At 9:55 PM +0000 2/6/03, David C Prall wrote:
>  > I think I can answer this one without violating NDA.  MOSPF is not
>>  covered in the lab because Cisco has chosen not to support MOSPF in
>>  IOS. Surely you would agree that it is not easy to test something in
>>  the lab that is not actually supported within Cisco gear.    To
>>  digress, I am not aware of a single mainstream vendor that currently
>>  supports MOSPF (if anybody knows of one, I would like to hear it).
>Be careful what you wish for, there are commands related to MOSPF

But this command is only to ignore MOSPF.

The only commercial implementation I knew of was Proteon's, although 
it might be in some versions of GateD. The only place I ever saw it 
used was in some relatively small NASA control center applications.

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