Hi guys,
Can someone please explain to me about this Licensed connections on a Pix

pix-520P# sh ver

PIX Version 4.4(6)
Compiled on Sun 24-Sep-00 19:22 by pixbuild
Finesse Bios V3.3

pix-520P up 130 days 22 hours

Hardware:   AL440LX, 32 MB RAM, CPU Pentium II 266 MHz
Flash atmel @ base 0x300
0: ethernet0: address is 0090.2737.1cca, irq 11
1: ethernet1: address is 0090.2737.2178, irq 15
2: ethernet2: address is 0090.2737.3799, irq 10
3: ethernet3: address is 0090.2727.09cb, irq 9
Licensed Connections: 65536

Is this the maximum number of connections the Pix can handle?  If so, is
that too much or too little?  Can a network max it out?  Thanks for any


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