Well I thought the site was very slow - until I realised I'd stuck a
clock rate 64000 on my frameswitch router so that I could see some
queueing :-) I now go straight for the search button, but there are some
horrors in there.  There seem to be more pdfs as well which is good, but
then sometimes there is only a pdf.  Theres a bit under technologies
where I burrowed down through QoS, congestion management, through
queuing and then to WFQ to find a short paragraph telling me what it
was.  I'd really wanted a white paper detailing algorithms!
I'm sure I'll crack it sometime.

The Long and Winding Road wrote:
> Is it just me? More broken links? Harder to find the everyday tools?
> lower  - a LOT slower - navigating around?
> Seems like just about every day I'm filling out one of those feedback forms
> to report a problem. assuming I've found the basic page I'm looking for
> anyway.
> For example - check out the links on this page.
> /iprprt2/index.htm
> watch the wrap
> and whatever happened to the tool index? It was no fun searching for the
> Software Advisor and the IOS Upgrade Planner this morning.
> grumble grumble grumble
> --
> "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch"

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