Hello group,

This is what I have in my PIX log. The 64.74.xx.xx is a VPN gateway that has
an interface on the outside and an interface on the inside. The outside IP
is the 64.74.xx.xx and the inside has a 172.xx.xx.xx address. The
24.46.xx.xx is a user trying to connect to the gateway. The traffic should
not be hitting the PIX at all since the 64.74.xx.xx address is in front of
the PIX. Any ideas?

02-26-2003 09:08:26 Local.Error %PIX-3-106011: Deny inbound
(No xlate) udp src outside: dst outside:
02-26-2003 09:08:27 Local4.Error %PIX-3-106011: Deny inbound
(No xlate) udp src outside: dst outside:
02-26-2003 09:08:29 Local4.Error %PIX-3-106011: Deny inbound
(No xlate) udp src outside: dst outside:
02-26-2003 09:08:33 Local4.Error %PIX-3-106011: Deny inbound
(No xlate) udp src outside: dst outside:

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