
Is there a reason for clamd not supporting the include, exclude and exclude-dir options? I've tried adding them as switches to clamdscan but I get a message back saying:
        WARNING: Ignoring option --exclude: please edit clamd.conf instead

So I then tried editing clamd.conf but can see no option for include/ exclude (other than clamuko which can't be used). Simply adding "exclude PATTERN" to clamd.conf doesn't work either as I then get the following error when I launch clamd:
        ERROR: Parse error at line 6: Unknown option exclude.
        ERROR: Can't parse the configuration file.

Have I missed something or does the option just not exist for clamd/ clamdscan? I'd rather not have to use the standalone clamscan if I can help it, especially since v0.90 added support for MP.

Many thanks


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