I don't think he needs to worry about reprise from Cisco if it is just for

I'm interested in this too but from a tinkering "how does it work"
perspective. There are lots of confusing things about the pix software
install/upgrades/downgrades and then add in the activation keys and serial
numbers. Not even close to the confusion of trying to upgrade catalyst
supervisor engines from 2 to 5 and having to go one step at a time. Ah, if
all things were easy like 2500 images :)

Subject: RE: How to get the activation key for my clone Pix?

> You got a good price on the flash card....
> However, this is not a wise move.  Bad karma to do this installation
> anyway...
> Worse karma to ask for help on a public list with numerous Cisco people on
> it! (grin)

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