It's a little kludgy, but...

What I used to do to get a printout of all the Boson questions/answers to 
take with me on the road was to open a blank Word document, start the Boson 
test, then highlight the complete answer info (click/drag), right-click, 
select "Copy" to copy the highlighted text, then ALT-Tab to my Word doc and 
CTRL-V to paste the text.

Kinda awkward, but hey, it worked, it was free and I didn't have to schlep a 
laptop into the hotel just to review.


> Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Full-name: AWTroxell
> Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 08:55:32 EST
> Subject: Re: Boson Tests
> MIME-Version: 1.0
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> It's a little kludgy, but...
> What I used to do to get a printout of all the Boson questions/answers to 
> take with me on the road was to open a blank Word document, start the Boson 
> test, then highlight the complete answer info (click/drag), right-click, 
> select "Copy" to copy the highlighted text, then ALT-Tab to my Word doc and 
> CTRL-V to paste the text.
> Kinda awkward, but hey, it worked, it was free and I didn't have to schlep a 
> laptop into the hotel just to review.
> -Austin
> (on hiatus from any more studying for awhile)
> --part2_b5.5504a05.2785dad4_boundary
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> <HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT  SIZE=2>It's a little kludgy, but...
> <BR>
> <BR>What I used to do to get a printout of all the Boson questions/answers to 
><BR>take with me on the road was to open a blank Word document, start the Boson 
><BR>test, then highlight the complete answer info (click/drag), right-click, 
><BR>select "Copy" to copy the highlighted text, then ALT-Tab to my Word doc and 
><BR>CTRL-V to paste the text.
> <BR>
> <BR>Kinda awkward, but hey, it worked, it was free and I didn't have to schlep a 
><BR>laptop into the hotel just to review.
> <BR>
> <BR>-Austin
> <BR>(on hiatus from any more studying for awhile)</FONT></HTML>
> --part2_b5.5504a05.2785dad4_boundary--
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