Re: [Clamav-users] rpmbuild error

2006-05-08 Thread Krištof Petr

Salvatore Basso wrote:
Hi, on Fedora Core 3 with clamav-0.88.1 when I try to build rpm files 
for 0.88.2 version I have :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] redhat]# rpmbuild --target i386 -ba SPECS/clamav.spec
Building target platforms: i386
Building for target i386
error: Macro %cvs_date has empty body
error: Macro %devels has empty body
error: Failed build dependencies:
   libunrar3 is needed by clamav-0.88.2-1.i386
   libun7zip is needed by clamav-0.88.2-1.i386

..but which rpm packages I must installed before ??

What says the command rpm -q clamav --queryformat %{PACKAGER}\n ?



Re: [Clamav-users] Is this e-mail ment to be a real update?

2006-04-10 Thread Krištof Petr

Rob Jongejan wrote:

Untitled DocumentHello,
Since I have had several intruder attacks and never before have received
this kind of mails from clamav before I would like to have a confirmation
that this mail can be treated as trustfull
The mail I have received is:

The following updates have been downloaded and are available for
- clamav-es-0.88.1-es01.i386.rpm

- clamav-es-libs-0.88.1-es01.i386.rpm

You can find these files in /tmp/UCA and install them with 'rpm -Uvh


The Automatic Clam Antivirus updater

Can I trust this and install the RPM's ?



Dear root,
we had downloaded new and improved rootkit.
Can you install it, please?
Your sincerely hax0rs



Re: [Clamav-users] Some Help on initial configuring clamd.conf

2006-03-12 Thread Krištof Petr

MP wrote:

My questions would appear somehow dumb for some experts of yours but 
here they are :

Can someone tell me the differences between clamav-server and clamav ?
what's clamav-server and do I need it ?
trying to #/sbin/chkconfig --level 2345 clamav-SERVICE on, idem for 
clamd.conf : what is SERVICE ?

what are the differences between clamscan and clamdscan ?

I have not find anything simple for my two little brain cells but 
relevant in clamav's docs and/or users' mailing lists...

You are using packages from Fedora Extras. You should
ask maintainter(*) or some fedora support forum for help.

* - Enrico Scholz [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Re: [Clamav-users] Is CME officially supported/supporting ClamAV?

2006-02-01 Thread Krištof Petr

I've been watching CME (Common Malware Enumerator) starting 
to take off over the past few weeks, and I've noticed CME 
entries and their corresponding names used by antivirus vendors.

...and ClamAV ain't in there from what I've seen...

Is there no interest in supporting this, or am I just blind? 
(the latter is quite possible ;-)


Mitre? Are not these boys same as Mitre security experts from Clifford 




Re: [Clamav-users] clamav update

2005-12-07 Thread Krištof Petr

Depeche wrote:

Hi and thank you very much.My problem solved ( with  rpm -Uvh 
clamav-0.87.1-2.i386.rpm clamav-devel-0.87.1-2.i386.rpm)

but now;
/etc/init.d/clamd start/stop command not working,
/usr/local/sbin/clamd start/stop command working? why?
is it problem?

You have the old forgotten installation on /usr/local/.
Go through /usr/local/{bin,lib,etc,var,log} and remove
old files manually.



Re: [Clamav-users] [Problem updating to 0.87.1

2005-12-05 Thread Krištof Petr

Tugdual de Lassat wrote:


I've tried updating to latest clamav version...
With no success on the  FC3 box i use,...
I first tried : 

rpm -Uvh clamav-0.87.1-3.i386.rpm
then service clamd start
and get : 
clamd: unrecognized service

That is correct.

You did updated clamav base package only (do not contains clamd).
You need to install clamav-server package too.



Re: [Clamav-users] what is the default port that clamav (clamd) runs on

2005-11-28 Thread Krištof Petr

Grant Basson wrote:


I had to copy the man page for clamd, from the calmav website, but the
others, (clamscan, clamdscan, clamd.conf.) but no clamd

This is extremely confusing, any assistance would be GREATLY appreciated.

By the way, I'm replying to this message, because clamd.conf man page, said
clamd.conf was in /etc in my case I had to create it


Look at mailing list archive for solution.



Re: [Clamav-users] INFO: clamav-0.87.1 pacakges for FC-4

2005-11-07 Thread Krištof Petr

James Kosin wrote:

The only problem I see with the change is that users who don't already
have a database loaded on their system will need to download and
install the db package first before installing the main clamav
packages.  Unless maybe you force the freshclam to download the
updates before starting the other services...  but, this also takes up
bandwidth and resources.

I like to give freedom to user to choose his way.

a) He can install clamav-db and then this sub-package will be upgraded
each time via yum when new packages are released, even the virus db
is actual by freshclam. This is the vaste of bandwith what Im talking

b) He can install the main packages only, then updated virus db manualy
and start freshclan to keep data actual.

I will try to improve main package's post-install script to get up-to-date
db from net after intial installation.



[Clamav-users] INFO: clamav-0.87.1 pacakges for FC-4

2005-11-06 Thread Krištof Petr

Hello all,

there is new version of FC-4 packages. They are on testing
because the one big change was did from previous build.

New sub-package clamav-db was introduced. This package
is not needed to install, because main package clamav
downloads actual updated virus db from net after installation
via freshclam program.

The primary target of this step is saving of bandwith and network
infrastructure. Size of virus db grows up rapidly and users with
freshclam updated systems dont need to install the same data
once again from clamav package. (Look at discussion a year back
about on list.)

If nothing breaks really hard, I will move new build to standard
repository on Monday 12:00 GMT.



Re: [Clamav-users] Clamd.conf

2005-10-14 Thread Krištof Petr

Clovis Tristao wrote:


My installation of the ClamAV does not have clamd.conf in /etc, as 
makes to install it?

I installed in Fedora Core 4 distro.
Since already I am thankful,

clamd.conf is configuration file for clamav daemon, you should
install package clamav-server too.



Re: [Clamav-users] Clamav Upgrade with Fedora Core

2005-09-22 Thread Krištof Petr

doei wrote:

This My clamav on my server

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamav]# rpm -qa |grep clamav

I'm download clamav update from

when i wanna upgrade my clamav this error open :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] clamav]# rpm -Uhv clamav-0.87-1.i386.rpm
warning: clamav-0.87-1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature:
NOKEY, key ID 6cdf2cc1
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by clamav-0.87-1
   zlib = is needed by clamav-0.87-1


You need curl and zlib packages. Both are prepared on same server
on one level up directories.



Re: [Clamav-users] 0.85 0.81.1 tha same troubles with milter

2005-05-17 Thread Krištof Petr
Tomasz Kojm wrote:
On Tue, 17 May 2005 11:16:54 +0400
Sergey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello clamav-users,
  i've just tried to use 0.85 and 0.85.1 instead of my 0.84 but i
  found an error massage on starting clamav-milter (Permission
  denied). is there any chance to solve this little problem?

I don't believe you've installed 0.85.1 properly.

Sergey is right. This bug is not fixed.
May 17 12:36:41 server clamd: clamd startup succeeded
May 17 12:36:41 server clamd[27991]: HTML support enabled.
May 17 12:36:41 server clamd[27991]: Self checking every 1800 seconds.
May 17 12:36:54 server clamav-milter: /var/log/clamav/clamd.log: 
Permission denied


Re: [Clamav-users] 0.85 0.81.1 tha same troubles with milter

2005-05-17 Thread Krištof Petr
Tomasz Kojm wrote:
On Tue, 17 May 2005 12:55:36 +0200
Kritof Petr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sergey is right. This bug is not fixed.
May 17 12:36:41 server clamd: clamd startup succeeded
May 17 12:36:41 server clamd[27991]: HTML support enabled.
May 17 12:36:41 server clamd[27991]: Self checking every 1800 seconds.
May 17 12:36:54 server clamav-milter: /var/log/clamav/clamd.log: 
Permission denied

The original bug was related to /dev/console. The above seems like
a standard permission problem.

I reported this bug one week before. But once again:
# uname -mpio
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
# clamd -V
ClamAV 0.85.1/882/Tue May 17 08:48:03 2005
# clamav-milter -V
ClamAV version 0.85.1, clamav-milter version 0.85
# ll /var/log
total 42860
drwxr-xr-x  14 rootroot   4096 May 17 12:36 .
drwxr-xr-x  23 rootroot   4096 Jan  7 14:52 ..
-rw---   1 rootroot  21573 Feb  1 04:02 boot.log.4
drwxr-xr-x   2 clamav  clamav 4096 May 17 13:05 clamav
-rw-r--r--   1 rootroot 183414 May 17 13:01 cron
# ll /var/log/clamav/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x   2 clamav clamav 4096 May 17 13:08 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 root   root   4096 May 17 12:36 ..
-rw-r-   1 clamav clamav  474 May 17 13:05 freshclam.log
# service clamd start
Starting Clam AV daemon:   [  OK  ]
# ll /var/log/clamav/
total 20
drwxr-xr-x   2 clamav clamav 4096 May 17 13:09 .
drwxr-xr-x  14 root   root   4096 May 17 12:36 ..
-rw-r-   1 root   root   1417 May 17 13:09 clamd.log
-rw-r-   1 clamav clamav  474 May 17 13:05 freshclam.log
# service clamav-milter start
Starting clamav-milter:[FAILED]
# tail -f /var/log/messages
May 17 13:13:42 server clamav-milter: /var/log/clamav/clamd.log: 
Permission denied

and clamav-milter is not running.
# grep User /etc/clamd.conf
User clamav
My observation is: clamav creates log file with root permission,
so user clamav cannt write to log.
Are there some developers who believes that non-priviledged user clamav
can write to logfile with bad permissions (0640 root.root clamd.log)?
This assumption is wrong on some unix like OSes, Im affraid.
Clamav should create log file with same owner as defined in clamd.conf
to work it properly.

Re: [Clamav-users] Yum plus clamav

2005-05-13 Thread Krištof Petr
Sergio fernandez wrote:
Hi all.
I am not sure if this has been asked in the past but I was wondering 
if there is a way to get YUM to update/upgrade clamav.
Something along the lines of
yum update clamav

I am running FC3 with all the updates and Clamav 0.84

0.84 is last, stable *working* version.
0.85 is buggy. Wait until someone fix it.

Re: [Clamav-users] ClamAV -- Squid Cache Integration

2005-03-18 Thread Krištof Petr
Jon R. Kibler wrote:
Looking for a way to scan all incoming web content using ClamAV. Is anyone 
aware of any integration of ClamAV into the Squid Cache proxy server? Similar 
open-source solutions?

You can try
small and simple program, easy to install.

Re: [Clamav-users] clamav installation with milter support.

2005-03-17 Thread Krištof Petr
Nabin Limbu wrote:
I am trying to use clamav with sendmail in FC-3. I heard that sendmail in FC-3 is 
precompiled with milter. Using the command: sendmail -d0.1 bv root also confirms that 
sendmail is complied with milter support. 

Also, while installing clamav-0.83.tar.gz with the following option:
./configure --disable-clamuko --enable-milter
I got an error saying cannot find libmilter.

Do you have installed package sendmail-devel?