Hi Paul and All,

I think we have to stop this thread before we convert this List to an other
thing not related to our feild..

By the way Karl,
I disagree with all attackers and there actions especially the Tuesday
As muslim man I realised that you have not any knowledge about what you told
this list about islam....
So, it's not fair to say that holy war against Islam amd muslims....
About the attack... Do you remember the 2 nuclear bombs in the second War?..
The Tuesday attacks excuted by individuals may they are muslims...
but they still individuals not all muslims did that...
but the two bombs on Japan excuted by the government of USA
I mean if we considered these individuals terrorists then we can consider
the USA as terrorist country because of the 2 bombs on Jaban in the second
Please do not forget the USA crimes in Veitnam and 3rd world countries, and
do not forget what the Israeli army did with supporting of the USA with teh
palestinian peoples...
I think you need to study the history with carefully reading to know some
thing good about Islam and then talk about it...

Again I do not agree with any attack against any one on the earth but you
have to be fair when you talk about the others..

Is that clear MR. Karl??? I doubt

Regards for the list


Dear Apologist for Genocide

I am perfectly entitled to my opinion and I would simply point out that in
most of the so called Muslim countries I have been to and seen, intolerance
is a watchword for daily life.

The usual one party states or army states with a poor and ill educated
population mostly led by men who profess their religion and humility before
some god and profit greatly from the poor and the disenfranchised.

Women are subjugated and mere breeders, young men used as cannon fodder in
some so called holy war which turns out to have more in common with a wallet
than a valuation of human life.

How dare you complain about insults to a so called religion who's members
excuse their crimes through some so called god and lies.  What am I to
expect now....a Fatwah of death (a.k.a. Salman Rushdh) because I have a
contary opinion.  You intolerance to the "insults" of your so called
religion are quite simply unbelievable.

I have fought terrorists and been injured as a result, they (the terrorists)
always excuse themselves through religion when really criminal behaviour and
greed is what they wish to hide.  It does not matter whether it is the great
sky god of the Roman Catholic faith and the scum of the IRA or the immature
rantings of the most recent hate filled Mullah.  There is the EVIL.

I strongly suggest that those who are apologists for murder and cannot
tolerate democracy would be very wise at this juncture to hold their
tongues.  I can understand why you would not wish this thread to continue as
it might draw attention away from the criminal activities of this so called
murderous cult.  I know much of Islam and know down through history how the
concept of Holy War is abused by men time and time again!  It is a religion
that has not come out of the middle ages and should have been left there.

I have the deepest shock at what I have seen and understand clearly how
powerless America was at that instant.  There was no mercy and the name of
Allah was invoked.......that was evil and until the Muslim world
categorically removes itself from that evil and hands up its
criminals/terrorists then at least I and I think many others will judge it
to be evil.  I'm sorry if some faint hearts found this upsetting....the poor
dears......at least they are alive!


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