boot into rommon mode and check conf register`s 0x2102...

CTRL+BRK within 60 seconds of router booting up

looks like it`s set wrong
Local Timeout (control reg=0x118) Error,

>From: "xie rootstock" 
>Reply-To: "xie rootstock" 
>Subject: when 25 booting, the message is repeat again and a [7:13950]
>Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 11:12:53 -0400
>System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(10c), SOFTWARE
>Copyright (c) 1986-1996 by cisco Systems
>2500 processor with 2048 Kbytes of main memory
>Local Timeout (control reg=0x118) Error, address: 0x213202C at 0x101772A 
>what is the metter anyway!! please help, I bough this router for only 1
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