G'day All,

I have recently been trying to tweak some FRTS parameters and playing around
with Tc. The Cisco site states that Tc should be 125ms max, and I have found
this to be a bit large for the majority of our installations. What I
generally use as my defaults are Tc=60ms for normal data sites and Tc=10ms
if I am setting up VoIP. What I have come across though is that sometimes
the router overrides my setting with its own value for Tc say Tc=30ms. 3600
seires routers seem to be the ones that set Tc=30ms.The Cisco site did
mention that a router will sometimes select a more appropriate Tc value, but
it doesn't mention what criteria it uses for the override function. Does
anybody know what the criteria is for a Cisco router to set its own Tc and
override one set in a map-class frame-relay.



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