On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Chuck Larrieu wrote:

> Quick and dirty book review.
> CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Cram, by Tom Thomas and Henry Benjamin
> http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1576104338/qid=972768223/sr=1-3/104-3
> 810111-6781503
> I truly wanted to hate this book. The very title Exam Cram rubs me the wrong
> way for some reason. But my Design Engineer, the woman who reviews my work
> and provides me with plenty of good advice in my job, had good things to
> say, so I bought it.

I bought this too.  I also normally despise exam cram.  But their isn't
enough CCIE prep books, and it looked like it had alot of nice tableized
information.........which it does.

> And I have to say, this one turned out to be a pleasant surprise.
> The chapters on bridging and switching, networking theory, TCP/IP
> networking, and Cisco device operations are excellent. The coverage of RSRP,
> DLSw+, and RIF calculation, are excellent.
> I was disappointed in the Routing chapter. With the exception of OSPF ( I
> wonder why? ) the routing protocols were not very well covered. Doyle is a
> far better source for routing protocol behavior.

nod I found the BGP stuff real weak as well...........even for just
"review" material.

I personally think the book has alot of errors.  It went to press to
fast.  I can't say I was impressed by the OSPF though.  Does this
statement impress you:


"OSPF type 1 routes are always preferred over type 2 routes for the same
dstination, because the cost will always be lower."

Ch.5 p162

A section titled "Transport Control Protocol (TCP)"........other places in
the book call it "Transmission Control Protocol".......it just flip flops
back and forth.

I think the RIF stuff had some errors..........I am just scanning the book
and trying to remember.

The BGP routing decision isn't exactly complete or accurate.

p297 shows a config for tacacs yet is setting the "radius-server
host" instead of "tacacs-server host"........

> Definitely one to add to one's study repertoire, particularly as a review in
> those last days prior to actually taking the test. In fact, I became

I wish they had an eratta.  And if they do, I wish they would make it
easier to locate.

> absolutely positive I would pass after racking up the points on the practice
> test at the back of the book. Furthermore, now that I have seen the actual
> written, I can say that in terms of content and style, the Exam Cram
> practice test is most realistic I have seen.
> Will this book alone prepare you to pass? No way! Is it a good source of
> information that appears on the exam but is difficult to find elsewhere? You
> bet!
> I recommend that one invest in the CCIE Exam Cram book as early as one can
> in one's certification career. There is a lot of good stuff there, and what
> you don't understand early in your career you will most definitely grow into
> as you progress.

I agree its good to get, but I am disappointed because they had alot of
good visuals and ideas yet the delivery was a little weak.

I know it is very hard to write and edit a good book, but I wish these
companies would get copies to several people to proof read before going to
print (or more / better people).


> Chuck
> ----------------------
> I am Locutus, a CCIE Lab Proctor. Xx_Brain_dumps_xX are futile. Your life as
> it has been is over ( if you hope to pass ) From this time forward, you will
> study US!
> ( apologies to the folks at Star Trek TNG )
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