Hi friends,

                           I just want to let you know about our savior
Jesus Christ

                              Where he was the son of god *(John 3:33 says
like this ,“The father loved the son and has given all authority into his
hands”)* and the lord Jesus says in *(John 10:30 “ I and MY father are One”)

* a*

*The lord Jesus Christ came into this world in the form of flesh,(“For all
have sinned and come short of the glory of god”  Romans 3:23)*…The scripts
say that yet there was No sin in him but he became sin for our sake, he
bore our sins on him and died on the cross and shed his blood, for our sin’s
*(“who was delivered for our offense, and was raised again for our
justification” Romans 4:25)*

* *

*   *He died for our sins and rose again to save you and me, now the lord
is calling you he wants to forgive you, he already paid penalty for our
sin’s *(“If we confess our sin’s he is faithful and just to forgive us our
sin’s and to cleanse us form all unrighteousness” 1John 1:9)*

Now the is ready to forgive you, my son come unto me I am ready to forgive
your sin’s *(who ever shall believe in me has everlasting life and shall
not come into condemnation, but is passed from death to life John 5:24)*

* *

*So now friend I plead with you, please confess your sins and accept Jesus
Christ as you personal Savoir, and invite him into your heart your life
will be changed*

* *

quickly (Behold I come quickly)*

* *

*My the lord bless you*

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