Heres the procedure to do a xmodem. This will let you copy the
image on to the flash on the 2600 and 3600 router.

Please power cycle the router and depress Cntrl, Break within the first 60 
seconds to go into rommon mode.

rommon1>confreg 0x3922

Turn router off
Reset Hyperterminal setting to Speed 115200
Goto Call and disconnect
Goto Call and connect
Turn router on

rommon1>xmodem -c <filename>

Do not start upload program yet...
File size Checksum File name
2537948 bytes (0x26b9dc) 3640-boot-l

WARN: This operation will ERASE bootflash. If the xmodem
download to bootflash fails, you will lose any good image
you may already have in bootflash.
Invoke this application only for disaster recovery.

Do you wish to continue? [yes/no]: yes
Ready to receive file prog ...

Goto transfer and send file
Select xmodem protocol
Click brouse and find the image
Highlight it and click open
Click send
File starts to copy

Erasing flash at 0x3000000

program flash location 0x3000000

Transfer complete!

Commands for this are listed below
Router will reload with new image
Once at router prompt go into enable mode
Go into config mode
Go into console port configuration
set speed to 9600
You will loose connection at this time
Reset hyperterminal setting to speed 9600
Goto Call and disconnect
Goto Call and connect
set config register to 0x2102
exit config
Do sh ver and make sure config register is set to 0x2102
Reload router

router#config t
router(config)#line con 0
router(config-line)#speed 9600

router(config)#config-register 0x2102
router#sh ver

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