Re: [Clamav-users] Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Bill Landry
Christopher X. Candreva wrote the following on 12/30/2006 1:39 PM -0800:
 On Sat, 30 Dec 2006, Bill Landry wrote:

 The MSRBL-Images.hdb database started showing up corrupted yesterday and

 This is not the only reason I ask, but the most recent. I have a script that 
 checks that evidenly has a bug.  I can either spend time fixing that, or 
 fixing clam so it ignores the one line with an error and processes the rest 
 of the file, and am trying to decide how best to spend time.  Probably  both 
 in the end.

 It's a question of being brittle.  Any small error in the databases stops 
 clam dead. Hell, clam won't run if there is an empty db file ! I had wanted 
 to leave a temporary db file around for things I wanted to block quickly, 
 and leave it empty when there was nothing to block. Surprise -- that kills 
 clam !  Why in the world should that happen ?

 I can see the arguements if the official, signed files are corrupt, but for 
 exra added files, ignore the bad line, ignore just that FILE, but it makes 
 no sense to me to die completely.  Any mistake becomes fatal, for no good 

You are preaching to the choir here, as you have no argument from me.  I
raised the same issue the last time this happened to me a few weeks ago
and clamd died twice on me in one day.  The script work-around to check
the databases before implementing them has saved my bacon with this last
string of corrupted databases from MSRBL.  However, I still agree that
clamd should be able to handle these kinds of issues gracefully, and in
the alternative, should not simply die silently.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Sander Holthaus
Hash: SHA1
John Rudd wrote:
 Sander Holthaus wrote:

 Dennis Peterson wrote:

 This is a very naive or at least uninformed position to take on the
  monetary significance of email.

 The issue is that email never was designed to be used in that
 particular fashion.

 No offense, but Dennis is right.  You're being naive.  The issue is
 not how it was designed to be used.  The issue is how it is
 actually used.  The latter carries FAR more weight, outside of
 purely academic discussions, than the former.

 Even though I work at a university, I do not live in an academic
 world.  I live in the real world.  And in the real world, email is
 used that way, and it is a mission critical service that has
 financial repercussions.  Arguing about how it was designed to be
 used is just picking nits.
It has nothing to do with being naive, it has to do with understanding
the constraints of the specific technology. I'm perfectly well aware
of what (business) people expect from (E)SMTP, but even if I do my
best to meet their expectations, I still have to rely on others and
the basic fundamental design of (E)SMTP and the Internet to get the
job done.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)

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Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Gerard Seibert
On Saturday December 30, 2006 at 07:26:57 (PM) Sander Holthaus wrote:

 The issue is that email never was designed to be used in that
 particular fashion. While it may be fast and almost instant in normal
 circumstances, it was not designed with that in mind. The fact that
 businesses do expect that is something else and it is what usually
 gives people in IT headaches.

Henry Ford never designed the original Model T with electronic
ignition, air conditioning, GPS, etc. Does that mean that those items,
among others, should simply be discarded? Things evolve. Even GUI's were
probably not envisioned by the original PC architects, yet most people
today would not choose to operate their PC's without them.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Sander Holthaus
Hash: SHA1
Gerard Seibert wrote:
 On Saturday December 30, 2006 at 07:26:57 (PM) Sander Holthaus

 The issue is that email never was designed to be used in that
 particular fashion. While it may be fast and almost instant in
 normal circumstances, it was not designed with that in mind. The
 fact that businesses do expect that is something else and it is
 what usually gives people in IT headaches.

 Henry Ford never designed the original Model T with electronic
 ignition, air conditioning, GPS, etc. Does that mean that those
 items, among others, should simply be discarded? Things evolve.
 Even GUI's were probably not envisioned by the original PC
 architects, yet most people today would not choose to operate their
 PC's without them.
That isn't a correct analogy. Last time I checked the RFC's relating
to email, I still recognized a model T in there.

I'm not saying that things should not evolve, I'm not saying that
email should not be instant or that businesses should not use it the
way they do. But the technology behind email hasn't kept up pace with
the way it is being used and the way people want it to use.
If people really want email to be instant, secure and reliable, they
should design a new protocol with those constraints in mind. Untill
then, it remains a best effort.

Kind Regards,
Sander Holthaus

PS: If people are this interested in making (E)SMTP instant, why isn't
there a blacklist of MX's using greylisting?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32)

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Re: [Clamav-users] Re: Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Daniel Staal
--As of December 31, 2006 2:30:51 PM +0100, Sander Holthaus is alleged to 
have said:

I'm not saying that things should not evolve, I'm not saying that
email should not be instant or that businesses should not use it the
way they do. But the technology behind email hasn't kept up pace with
the way it is being used and the way people want it to use.
If people really want email to be instant, secure and reliable, they
should design a new protocol with those constraints in mind. Untill
then, it remains a best effort.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

So we, the email system maintainers, should be giving our _best effort_ to 
make sure that the system works as quickly and reliably as possible.  ;)

ClamAV is a tool towards that, and (generally) does a good job of helping 
the admin with the task of maintaining the email service.  I think we all 
agree there.

Daniel T. Staal

This email copyright the author.  Unless otherwise noted, you
are expressly allowed to retransmit, quote, or otherwise use
the contents for non-commercial purposes.  This copyright will
expire 5 years after the author's death, or in 30 years,
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local copyright law.
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Re: [Clamav-users] Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Chuck Swiger

Bill Landry wrote:
[ ... ]

You are preaching to the choir here, as you have no argument from me.  I
raised the same issue the last time this happened to me a few weeks ago
and clamd died twice on me in one day.  The script work-around to check
the databases before implementing them has saved my bacon with this last
string of corrupted databases from MSRBL.  However, I still agree that
clamd should be able to handle these kinds of issues gracefully, and in
the alternative, should not simply die silently.

Agreed-- it would be nice if clamd was more robust, either by continuing to 
run with the other DBs (as available) and either drop the bad line or the 
entire bad DB file, until a new update comes along which is OK.

However, improving how clamd responds to a bad DB is solving a consequence or 
symptom rather than the original problem.  Maybe we should try to persuade the 
MSRBL site (and others) to use a similar checking script when pushing new 
versions of the DB's out, rather than checking upon receipt after people have 
used bandwidth to download and then have to discard a bad update...?

Doesn't the main ClamAV database get tested before going out?  Is there some 
kind of run against a big collection of known-good files which should scan 
cleanly to detect a DB which contains a false positive?

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Re: [Clamav-users] Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Noel Jones

At 11:31 AM 12/31/2006, Chuck Swiger wrote:
Agreed-- it would be nice if clamd was more robust, either by 
continuing to run with the other DBs (as available) and either drop 
the bad line or the entire bad DB file, until a new update comes 
along which is OK.

An option to drop the bad database and use rest would be good, with a 
big warning logged.
Dropping the offending line might not work as expected.  If the file 
is scrambled there may be bad signatures with correct syntax in the 
corrupt file.

Doesn't the main ClamAV database get tested before going out?  Is 
there some kind of run against a big collection of known-good 
files which should scan cleanly to detect a DB which contains a false positive?

The official clam databases do get tested, and furthermore, freshclam 
protects against corrupt main/daily databases if there is a problem 
with distribution.

This rant is mostly concerned with database updates outside of 
freshclam, with the example of the various add-on databases 
available.  It has always been possible (and advisable) to test these 
add-on databases locally with clamscan -d /path/to/database before 
installing them in the live directory, and there have been scripts 
posted here in the past detailing how.

Noel Jones 

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Re: [Clamav-users] Why does clam die on a malformed database ?

2006-12-31 Thread Dennis Peterson

Chuck Swiger wrote:

Bill Landry wrote:
[ ... ]

You are preaching to the choir here, as you have no argument from me.  I
raised the same issue the last time this happened to me a few weeks ago
and clamd died twice on me in one day.  The script work-around to check
the databases before implementing them has saved my bacon with this last
string of corrupted databases from MSRBL.  However, I still agree that
clamd should be able to handle these kinds of issues gracefully, and in
the alternative, should not simply die silently.

Agreed-- it would be nice if clamd was more robust, either by continuing 
to run with the other DBs (as available) and either drop the bad line or 
the entire bad DB file, until a new update comes along which is OK.

However, improving how clamd responds to a bad DB is solving a 
consequence or symptom rather than the original problem.  Maybe we 
should try to persuade the MSRBL site (and others) to use a similar 
checking script when pushing new versions of the DB's out, rather than 
checking upon receipt after people have used bandwidth to download and 
then have to discard a bad update...?

Qual checking the db is  not unreasonable given it can be done with 
automation, but it doesn't protect you from delivery failures where you 
get a partial db. Without a checksum you are still on the hook to qual 
check the tranfer.

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Re: [Clamav-users] Large extremely compressed text files and clamd / amavis-new

2006-12-31 Thread Tom Samplonius

- Mark Hennessy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dec 29 12:56:58 host /usr/local/sbin/amavisd[89023]: (89023-01)
 (!)do_uncompress: Error running decompressor /usr/bin/gzip -d on p001,
 exit 1
 at (eval 68) line 562.
 Dec 29 12:57:14 host /usr/local/sbin/amavisd[89023]: (89023-01)
 of p006 (ASCII text, with very long lines) failed, leaving it
 do_ascii: timed out

  While there have been reports of long scanning times on big ZIP files 
containing text files, it seems that the above error is coming from Amavis, not 
ClamD.  It does not look like the message is hitting clamd at all.  I use 
Exiscan, not Amavis, but I know that some sites have to increase the Amavis 
timeout to 700 seconds, otherwise Amavis gives up too quickly.

  But since ClamD has a ZIP engine built-in, why do you want amavis to extra 
the files to temporary file, when clamd could scan the file in place?

  And what version of ClamAV are you running?  0.88.7 has improvements to the 
ZIP engine.  0.99.* is supposed to be much faster on ZIP files (but still too 
slow for some sites).

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