[Clamav-users] softlimit+clamav

2004-05-12 Thread Rich

I Googled my clamav problem (memory usage grows!) and found this thread.
I've had numerous OOM with my production box so I thought running
Softlimit+Clamd would be a good idea. The problem is I get get segmentation
fault error and all the clamd processes seems to hang.

You mentioned that you figured out the problem, can you please provide
details on this?


>Re: [Clamav-users] clamd still hangs with 0.70

>From: Jason Haar
>Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] clamd still hangs with 0.70
>Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:44:54 -0700

>>On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 01:11:40PM -0400, Mike Cathey wrote:
>> ...lsof the pid and see what files it has open...then copy the files to
>> somewhere else and fire them off to the develpers. :)

>Nope - that won't help. I just did that - twice within 10 minutes on my
>(currently) hung mail server. The first shows clamd (running just below the
>softlimit memory setting - again it ran out of memory) having bunches of
>library files, logfiles,etc open - plus one eml file. 10 minutes later it
>hasn't got that file open but has others open...

>i.e. it hasn't hung - it's now just going E.X.T.R.E.M.E.L.Y slowly...

>OK, I think I can trigger this at will at the moment. If I let clamdscan
>over my SPAM Maildir folder (32,580 msgs) - which will be full of
>atrociously written MIME mail messages (if that matters), then over a few
>minutes clamd climbs up to the softlimit RAM limit and then clamd hangs (or
>goes slow - take your pick). Then all further clamdscan processes hang. If
>then kill the "clamdscan -r SPAM/" process, then almost immediately all the
>other clamdscan processes finish (not crash!), and clamd memory usage drops
>back down to around 16M.

>Gah. I think I've figured out the problem. I'm running clamd under
>daemontools - which means I've set "Foreground" in clamav.conf... How does
>that affect the running of clamd? Does it force clamd to serialize requests
>by any chance...?

>Jason Haar
>Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
>Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417
>PGP Fingerprint: 7A2E 0407 C9A6 CAF6 2B9F 8422 C063 5EBB FE1D 66D1

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[Clamav-users] Updates to my patches

2004-05-12 Thread Joe Maimon
Hello All,

For those who care,

There are new versions of these patches on my 
http://www.jmaimon.com/clamav page

- clamav-devel.jm-pl4


-  max-child-wait - clamav-milter 0.70x (with the recent fix)
-  streammaxlength - clamav-milter 0.70x
- ALLOC_CHECK - clamav-milter 0.70x
- vsnprintf_alloc has now become vasprintf. There is now a patch which 
should apply against un-jm patched clamav-milter.
- Loginfected - new version that applies against a jm patched 
clamav-milter 0.70x

As usual any feedback, including flames is welcome,


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Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd Leaking?

2004-05-12 Thread Fajar A. Nugraha
Rich wrote:

I tried softlimit but each clamscan process hangs :-/


clamscan should not have anything to do with clamd.
Did you mean clamdscan?
Did you also use clamdwatch?
Did you add the script to kill clamd and start it when clamdwatch says 
clamd dead/hung?

Just using softlimit is not enough :)


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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] What is this Exploit.JUnksurf.A ?

2004-05-12 Thread Damian Menscher
On Wed, 12 May 2004, N S Srikanth wrote:

> I recently ran clamscan on my machine and th following is a
> partial output.(Clamav 0.60)
> I run RH9 on a dual boot m/c with Win98 in another partition.
> //usr/bin/kmail: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
[snip about 100 other files]
> Is this something serious?
> Some thing in my home directory I can accept, but some thing in my
> system documentation directories too?
> DO I have to reinstall RH LInux?

When I run clamscan (0.70) on my RH9 box I don't get those files listed,
so there's definitely something fishy.  Here's a check:

astro: [20:31] [10] ~>md5sum /usr/bin/kmail
df82e822af0ecb12a2e04f832144a87d  /usr/bin/kmail

If your md5sum matches mine, then your box is safe and it's clamav
that's screwy.  You should update to 0.70 and run freshclam to update
your database, then try again.

If your md5sum does NOT match, then reinstalling is probably your best

Damian Menscher
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
-=#| 488 LLP, 1110 W. Green St, Urbana, IL 61801 Ofc:(217)333-0038 |#=-
-=#| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Fax:(217)333-9819 |#=-
-=#| The above opinions are not necessarily those of my employers: |#=-
-=#| UIUC CITES Security Group || Beckman Imaging Technology Group |#=-

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd Leaking?

2004-05-12 Thread Rich
I tried softlimit but each clamscan process hangs :-/

- Original Message - 
From: "Fajar A. Nugraha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd Leaking?

> Rich wrote:
> >Is it advisable to use softlimits with clamd?
> >
> > exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qscand \
> >   /usr/local/bin/softlimit -a 4000 /usr/local/sbin/clamd
> >
> >  
> >
> An immediate solution would be to use softlimit and clamdwatch.
> So,
> clamd exceeds memory usage -> ulimit prevents allocationg memory ->
> scanning stops
> -> clamdwatch reports clamd dead -> kill clamd -> start clamd
> Something like that.
> Although personally my clamd works great without leaks, I still use
> clamdwatch.
> http://mikecathey.com/code/clamdwatch/
> You might have to add script to kill & start clamd manually
> Regards,
> Fajar
> -- 
> Please avoid sending me Microsoft Office attachments.
> See http://www.newsforge.com/software/04/03/27/0134204.shtml
> ---
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by Sleepycat Software
> Learn developer strategies Cisco, Motorola, Ericsson & Lucent use to 
> deliver higher performing products faster, at low TCO.
> http://www.sleepycat.com/telcomwpreg.php?From=osdnemail3
> ___
> Clamav-users mailing list
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/clamav-users

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Clamav-users mailing list

RE: [Clamav-users] Mail::ClamAV

2004-05-12 Thread Geoff Powell

The errors from your Mail::ClamAV installation indicate that you are
missing the package bzip2-devel. You should be able to find the RPM for
it on your local Redhat/Fedora mirror.

You can check if this is the case:
rpm -q bzip2-devel

After bzip2-devel is installed, Mail::ClamAV should build without a


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shoval
Sent: Thursday, 13 May 2004 8:23 AM
Subject: [Clamav-users] Mail::ClamAV

I can't seem to install the ClamAV perl module.
I'm running fedora core 1 and the install Mail::ClamAV command gives thi
  Starting "make" Stage
make[1]: Entering directory
/usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.3/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.3/ExtUtils/typemap   ClamAV.xs > ClamAV.xsc && mv
ClamAV.xsc ClamAV.c
gcc -c  -I/root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08 -I/usr/include -D_REENTRANT
-I/usr/include/gdbm -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386 -mcpu=i686
-DVERSION=\"0.08\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.08\" -fPIC
"-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE"   ClamAV.c
Running Mkbootstrap for Mail::ClamAV ()
chmod 644 ClamAV.bs
rm -f blib/arch/auto/Mail/ClamAV/ClamAV.so
LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib" gcc  -shared -L/usr/local/lib
ClamAV.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Mail/ClamAV/ClamAV.so   -lz -lbz2 -lgmp
-lpthread -lclamav   
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbz2
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [blib/arch/auto/Mail/ClamAV/ClamAV.so] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
A problem was encountered while attempting to compile and install your
C code. The command that failed was:
The build directory was:
To debug the problem, cd to the build directory, and inspect the output
 at /root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08/blib/lib/Mail/ClamAV.pm line 150
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
/root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08/blib/lib/Mail/ClamAV.pm line 429.
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
make: *** [ClamAV.inl] Error 2
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
please help.

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Mail::ClamAV

2004-05-12 Thread Scott Call
On Thu, 13 May 2004, Shoval Tomer wrote:

> I can't seem to install the ClamAV perl module.
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbz2

You need to install bzip2 with shared libs (and probably the devel

Seems strange they'd be left out of a modern distro.



Scott Call  Router Geek, ATGi, home of $6.95 Prime Rib
I make the world a better place, I boycott Wal-Mart
VoIP incoming: +1 360-382-1814

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Mail::ClamAV

2004-05-12 Thread Jakub Jankowski
On 2004-05-13, Shoval Tomer wrote:

>I can't seem to install the ClamAV perl module.
>I'm running fedora core 1 and the install Mail::ClamAV command gives thi
>LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib" gcc  -shared -L/usr/local/lib
>ClamAV.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Mail/ClamAV/ClamAV.so   -lz -lbz2 -lgmp
>-lpthread -lclamav
>/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbz2
>please help.

Install bzip2.


(0>  Jakub Jankowski  [url]: s.atn.pl  "Nawet w Krainie Czarow
//\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [rlu]: 174516 latwiej jest spotkac
V_/_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [ekg]: 921514 Babe Jage niz Alicje"
Fingerprint: FCBF F03D 9ADB B768 8B92 BB52 0341 9037 A875 942D

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Clamav-users mailing list

[Clamav-users] Mail::ClamAV

2004-05-12 Thread Shoval Tomer

I can’t seem to install the ClamAV perl module.

I’m running fedora core 1 and the install Mail::ClamAV
command gives thi error:


  Starting "make" Stage

make[1]: Entering directory `/root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08/_Inline/build/Mail/ClamAV'

/usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.3/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.3/ExtUtils/typemap   ClamAV.xs > ClamAV.xsc && mv
ClamAV.xsc ClamAV.c

gcc -c  -I/root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08 -I/usr/include -D_REENTRANT
-D_GNU_SOURCE -DTHREADS_HAVE_PIDS -DDEBUGGING -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/local/include
-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/gdbm -O2 -g -pipe -march=i386
-mcpu=i686   -DVERSION=\"0.08\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.08\" -fPIC
"-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.3/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE"   ClamAV.c

Running Mkbootstrap for Mail::ClamAV ()

chmod 644 ClamAV.bs

rm -f blib/arch/auto/Mail/ClamAV/ClamAV.so

LD_RUN_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib" gcc  -shared
-L/usr/local/lib ClamAV.o  -o blib/arch/auto/Mail/ClamAV/ClamAV.so   -lz -lbz2
-lgmp -lpthread -lclamav   

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbz2

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make[1]: *** [blib/arch/auto/Mail/ClamAV/ClamAV.so] Error 1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08/_Inline/build/Mail/ClamAV'


A problem was encountered while attempting to compile and
install your Inline

C code. The command that failed was:



The build directory was:



To debug the problem, cd to the build directory, and inspect
the output files.


 at /root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08/blib/lib/Mail/ClamAV.pm
line 150

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /root/.cpan/build/Mail-ClamAV-0.08/blib/lib/Mail/ClamAV.pm
line 429.

Compilation failed in require.

BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

make: *** [ClamAV.inl] Error 2

  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK

Running make test

  Can't test without successful make

Running make install

  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible


please help.

Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd Leaking?

2004-05-12 Thread Lutz Petersen

> >This might be slightly off-base here, but anyone know if clamd leaks and if
> >there's any current patch? I'm running 0.70-rc. Below's the memory usage
> >showing clamd eating up the mem resource.
> >2621 qscand15   0  815M 477M   352 S 0.5 47.4 462:01   1 clamd
> Update to 0.70.

 The problem exists in 0.70, too. I'll do some more debugging, but any
 solution as mentioned (restarting clamd after crashed) is not suitable
 in an production environment.

 I take a look at the list of contrib tools, and there found gadyavirus
 (or similar, complicate name ;). It uses clamav.h and works as a daemon
 too and works extremely fast - without the leaking problem. As the 
 normal clamscan also seems to work well, it must be something thats
 specific to the clamd itself causing the (sporadic, but fatal) problem.

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deliver higher performing products faster, at low TCO.
Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] ERROR: You must specify at least one database mirror.

2004-05-12 Thread Kelson Vibber
At 05:59 AM 5/12/2004, Marc wrote:
It could be that freshclam.conf is installed in /usr/local/etc (which is 
the default for clamav) after installing clamav 0.70 manually.
Also, wherever it is, check the permissions on freshclam.conf and the path 
leading to it.  It should be readable by the user that is calling freshclam.

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications  

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Recommendation RedHat replacement

2004-05-12 Thread Lucas Albers

Kelson Vibber said:
> As for what to put on new servers, we haven't decided yet here.  I've had
> good experiences with Fedora Core 1 on workstations, but we'll probably
> avoid using it on servers for now.  If you're interested, it's at
> http://fedora.redhat.com/ . FC1 really is Red Hat 10 renamed, so it has
> all
> the same tools you're used to, and most of the third-party packagers
> building for RHL have started building for Fedora Core as well.  Plus it's
> the only distro you can upgrade a RHL system to without reinstalling.
> If you like the way Red Hat works, there are also several RH-based distros
> you can look at.

I upgraded my 50 desktops from redhat 9 to Lineox.
The upgrade actually works. I reccomend it for least upgrade effort from
redhat 7.3/9 systems.
I reccomemd it, it includes apt support for updates.
It's 2 dollars per machine if you buy 100+ licenses.

I'm moving my server from redhat 7.3/9 to debian and lineox.
Servers are going to debian, (just upgraded yesterday) and desktops are
going to lineox.

Luke Computer Science System Administrator
Security Administrator,College of Engineering
Montana State University-Bozeman,Montana

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Learn developer strategies Cisco, Motorola, Ericsson & Lucent use to 
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Clamav-users mailing list

[Clamav-users] What is this Exploit.JUnksurf.A ?

2004-05-12 Thread N S Srikanth
Hi All.

I recently ran clamscan on my machine and th following is a 
partial output.(Clamav 0.60)

I run RH9 on a dual boot m/c with Win98 in another partition.

//usr/bin/kmail: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/chrome/comm.jar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/chrome/de-AT.jar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/chrome/en-US.jar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/chrome/es-ES.jar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/chrome/fr-FR.jar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/chrome/it-IT.jar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/mozilla-1.2.1/chrome/pt-BR.jar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/qt-3.1/bin/qtconfig: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/lib/qt-3.1/lib/libdesigner.so.1.0.0: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/freetype-2.1.3/docs/design/modules.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUN
//usr/share/doc/freetype-2.1.3/docs/reference/ft2-base_interface.html: Exploit.J
unksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/freetype-2.1.3/docs/reference/ft2-basic_types.html: Exploit.Junk
surf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/freetype-2.1.3/docs/reference/ft2-raster.html: Exploit.Junksurf.
//usr/share/doc/ImageMagick-5.4.7/www/install.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxslt-1.0.27/bugs.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxslt-1.0.27/extensions.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxslt-1.0.27/internals.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxslt-1.0.27/python.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-python-2.5.4/python.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/openjade-1.3.1/jadedoc/index.htm: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/openjade-1.3.1/jadedoc/tex.htm: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/expat-devel-1.95.5/doc/reference.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libstdc++-devel-3.2.2/html/17_intro/porting-howto.html: Exploit.
Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libstdc++-devel-3.2.2/html/22_locale/codecvt.html: Exploit.Junks
//usr/share/doc/libstdc++-devel-3.2.2/html/ext/lwg-active.html: Exploit.Junksurf
//usr/share/doc/libstdc++-devel-3.2.2/html/ext/lwg-defects.html: Exploit.Junksur
//usr/share/doc/libstdc++-devel-3.2.2/html/ext/sgiexts.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A 
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/FAQ.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/catalog.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/entities.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/example.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/python.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/upgrade.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/xmlio.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/libxml2-devel-2.5.4/xmlmem.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/linuxdoc-tools-0.9.20/example/example.sgml: Exploit.Junksurf.A F
//usr/share/doc/linuxdoc-tools-0.9.20/guide.sgml: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/xmltex-2118/manual.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/doc/passivetex-1.21/index.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//usr/share/ImageMagick/www/install.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND

//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.54/test/test1: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.54/test/test2.zip: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.54/test/test3.rar: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.54.tar.gz: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/webpages/Luxury of Ignorance: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.65/test/test1: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.65/test/test2.zip: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.65/test/test3.rar: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.65/test/test2.badext: ClamAV-Test-Signature FO
//home/srikanth/download/clamav-0.65.tar.gz: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/caughtspam: Exploit.MhtRedir FOUND
//home/srikanth/caughtspam~: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/Trial.tar: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/guten.iso: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/about intor debian.htm: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/aptget for RH.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/clamav-0.54.tar.gz: ClamAV-Test-Signature FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/Gentoo Linux Documentation -- Gentoo Linux 1_4_rc3 Install
ation Instructions.htm: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/leafnode-1.9.33.rel.tar.gz: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/Slashdot  Job Chances for Older Coders.htm: Exploit.Junksu
//home/srikanth/winwp/slrnpull info.html: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/SRS page2.htm: Exploit.Junksurf.A FOUND
//home/srikanth/winwp/SRS pag

Re: [Clamav-users] Problem with daily: 308

2004-05-12 Thread Frank Richter
On Tue, 11 May 2004, Frank Richter wrote:

> since my freshclam got daily 308 yesterday I've experiencing an unusual
> high load on my mail servers running clamd:

Ok, ok, it wasn't daily 308 at all ... it was the same time when
it arrived and trouble starts here. 

Actually the reason were ill-formatted e-mails containing > 1024 MIME
parts. clamd doesn't handle this reasonably, so I added a rule to the
MTA config to deny such messages.

 - Frank
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~fri/
Work:  Computing Services,  Chemnitz University of Technology,  Germany

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Learn developer strategies Cisco, Motorola, Ericsson & Lucent use to 
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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] upgrading clamav changes permissions on directories?

2004-05-12 Thread Krištof Petr
Jim Maul wrote:

Jim Maul wrote:


I just upgraded my clamav RPMs from 0.70rc to 0.70 (from
Since i am running qmail with qmail-scanner, i run clamav as

user qscand and

have to change /var/run/clamav, /var/log/clamav and /var/lib/clamav to be
owned by qscand.  While upgrading to 0.70 i noticed that all

three of these

directories have changed back to clamav.clamav.   Would it be possible to
NOT change ownership back to clamav during an upgrade?
Its not that big of a deal, just sorta annoying.


Hello Jim,

thanks for feedback.

RPM has ability to enforce file/directory permissions and owners. This
is usualy
used for security reason on critical directories/files as a protection
inexperienced admins.
But your request is valid.

I will try to change package behaviour to
- first instance of package on system will install these directories
with clamav user
- all next pieces will respect the actual setting, so if you changed
owner, your
setting will be untouched.
Does it meet your needing?



Sounds very good to me.  The only time i see this behavior being a problem
is if someone wants to reinstall the rpm to fix a permission problem.  In
that case i suppose they would have to delete the directories and then
reinstall so even that wouldnt be too bad.

As promised before, I spent time to play with it.

Rpm always install files with root ownership until you name explicit user
in spec file. No way to ignore file owner or leave it untouched.
Only solution is to make %post install script and run it after each upgrade
to check actual clamav user and turn it back - look at code below.
There is new package at


* Mon May 10 2004 Petr Kriïtof  0.70-2
- Update to clamav-logwatch 0.30
- Add %post check for non clamav user file ownership
- Add freshclam cron script by Milan Kerïlïger 
- Remove --noreject option to clamav-milter
Test it and let me know.


Post install script is:

# Change back file owner for systems with non clamav user
CLAMUSER=`grep ^User /etc/clamav.conf | cut -d ' ' -f2`
if [ -z $CLAMUSER ] ; then
if [ $CLAMUSER != "clamav" -a `/usr/bin/id $CLAMUSER > /dev/null 2>&1 ; 
echo $?` = 0 ] ; then
chown root:$CLAMUSER %{_sysconfdir}/clamav.conf
chown root:$CLAMUSER %{_sysconfdir}/freshclam.conf
chown -R $CLAMUSER:$CLAMUSER %{_localstatedir}/lib/clamav/
chown -R $CLAMUSER:$CLAMUSER %{_localstatedir}/log/clamav/
chown -R $CLAMUSER:$CLAMUSER %{_localstatedir}/run/clamav/

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] ERROR: You must specify at least one database mirror.

2004-05-12 Thread Marc

Stephen Gran wrote:

On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 05:05:24PM -0300, KlauX Anderson said:


I'm using clamav 0.70, debian woody, kernel 2.4.18 and msg 'ERROR: You 
must specify at least one database mirror.' is present.

with clamav 0.65 it was ok. I only made upgrade

What are the contents of /etc/clamav/freshclam.conf?  Do you have a
DataBaseMirror option there?
It could be that freshclam.conf is installed in /usr/local/etc (which is 
the default for clamav) after installing clamav 0.70 manually.


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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] OT: qscanq with qmail (+clamd)

2004-05-12 Thread Dale Gallagher
Thanks for the help. The issue was the user which clamd
runs as. I now run qscanq as setuid 'clamav'.

- Steve Philson wrote: 
> I believe the temporary files unpacked by qscanq
> (actually by whatever mime unpacker you use) are
> readable only by the owner, which is whatever owner
> is set up in conf-users in the qscanq compile. Clamd,
> however, normally loses its privileges after startup
> and runs as whatever user is set in clamav.conf file
> (and I believe it is clavav by default), so even if
> you run clamdscan as a user with access to files,
> unless they are readable by the clamd user it won't
> work.  Just set the user in clamav.conf to qscan and
> it should work.

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Clamav-users mailing list

RE: [Clamav-users] Clamd Leaking?

2004-05-12 Thread Rich
Yes thanks. I did update to .70, everything's OK so far.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Niek
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 6:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd Leaking?

Rich wrote:

> This might be slightly off-base here, but anyone know if clamd leaks and
> there's any current patch? I'm running 0.70-rc. Below's the memory usage
> showing clamd eating up the mem resource.
> 2621 qscand15   0  815M 477M   352 S 0.5 47.4 462:01   1 clamd
> Tia,
> -Rich

Update to 0.70.


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Clamav-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Sleepycat Software
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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Virus Alias Database

2004-05-12 Thread jef moskot
On Mon, 10 May 2004, Kevin Spicer wrote:
> My current thinking is to do it as automatically as possible, otherwise
> I'll just get bored / occupied doing something else and not keep the
> alias mapping up to date

Not to dis your excellent work, but has anyone contacted the corporate
anti-virus companies and offered to share names with them?  I might be
being totally naive here (and I do assume that the "majors" wouldn't like
to let the world know about a free product that's better than what they're
selling), but it couldn't hurt to ask, right?

Even if we could just get one of the majors to include the ClamAV alias,
then we wouldn't have to re-invent the wheel.

I just can't think of an easy way to automate the process.  I mean, at
SOME point, some human has to make the link between Netsky and SomeFool.
It can be done in the ClamAV update e-mails, but not if ClamAV discovers
the virus first and doesn't know what the commercials are going to call

I dunno, just throwing stuff out there.

Again, no disrespect.  You've done some great work creating that database.

Jeffrey Moskot
System Administrator

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Error during MAKE..

2004-05-12 Thread Nigel Horne
On Wednesday 12 May 2004 9:39 am, turgut kalfaoglu wrote:
> I just changed the syslog facility flags to their nearest values in
> output.c ;  replacing LOG_AUTHPRIV with LOG_AUTH and LOG_FTP with
> LOG_DAEMON..  It's still compiling but I think it will work.. -t

Please update to the version in CVS, that now compiles on Solaris 9.


Nigel Horne. Arranger, Composer, Typesetter.
NJH Music, Barnsley, UK.  ICQ#20252325
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.bandsman.co.uk

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Error during MAKE..

2004-05-12 Thread Nigel Horne
On Wednesday 12 May 2004 9:25 am, turgut kalfaoglu wrote:
> Yep! Solaris is mine too ..  GCC is the compiler..
> Thanks -  I will check options.c

This is being looked in to at the moment.

> -t

-n :=)

Nigel Horne. Arranger, Composer, Typesetter.
NJH Music, Barnsley, UK.  ICQ#20252325
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.bandsman.co.uk

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Error during MAKE..

2004-05-12 Thread turgut kalfaoglu
I just changed the syslog facility flags to their nearest values in 
output.c ;  replacing LOG_AUTHPRIV with LOG_AUTH and LOG_FTP with 
LOG_DAEMON..  It's still compiling but I think it will work.. -t

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Error during MAKE..

2004-05-12 Thread turgut kalfaoglu

I have the same problem on Solaris, the LOG_AUTHPRIV and LOG_FTP facilities
aren't available on that platform - presumably they're Linux extensions ?
If you remove the lines in options.c which contain LOG_AUTHPRIV and LOG_FTP
then it should compile.

I found such definitions in 'output.c' not in any of the 'options.c'...
I am not sure how to disable them actually.. -t

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Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Error during MAKE..

2004-05-12 Thread turgut kalfaoglu
Yep! Solaris is mine too ..  GCC is the compiler..
Thanks -  I will check options.c

Andy Fiddaman wrote:

On Tue, 11 May 2004, Alex V. Kovirshin wrote:
; On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 05:22:02PM +0300, turgut kalfaoglu wrote:
; > I haven;t had any problems with other compilations, but this time the
; > 'latest' gives me a hard time:
; >
; >
; > Making all in clamscan
; > ../shared/output.c:296: error: `LOG_AUTHPRIV' undeclared here (not in a
; > function)
; > ../shared/output.c:299: error: `LOG_FTP' undeclared here (not in a function)
; What os? compiler? etc...
; missing syslog.h ?
I have the same problem on Solaris, the LOG_AUTHPRIV and LOG_FTP facilities
aren't available on that platform - presumably they're Linux extensions ?
If you remove the lines in options.c which contain LOG_AUTHPRIV and LOG_FTP
then it should compile.

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Learn developer strategies Cisco, Motorola, Ericsson & Lucent use to 
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Clamav-users mailing list

This SF.Net email is sponsored by Sleepycat Software
Learn developer strategies Cisco, Motorola, Ericsson & Lucent use to 
deliver higher performing products faster, at low TCO.
Clamav-users mailing list

Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd Leaking?

2004-05-12 Thread Niek
Rich wrote:

This might be slightly off-base here, but anyone know if clamd leaks and if
there's any current patch? I'm running 0.70-rc. Below's the memory usage
showing clamd eating up the mem resource.
2621 qscand15   0  815M 477M   352 S 0.5 47.4 462:01   1 clamd

Update to 0.70.

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Clamav-users mailing list