Shoot I did it again. I did a reply instead of reply to all (as is proper on
most lists). Who is the list owner here?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Mandulak" 
To: "Priscilla Oppenheimer" 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Novell Encapsulations and Cat 5000 [7:17233]

> Hmmph... Then I stand corrected on a couple of points here, the obvious
> reference to incorrect info and more importantly for being critical of
> for asking.
> I must admit that I don't know all that much about Netware protocols as
> of my time has been in Banyan (sigh),  MS and big iron shops.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Priscilla Oppenheimer" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 5:20 PM
> Subject: Re: Novell Encapsulations and Cat 5000 [7:17233]
> > Don't use that reference. It's full of mistakes. It claims that an LLC
> > is Service Advertising Protocol. It puts the first two bytes of a Novell
> > IPX network-layer header with 802.3. And so on.
> >
> > I wrote extensively about Ethernet frame types in my Troubleshooting
> > Ethernet Networks study guide at
> >
> > Cisco has some good references on the subject also.
> >
> > The CIT class and Cisco Press CIT book do a good job with it. They also
> > have a bunch of info about your other question, troubleshooting Cat
> >
> > Priscilla
> >
> > At 11:57 AM 8/25/01, Mike Mandulak wrote:
> > >Hunt if you did a yahoo search on +snap +ethernet +sap you would find
> > >following link.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Not trying to be harsh here but being able to quickly look up readily
> > >available information is a key part of becoming a good engineer.
> > >
> > >----- Original Message -----
> > >From: "Hunt Lee"
> > >To:
> > >Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 6:11 AM
> > >Subject: Novell Encapsulations and Cat 5000 [7:17233]
> > >
> > >
> > > > It would be very great if someone can shed some light on this.  It's
> > > > little bit off topic but thanks  :)   Firstly, what is the
> > > > between the following Novell encapsulation types - Arpa, Sap,
> > > > Novell-Ether and Snap? Do they have different fields in them (for
> > > > instance, if analyzed with a Protocol Analyzer), and are they all
> > > > Ethernet?
> > > >
> > > > Secondly, whereabout can I find out more troubleshooting info. on a
> Cat
> > > > 5000 - in particular, the LEDs (the green, orange and red lights).
> > > >
> > > > Thanks again.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Hunt Lee
> > > > IP Solution Analyst
> > > > Cable and Wireless
> > ________________________
> >
> > Priscilla Oppenheimer
> >

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