Re: [clamav-users] Win.Exploit.CVE_2017 in user32.dll

2017-10-30 Thread Joel Esler (jesler)
These have been fixed.

Joel Esler | Talos: Manager |

On Oct 30, 2017, at 7:59 AM, JD Ackle 
> wrote:


A clamscan running from Linux on a Windows disk (mounted on /mnt )
produced the following results:

/mnt/Windows/System32/user32.dll: Win.Exploit.CVE_2017_8689-6336853-0 FOUND
/mnt/Windows/SysWOW64/user32.dll: Win.Exploit.CVE_2017_8689-6336853-0 FOUND

There were other occurrences of the same signature in
/mnt/Windows/WinSxS/Backup/ and /mnt/Windows/WinSxS/Temp/ but on a
reboot to Windows and running Windows Defender, then back to Linux
rerunning the clamscan, these seem to come and go, on different
occurrences of user32.dll, in these backup/temporary folders. The
occurrences in the two first folders I mentioned above do however persist.

I also got these two other persistent detections:

Win.Trojan.Emotet-6340301-0 FOUND
Win.Trojan.Emotet-6340301-0 FOUND

Given what I read on the list about Win.Exploit.CVE_2017 being (mostly?)
an Excel file infection and deemed a couple of times as a false
positive, as well as with those two trojan detections in files which
names seem related to the above Win.Exploit.CVE_2017 files' detections
(system32 and syswow64), I'm not sure what do make of any of these

Your help would be appreciated.

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Re: [clamav-users] clamav-milter error

2017-10-30 Thread Reindl Harald

Am 30.10.2017 um 17:24 schrieb Emanuel:


I install clamav, but i see this error.

[root@vps-1419393-x ~] # systemctl start clamd@scan
Failed to start clamd@scan.service: Unit is masked.

● clamd@scan.service
    Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)
    Active: inactive (dead)

sorry, but these are all not clamav questions and i suggest read manuals 
how to operate with services and systemd

El 27/10/17 a las 12:38, Reindl Harald escribió:

Am 27.10.2017 um 17:28 schrieb Emanuel:

Oh man.! the service is not running:

"well, yes, install clamd, start clamd and configure the milter to use 
the clamd socket you defined or the clamd instance over TCP" should 
have been pretty clear

# clamdscan --reload
ERROR: Could not lookup : Servname not supported for ai_socktype

any ideas?

yes, start to provide basic informations and don't rely that much of 

what says "systemctl status clamd"

since you answered 3 posts after i pointed out that you need to have 
clamd running "Oh man.! the service is not running" i am still not 
sure if you did start it because "clamdscan --reload" won't do 
magically and if you don't know how to start it please refrain from 
build up servers

El 27/10/17 a las 11:45, Michael D. escribió:

You didn't tell us if you indeed have Clamd running - please verify 
by running: 

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Re: [clamav-users] clamav-milter error

2017-10-30 Thread Emanuel


I install clamav, but i see this error.

[root@vps-1419393-x ~] # systemctl start clamd@scan
Failed to start clamd@scan.service: Unit is masked.

● clamd@scan.service
   Loaded: masked (/dev/null; bad)
   Active: inactive (dead)

El 27/10/17 a las 12:38, Reindl Harald escribió:

Am 27.10.2017 um 17:28 schrieb Emanuel:

Oh man.! the service is not running:

"well, yes, install clamd, start clamd and configure the milter to use 
the clamd socket you defined or the clamd instance over TCP" should 
have been pretty clear

# clamdscan --reload
ERROR: Could not lookup : Servname not supported for ai_socktype

any ideas?

yes, start to provide basic informations and don't rely that much of 

what says "systemctl status clamd"

since you answered 3 posts after i pointed out that you need to have 
clamd running "Oh man.! the service is not running" i am still not 
sure if you did start it because "clamdscan --reload" won't do 
magically and if you don't know how to start it please refrain from 
build up servers

El 27/10/17 a las 11:45, Michael D. escribió:

You didn't tell us if you indeed have Clamd running - please verify 
by running: 

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Emanuel Gonzalez
Deliverability Specialist 
by donweb 

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[clamav-users] Win.Exploit.CVE_2017 in user32.dll

2017-10-30 Thread JD Ackle

A clamscan running from Linux on a Windows disk (mounted on /mnt )
produced the following results:

/mnt/Windows/System32/user32.dll: Win.Exploit.CVE_2017_8689-6336853-0 FOUND
/mnt/Windows/SysWOW64/user32.dll: Win.Exploit.CVE_2017_8689-6336853-0 FOUND

There were other occurrences of the same signature in
/mnt/Windows/WinSxS/Backup/ and /mnt/Windows/WinSxS/Temp/ but on a
reboot to Windows and running Windows Defender, then back to Linux
rerunning the clamscan, these seem to come and go, on different
occurrences of user32.dll, in these backup/temporary folders. The
occurrences in the two first folders I mentioned above do however persist.

I also got these two other persistent detections:

Win.Trojan.Emotet-6340301-0 FOUND
Win.Trojan.Emotet-6340301-0 FOUND

Given what I read on the list about Win.Exploit.CVE_2017 being (mostly?)
an Excel file infection and deemed a couple of times as a false
positive, as well as with those two trojan detections in files which
names seem related to the above Win.Exploit.CVE_2017 files' detections
(system32 and syswow64), I'm not sure what do make of any of these

Your help would be appreciated.

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