On a different term, I'm building a cheap terminal server for console
access to multiple routers.

Basically a old P133 (486 would work, too :), a cheap multiserial card,

Telnet to the machine, minicom, bingo! internal console access for those
things you won't telnet to (for example a bridge without ip addresses, a
test firewall without telnet/ssh/whatever access ecc) or you just lost
connection to (damn!) or is reloading and you want to see the boot
messages, too.
Definitively better than a windows box + hyperterminal + pcAnywhere or
Vnc or similar. The next step would be configuring a screen (the program
screen I mean) to autostart at boot with minicom (or whatever) set up as
the shell ecc, in order to have a persistent scrollback history through

Any comments ?

The only weak point for now: I just can't make copy/paste work, neither
from telnet or console... lost characters for any paste longer than some
chars. It almost seams as if minicom is not buffering the input it gets,
so any input faster than the serial line gets lost.


-- Via Ferretto, 1            ph  x39-041-5907073
-- I-31021 Mogliano V.to (TV) fax x39-041-5907087

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