
i'm currently analyzing integration of ClamAV into a sort of content management system that we have. among other things users can upload and download files to it so there's a need to do virus scanning on the files.

my initial idea is to run virus scan for each file upload and then do periodic scanning for all files perhaps once a month so that files containing viruses which aren't known to ClamAV at upload time are also caught at some point. i'm planning on running the clamd in the background and using the TCP socket based API to command clamd to do the scanning.

i've been exprimenting a little with the integration with ClamAV v0.85.1 and here're some questions and comments:

- with the TCP API clamd closes the socket when it finishes. how do i determine whether the clamd scan was successfully finished or that the server has died unexpectedly during the scan?

- the TCP API doesn't seem to provide the same level of parameterization. it would be nice to be able to use some of the clamscan parameters such as --exclude, --include etc. with the API.

- the TCP API only seems to report FOUND or ERROR as return status for each file. it would be good to also give the full return code per file similar as with clamscan.

- what does clamd report if a file is not scanned due to a clamd config option such as ArchiveMaxFileSize, ArchiveMaxRecursion, ArchiveMaxFiles or MaxDirectoryRecursion? does clamd report the decision to skip files or directories in some way?

br. aspa


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