Re: [c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6

2021-01-13 Thread Tim Stevenson (tstevens) via cisco-nsp
--- Begin Message ---
Should be like this:

tstevens-9236c-1(config)# line vty
tstevens-9236c-1(config-line)# ip
ip ipv6
tstevens-9236c-1(config-line)# ip access-class foo in
tstevens-9236c-1(config-line)# ipv6 access-class bar in
tstevens-9236c-1(config-line)# sh run | sec vty
line vty
  access-class foo in
  ipv6 access-class bar in

Hope that helps,

-Original Message-
From: cisco-nsp  On Behalf Of Francisco José 
Bernal Fernández
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 9:37 AM
To: Drew Weaver 
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6

Hi .

You need to create ipv6 acces-list.


> El 13 ene 2021, a las 18:10, Drew Weaver  escribió:
> Nevermind I actually figured this out. I had created the V6 ACL as a V4 ACL.
> Apologies for the bytes.
> -Original Message-
> From: cisco-nsp  On Behalf Of Drew Weaver
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 12:01 PM
> To: '' 
> Subject: [c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6
> Hello,
> I am doing basic configuration on a switch with NXOS 7. It seems to not want 
> to let me specify different ACLs per "address family" even though it seems to 
> imply that it should be possible. If I enter the command as "ip access-class 
> V4ACL in" and then try to enter "ipv6 access-class V6ACL in" it says: ACL 
> with given name exists with different type
> It is not a huge deal because CoPP filters it first, but I would like to do 
> it for the sake of paranoia and consistency.
> It doesn't seem to be possible to create an ACL that is both IPv4 and IPv6 on 
> this platform, so I am not entirely certain how you do this.
> Thanks,
> -Drew
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--- End Message ---
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Re: [c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6

2021-01-13 Thread Francisco José Bernal Fernández
Hi .

You need to create ipv6 acces-list.


> El 13 ene 2021, a las 18:10, Drew Weaver  escribió:
> Nevermind I actually figured this out. I had created the V6 ACL as a V4 ACL.
> Apologies for the bytes.
> -Original Message-
> From: cisco-nsp  On Behalf Of Drew Weaver
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 12:01 PM
> To: '' 
> Subject: [c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6
> Hello,
> I am doing basic configuration on a switch with NXOS 7. It seems to not want 
> to let me specify different ACLs per "address family" even though it seems to 
> imply that it should be possible. If I enter the command as "ip access-class 
> V4ACL in" and then try to enter "ipv6 access-class V6ACL in" it says: ACL 
> with given name exists with different type
> It is not a huge deal because CoPP filters it first, but I would like to do 
> it for the sake of paranoia and consistency.
> It doesn't seem to be possible to create an ACL that is both IPv4 and IPv6 on 
> this platform, so I am not entirely certain how you do this.
> Thanks,
> -Drew
> ___
> cisco-nsp mailing list 
> archive at 
> ___
> cisco-nsp mailing list
> archive at
cisco-nsp mailing list
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Re: [c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6

2021-01-13 Thread Drew Weaver
Nevermind I actually figured this out. I had created the V6 ACL as a V4 ACL.

Apologies for the bytes.

-Original Message-
From: cisco-nsp  On Behalf Of Drew Weaver
Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2021 12:01 PM
To: '' 
Subject: [c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6


I am doing basic configuration on a switch with NXOS 7. It seems to not want to 
let me specify different ACLs per "address family" even though it seems to 
imply that it should be possible. If I enter the command as "ip access-class 
V4ACL in" and then try to enter "ipv6 access-class V6ACL in" it says: ACL with 
given name exists with different type

It is not a huge deal because CoPP filters it first, but I would like to do it 
for the sake of paranoia and consistency.

It doesn't seem to be possible to create an ACL that is both IPv4 and IPv6 on 
this platform, so I am not entirely certain how you do this.


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cisco-nsp mailing list
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[c-nsp] NXOS 7 apply VTY access-list to both IPv4 and IPv6

2021-01-13 Thread Drew Weaver

I am doing basic configuration on a switch with NXOS 7. It seems to not want to 
let me specify different ACLs per "address family" even though it seems to 
imply that it should be possible. If I enter the command as "ip access-class 
V4ACL in" and then try to enter "ipv6 access-class V6ACL in" it says: ACL with 
given name exists with different type

It is not a huge deal because CoPP filters it first, but I would like to do it 
for the sake of paranoia and consistency.

It doesn't seem to be possible to create an ACL that is both IPv4 and IPv6 on 
this platform, so I am not entirely certain how you do this.


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