_size,
chunk_offset, chunk_offset + chunk

 // Decode chunk into work buffer.
+ #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < ((52<<16)+(0<<8)+0)
result = avcodec_decode_audio(codec->decoder_context,
(int16_t*)(codec->work_buffer +
codec->output_size * sample_size),
+   &bytes_decoded,
+   codec->packet_buffer,
-   pthread_mutex_unlock(&ffmpeg_lock);
+ #else
+result = avcodec_decode_audio2(codec->decoder_context,
+(int16_t*)(codec->work_buffer +
codec->output_size * sample_size),
+ #endif
if(bytes_decoded <= 0)

I hope someone can commit this into the mainstream branch. I still have
to figure out how git is exactly working :(

BTW: I used the latest FFmpeg r15444 and the latest git clone for x264.
Cinelerra and mplayer are now compiling "smoothly" and execute as

Kind Regards,
Frans de Boer.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] FFmpeg and x264

2008-09-27 Thread Frans de Boer
On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 15:05 -0300, rafael2k wrote:
> Hello KH,
> OK, it's nice to ifdef things.
> I thing it's ok to use
> #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < ((52<<16)+(0<<8)+0)
> for the code before the patch.
> bye,
> rafael diniz
> Em Saturday 27 September 2008, KH KH escreveu:
> > 2008/9/27 rafael2k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Ow, it was quite easy to fix.
> > > Can anyone review the patch to fix cinelerra w/ the newer ffmpeg API?
> > > I think the fix is correct, as I got it looking at the ffmpeg svn diff.
> >
> > What if this fix is present while an older ffmpeg api is used ?
> >
> > In the vlc case (for a sample), the ffmpeg API changes are
> > conditionalized... This gives something like this:
> > ---
> > #if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT < ((52<<16)+(0<<8)+0)
> > p_sys->p_context->bits_per_sample =
> > p_dec->; #else
> > p_sys->p_context->bits_per_coded_sample =
> > p_dec->;
> > #endif
> > ---
> >
> > Nicolas (kwizart)

I just wonder, if that is all that is changed? The discussion on the
FFmpeg-devel mailing list (albeit sometime quite strong) resulted in the
announcement that r15621 was the last 51 version. Now it seems that
there is one (!) change in structure member only?!!

What about 'error_resilience' being renamed to 'error_recognition'?
Note that libquicktime has been affected too.


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] FFmpeg and x264

2008-09-24 Thread Frans de Boer
Dear Readers,

In case you have not noticed it yet, FFmpeg, x264 and maybe other
packages have changed (and are still changing) their API/ABI as well as
some structures. This causes that Cinelerra can't be compiled with
FFmpeg SVN version 15262 and higher. The x264 libraries have changed
too, but I still have to figure out which version is still usable. For
now I am using the tarball of 20080825-2245. Note: the 2245 is probably
a version number of some kind, but until this date, that number stays
the same while the library is not backwards compatible anymore.

Side Note: This causes also that the compilation of the most recent
mplayer (out of SVN) will fail if you use FFmpeg SVN r15261 or younger.

Q: Will there be any changes in the cinelerra SVN just to cope with
these changes?
Q: If not, is it not better to collect dependent libraries and place
them in some repository - with a clear notice - to be used with the
current SVN r1061? I know I will collect those functional sources to the
latest working versions and probably will offer them online in the near
future on my private server (no warranty about up-time).

Kind Regards,
Frans de Boer.

PS: cinelerra-4 is affected too by these changes, so it will put more
burden on the migration process.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Cinelerra-4: Merge has started and needs helpers

2008-09-18 Thread Frans de Boer
On Thu, 2008-09-18 at 18:49 +0200, Simeon Völkel wrote:
> Hanno Böck wrote:
> > Is there any statement from HV if there'll be any back-merging?
> > 
> HV stated quite clearly that they don't want to spent much bandwidth
> to do that, as they want to focus on their interests which shifted a
> bit.
> > It's probably not the best idea to keep two completely separate trees and 
> > try
> > to merge stuff in rare cases. Though isn't there a chance to coordinate
> > development again? 
> Their interest in having one single tree is quite small, as they
> don't want to focus on patches, bugfixes or just minor improve-
> ments they don't need at the moment.
> According to Adam the best option to contribute at the moment is to
> copy their work into Cinelerra CV instead of the other way round.
> I haven't found a definite statement whether there will be a larger
> back-merging or not. In recent years a few fixes have been merged
> back while a lot were either ignored or rejected.
> There are some statements from HV which express as well, that
> there is no close co-operation, but rather a loose connection
> between them and Cinelerra CV.
> Simeon

Ok, it is clear - as it was before - that HV is not interested in active
cooperation. What has CV4 that CV2 is missing and is really required?
Can't we just incorporate those functions? Because, merging is not a
nice job, knowing that there are probably a lot of errors again from HV
and from the merging process.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] suse 11 / svn

2008-09-02 Thread Frans de Boer
More or less, I am using SVN 1061 on Suse 11.0, however, I replaced some
libraries with newer ones. Sofar no strange problem encountered.


On Tue, 2008-09-02 at 11:13 +1200, E Chalaron wrote:
> Hello there
> I was just wondering if the current svn has been tested on Suse 11
> Thanks
> E
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Wrong colors

2008-06-27 Thread Frans de Boer
Yes, the input is DV, but since I want to create some DVD's I used YUV
$MPEG stream as the output format (picture_3) to be processed later.
Beside, I just used both the Format (using default PAL settings) and
Render options to set the various parameters. Nowhere I have seen the
YCbCr option.

So, assuming I have DV as input, what steps am I missing to make an
output file suitable for further processing towards the final DVD. Yes,
I have read the manual about it, but that does not seem to work.

KR, Frans

PS: I am using SVN 1058.

On Fri, 2008-06-27 at 11:05 +0200, Herman Robak wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 23:52:41 +0200, Frans de Boer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am using Cinelerra for a short time only and have used MainActor a
> > long time. Since that product is dead, I was looking for an alternative.
> > So, today I wanted to render my first results. Whatever parameters,
> > output formats etc I tweak, but nothing is going right. AVI and Qt4L
> > display the result as given in picture_2, Picture_3 has all the colors
> > (create with YUV4MPEG STREAM) but displays only lines.
> >
> > I must do something wrong, but what?
>  The nature of the distortions suggest that you have rendered to 
> raw (uncompressed) YCbCr.  Is that correct?
>  If the original video is DV then DV is a more suitable output 
> format.  DV is more proven in Cinelerra.

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Wrong colors

2008-06-26 Thread Frans de Boer
Hi all,

I am using Cinelerra for a short time only and have used MainActor a
long time. Since that product is dead, I was looking for an alternative.
So, today I wanted to render my first results. Whatever parameters,
output formats etc I tweak, but nothing is going right. AVI and Qt4L
display the result as given in picture_2, Picture_3 has all the colors
(create with YUV4MPEG STREAM) but displays only lines.

I must do something wrong, but what?

KR, Frans de Boer.

Picture_1  Taken from the compositor window 
Picture_2  Taken from Kaffeine 
Picture_3  Taken from Mplayer 

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] cinelerra from svn

2008-06-18 Thread Frans de Boer
Cinelerra stable? That would be a first.
Although it is a powerful package, it is not for those who want also a
stable product. I even made a small script to clear temporary data and
restart Cinelerra as well as use the backup file to restore to the last
edit action. Simply because you need this very often. If I work one hour
with Cinelerra, I probably have to restart it 5-8 times

The original product is even more worse and I can't understand that
people want to work with it at all. Luckily, on the far horizon there
will be Lumiere and this time hopefully without the contribution of the
original HV authors. If Lumiere is functional equal to Cinelerra-CV but
at least stable, that by it self would be a great step forwards.

Starting Cinelerra and having an unresponsive program: kill the process
with kill , clear temp files and restart.
Working with Cinelerra and having a crash or unresponsive screen at some
point: Same as above, and reload backup file BEFORE!! doing anything

Note: kill all instances of Cinelerra using a script like:
   kill $(ps -A |grep cinelerra | sed -e 's/ .*$//')

Nevertheless, looking at functionality only, it's a great program.

KR, Frans.

On Wed, 2008-06-18 at 11:12 +0200, Dragan Noveski wrote:
> hallo list,
> i am first time here.
> i am trying to compile cinelera from svn. so far the compilation went 
> good, cinelerry starts, but behaves very strange in lot of aspects.
> so, before i report any other issues here, i would like to ask you for a 
> following advice:
> what other packages/libs/tools on which cinelerra is depending on would 
> you recommend to compile from svn/cvs in order to have cinelerra from 
> svn running stable?
> cheers,
> doc
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] lumiera

2008-04-08 Thread Frans de Boer
Like I said, they still are looking what to do with it. I spoke some
people just days after they announced the termination of MainActor and
again somewhere in the second half of last year.

Yes, looking at the last answer it seems that they know that they have a
gem-stone, but are sitting on it for no other purpose that someone comes
by with a big enough pile of money. However, as time goes by, the
gem-stone (albeit biodegradable) is getting older and loses it's appeal
and with it it's value. Still, if enough people band together, have a
good idea, maybe MainConcept will give in.

But, I get the impression that Lumiera is around the corner, so why
waste time on an incompatible and aging product.

In my view, there are now only two things to be done:
  * Make CV-Cinelerra more stable
  * Getting Lumiera ready AND compatible with cv-cinelerra's project

That's it for today folks.
Frans de Boer.

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 09:04 +0200, Riviere Informatique SARL wrote:
> Where did you get the idea they try to offload the codebase?
> I tried to get in contact with them about that but they showed no
> interest at all.
> If you have any info about that, please share.
> Regards,
> Steven van de Beek.
> Frans de Boer wrote: 
> > Maybe just a silly Idea: Why not take the MainActor codebase? They stiil
> > seem to look for a good way to dispense with that codebase anyhow.
> > if it needs funding? I have no idea, but if it does...some of us in the
> > community might give some small or larger contributions without
> > over-demanding provisions.
> > 
> > KR,
> > Frans de Boer.
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 03:06 +0200, Frans de Boer wrote:
> >   
> > > See my last mailing. Yes, I am new to this list. I was a MainActor adept
> > > and a Adobe Premiere (win32) before. Since MainActor has been killed
> > > off, I was looking for a viable successor. CV-Cinelerra seems to fit the
> > > bill - although a "for better or worse" feeling is creeping upon me.
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > Frans de Boer.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 10:18 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > 
> > > > > Hello dear reader,
> > > > > 
> > > > > Can anyone tell me what this "lumiera" things is about? I have read 
> > > > > many
> > > > > reactions on all kinds of questions - including my own - which somehow
> > > > > seem to be able to slip-in the word "lumiera". Please, humor me.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Regards,
> > > > > Frans de Boer.
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > I guess you're just recently on the list.  Lumiera by its previous name
> > > > was cinelerra 3.  There is no working version of lumiera due for at 
> > > > least
> > > > a year.  It will be based, and will evolve from, cinelerra 2.x but with 
> > > > a
> > > > completely remanufactured code base.  A lot of the action is happening 
> > > > on
> > > > this list which recently hosted the preliminary vote which came up with
> > > > the name lumiera (later ratified by further voting and a developers
> > > > meeting).
> > > > 
> > > > hope that helps
> > > > 
> > > > Graham
> > > > 
> > > > ___
> > > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >   
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > Cinelerra mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> >   
> ___ Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] lumiera

2008-04-07 Thread Frans de Boer
Maybe just a silly Idea: Why not take the MainActor codebase? They stiil
seem to look for a good way to dispense with that codebase anyhow.
if it needs funding? I have no idea, but if it does...some of us in the
community might give some small or larger contributions without
over-demanding provisions.

Frans de Boer.

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 03:06 +0200, Frans de Boer wrote:
> See my last mailing. Yes, I am new to this list. I was a MainActor adept
> and a Adobe Premiere (win32) before. Since MainActor has been killed
> off, I was looking for a viable successor. CV-Cinelerra seems to fit the
> bill - although a "for better or worse" feeling is creeping upon me.
> Regards,
> Frans de Boer.
> On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 10:18 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hello dear reader,
> > >
> > > Can anyone tell me what this "lumiera" things is about? I have read many
> > > reactions on all kinds of questions - including my own - which somehow
> > > seem to be able to slip-in the word "lumiera". Please, humor me.
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > > Frans de Boer.
> > >
> > >
> > I guess you're just recently on the list.  Lumiera by its previous name
> > was cinelerra 3.  There is no working version of lumiera due for at least
> > a year.  It will be based, and will evolve from, cinelerra 2.x but with a
> > completely remanufactured code base.  A lot of the action is happening on
> > this list which recently hosted the preliminary vote which came up with
> > the name lumiera (later ratified by further voting and a developers
> > meeting).
> > 
> > hope that helps
> > 
> > Graham
> > 
> > ___
> > Cinelerra mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] lumiera

2008-04-07 Thread Frans de Boer
See my last mailing. Yes, I am new to this list. I was a MainActor adept
and a Adobe Premiere (win32) before. Since MainActor has been killed
off, I was looking for a viable successor. CV-Cinelerra seems to fit the
bill - although a "for better or worse" feeling is creeping upon me.

Frans de Boer.

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 10:18 +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hello dear reader,
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what this "lumiera" things is about? I have read many
> > reactions on all kinds of questions - including my own - which somehow
> > seem to be able to slip-in the word "lumiera". Please, humor me.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Frans de Boer.
> >
> >
> I guess you're just recently on the list.  Lumiera by its previous name
> was cinelerra 3.  There is no working version of lumiera due for at least
> a year.  It will be based, and will evolve from, cinelerra 2.x but with a
> completely remanufactured code base.  A lot of the action is happening on
> this list which recently hosted the preliminary vote which came up with
> the name lumiera (later ratified by further voting and a developers
> meeting).
> hope that helps
> Graham
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] lumiera

2008-04-07 Thread Frans de Boer
Okay, i understood before that the CV-Cinelerra team was working on a
new (bottom-up) cinelerra-CV version since it is obvious that if you
have to resort to an option to "restore from backup" that the product
must me fundamentally flawed anyhow and the HVW team does not seem to
care to remedy that, it's time to back away from that buggy software and
create something new.

Anyhow, the project was known to me as the CV-Cinerella version 3
project, not as the Lumiera project. So, it seems to be renamed, but the
main question might be: why is the original HVW project so flawed? Bad
leadership, disrespect of the user community (and/or ego tripping) or

Apart of the many crashes, CV-Cinelerra (v 2.1) does offer many of the
things I expect from a professional Video Editor. it does has it's
excentric ways compared to MainActor/Adobe Premiere, but still deliver
AND because it uses XML files to create EDL files, it can be  - in
theory - portable to other editors as well.

My only hope sofare is that the new piece of code can handle the
CV-Cinelerra V2 XML files too. I have already restarted projects three
times - Adobe Premiere (win32) -> MainActor (linux) -> CV-Cinelerra
(linux) - I do hope that the last transition was the last one for many
years to come. Those transitions meant doing it all over again.

Keep up the good work,
Frans de Boer.

On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 02:27 +0200, Christian Thaeter wrote:
> Frans de Boer wrote:
> > Hello dear reader,
> > 
> > Can anyone tell me what this "lumiera" things is about? I have read many
> > reactions on all kinds of questions - including my own - which somehow
> > seem to be able to slip-in the word "lumiera". Please, humor me.
> In short:
> We (some cinelerra users/developers) create a new Video editor with
> cinelerra in mind, targeting to become a professional free software NLE.
> Premature website at
> For end-users there is nothing useable yet, we working from bottom up
> creating a rendering backend first, since recently we have a GUI
> developer in the team, but first previews are likely some (many) months
> ahead. Something which can be really used for working is likely years
> ahead (we need more developers).
>   Christian
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] lumiera

2008-04-07 Thread Frans de Boer
Hello dear reader,

Can anyone tell me what this "lumiera" things is about? I have read many
reactions on all kinds of questions - including my own - which somehow
seem to be able to slip-in the word "lumiera". Please, humor me.

Frans de Boer.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Saving Preferences (closed)

2008-04-01 Thread Frans de Boer
Thanks Raffaella, until I buy a bigger screen, this is a workable


On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 20:59 +0200, Raffaella Traniello wrote:
> Hi Frans!
> The best workaround I've found for this problem of screens smaller than
> the Preference Window is to move the window up when I need to use the
> bottom part of it: I hold the Alt key and drag the central part of the
> window (dragging the top bar doesn't work).
> I'm an Ubuntu user.
> Ciao!
> Raffaella
> ___
> Cinelerra mailing list

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Saving Preferences

2008-03-30 Thread Frans de Boer
Okay, I have seen the OK and Apply buttons when I enlarged my virtual
screen to a height of 1024. So, the buttons are there, but since my
screen is only 1024x768, it is just of the screen. It seems there are no
"Alt-key" combinations possible to invoke the OK,Apply or Close button.

yes, I am thinking of going to bigger screens, but for now it seems I
have to live with an uncomfortable 2048X1024 virtual screen instead of
just 2048x768. By the way, it seems that if I have a height of 800, the
buttons would show themselves. Any room for a fix?

Kind regards,
Frans de Boer.

On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 18:49 +0100, Herman Robak wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 18:34:00 +0100, Frans de Boer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear members,
> >
> > I am new to Cinelerra-CV 2.1 and have many questions which I hope to
> > answer myself. But one question I already have for this forum: How can I
> > save my preferences?
> >
> > I do not see any button with Apply or Save etc. Using save setting from
> > the main menu does not work either.
> >
> > Any pointers?
> This is a screenshot of the Preferences dialog:
> At the bottom there are three buttons:
> [OK], [Apply] and [Cancel]

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] Saving Preferences

2008-03-28 Thread Frans de Boer
Thanks, I can't see the bottom part of the Preference dialog, although I
use a screen height of 768. So when I use Cinelerra I must preset my
virtual screen to a height of 1024?

Are there short cut keys such as using Alt-A or the like?

Kind regards,
Frans de Boer.

On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 18:49 +0100, Herman Robak wrote:
> On Fri, 28 Mar 2008 18:34:00 +0100, Frans de Boer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dear members,
> >
> > I am new to Cinelerra-CV 2.1 and have many questions which I hope to
> > answer myself. But one question I already have for this forum: How can I
> > save my preferences?
> >
> > I do not see any button with Apply or Save etc. Using save setting from
> > the main menu does not work either.
> >
> > Any pointers?
> This is a screenshot of the Preferences dialog:
> At the bottom there are three buttons:
> [OK], [Apply] and [Cancel]

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Saving Preferences

2008-03-28 Thread Frans de Boer
Dear members,

I am new to Cinelerra-CV 2.1 and have many questions which I hope to
answer myself. But one question I already have for this forum: How can I
save my preferences?

I do not see any button with Apply or Save etc. Using save setting from
the main menu does not work either.

Any pointers?

Kind regards,
frans de Boer.

Cinelerra mailing list