Re: [Clamav-users] Problem compiling Clamav-milter in version 0.95

2009-03-31 Thread SM
At 02:59 31-03-2009, Dave Wells wrote:
Can anyone confirm that the issue I am seeing below is caused by the
fact I am running:


rpm installs of sendmail on my system, will an upgrade to sendmail-8.13
fix this issue?

Yes.   The upgrade will fix your issue.


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Re: [Clamav-users] download disabled

2008-12-12 Thread SM
At 05:55 11-12-2008, Steve Basford wrote:
My webhost disabled due to high cpu usage, they could
only give me the following infomation which doesn't mean a lot to me,
but does this sound high?

As you are spawning processes on each hit, your scripts can cause 
high CPU usage ona busy server.

As as result, I've had to disable the download URL Rotator script, as I'm
guessing that's the script that's causing the problem
(  Can anyone recommend a free URL
Rotator script other that the above one.

URL rotator scripts are only useful if they don't consume a lot of 
resources.  That's not the case because of the way the script works 
in your environment.

I'm basically thinking that the problem is because I'm using a shared web
host package... and should be using a dedicated server host, due to the
number of users running the url script??

Such scripts are not suited for a shared server environment.  There 
are several ways to distribute (web) load.  You can use mod_rewrite, 
DNS round-robin, web proxies or load balancers.  Most people go for 
DNS round-robin as it is the easier and cheaper solution.


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Re: [Clamav-users] How important are file extensions?

2008-09-22 Thread SM
At 09:59 22-09-2008, Roberto Ullfig wrote:
Somewhat off topic but does someone here know if there's a standard file
extension that represents a null program. What I mean is that we rename
some attachment suffixes to .txt but this causes some problems with some
applications. We'd like to rename the attachments with another suffix,
one that will never be used for an application (present or future). Does
anyone know if a standard suffix has been created for just this purpose?

File associations is a Microsoft concept.  There are a few reserved 
names for devices but no standards for file extensions.


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Re: [Clamav-users] bzip2 1.0.5 for CentOS

2008-09-05 Thread SM
At 01:11 05-09-2008, Tilman Schmidt wrote:
But even a manual yum update finds nothing to update. I cannot
imagine Redhat/CentOS neglecting to provide a patch for that

Why not? :-)

The response was that this issue can only result in a crash of the 
bunzip2 process, which we do not consider to have any security impact.

vulnerability, so I am probably doing something wrong. But what?

You are not doing anything wrong.  Get a newer version of bzip2.


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Re: [Clamav-users] 0.9.33 and Snapshot clamdscan hang on Openbsd

2008-07-11 Thread SM
At 02:18 09-07-2008, Tomasz Kojm wrote:
Please have a look at the comment #12 on the bug page

If you encourage people to build from ports, it's more difficult to 
get feedback from those users for release candidates.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Freshclam not terminating correctly

2008-06-03 Thread SM
At 05:53 01-06-2008, Robert Blayzor wrote:
I've been noticing a problem for quite some time now on our mirror
server. (I posted this issue to the devel list, but there have been no

I'm noticing some buggy client behavior that seems it's from freshclam
clients.  Over time on our mirror we notice 1000's of connections can
build up over time with clients stuck in a half-opened state. (or half-
closed).  As clam becomes more popular and traffic picks up on the

That looks more like a buggy firewall somewhere in the path.  You can 
either try and find a contact at the other end to debug or else wait 
and see whether anyone on the mailing list reported a related error 
when running freshclam.


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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter

2008-04-17 Thread SM
At 09:03 17-04-2008, Jerry Ferguson wrote:
I have a Clamav-milter problem.  Can anyone help?

Problem: clamav-milter loads and immediately terminates

Hardware: Computer processor is AMD, sata raid 1

software: NetBSD 4.0 (I386 platform)


_res is not supported for multi-threaded programs.

That's why the process exits.  Multi-thread programs such as milters 
should not access _res like that if you have BIND9 libs.

Are you using the version in pkgsrc?  it contains the required patch.


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Re: [Clamav-users] clamav-milter

2008-04-17 Thread SM
At 12:41 17-04-2008, Jerry Ferguson wrote:
   no, I downloaded and compiled from source which I have done since v 0.85
pkgsrc is version 92.1 which I will use for now.

pkgsrc contains version 0.93.


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Re: [Clamav-users] WARNING: Suspicious recipient address blocked

2008-04-17 Thread SM
At 14:42 17-04-2008, Eric Rostetter wrote:
I don't know the history of this expliot, etc.  So I can't comment on
whether the fix should stay or not.  It would depend on the default
settings for sendmail, how long the fix has been in sendmail, how widely
available the patched sendmail is today, etc.

Do you know which version of sendmail can be used with the 
milter?  If the exploit is prior to that, then the fix may not be applicable.

At 14:54 17-04-2008, Eric Rostetter wrote:
Well, we disagree on that point.  It is a security tool, and as such
has an even greater burden to try to be as secure as possible. Even

If you are using the milter as a security tool, you would have to do 
more filtering than what's currently implemented to prevent problems 


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Re: [Clamav-users] Memory usage for clamd is huge

2008-04-01 Thread SM
At 13:04 31-03-2008, Dennis Peterson wrote:
How are able to determine that? There's nothing in the connection
information or in the message that identifies the source OS, hardware,
or MTA. Everything in a message can be spoofed as can the sending

Passive OS fingerprinting.  That only works if the source host is not 
behind a hardware firewall or if the message doesn't go through a relay.

It can be used as an additional data point for content filtering or 
for policy enforcement to shed the load on the mail server.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Oddness

2007-08-11 Thread SM
At 22:38 10-08-2007, Dennis Peterson wrote:
Several times yesterday clamd stopped. My daemon watching script
restarted it immediately, but I could not find a reason for the
failures. This was happening on multiple servers so was all the more


If anyone's interested the sending domain is
They're still blocked and there's been no further failures where before
clamd was failing two to three times each hour. I'll work on it again on

Could you capture the message from that domain?  It might help in 
determining why it may have caused the clamd failure.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Missed Virus

2007-08-08 Thread SM
At 11:55 08-08-2007, Jonathan Armitage wrote:
Didn't I read somewhere recently that there have been a lot of new
variants of this virus?

It's not a virus, it's these greeting card messages with a link to 
download the malware.  It's currently being identified as 


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Re: [Clamav-users] Problems with installation

2007-08-03 Thread SM
At 03:55 03-08-2007, G.W. Haywood wrote:
On Fri, 3 Aug 2007 SM wrote:

  Visa and Mastercard are insisting that I put a virus scanner on the


This isn't meant as some sort of character assaination, it's just an
observation of the facts from what I've read in your mail.

Your reply quoted me as saying the above.  That is incorrect as it 
wasn't my mail.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Problems with installation

2007-08-03 Thread SM
At 08:37 03-08-2007, Marshall Dudley wrote:
G.W. Haywood wrote:
  Hi there,
  On Fri, 3 Aug 2007 SM wrote:
  There's no reason to believe that the Romanian mafia don't read this

It would have been better to trim your reply instead of incorrectly 
attributing the above to me.


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Re: [Clamav-users] Problems with installation

2007-08-02 Thread SM
At 11:21 02-08-2007, Marshall Dudley wrote:
I downloaded the old version and tried installing it, but it fails to:

===   clamav-0.54 depends on executable: unarj - not found

It's not a good idea to run such an old version of ClamAV.

Any ideas?  Visa and Mastercard are insisting that I put a virus scanner
on the server, and this is the only one I can find. They also insist
that any upgrades have to go through a long process, which would
probably take a month on the OS, and if I don't get this done in a few
days, they may shut me down.  Is there any other virus scanner out there
I can install on FREEBSD to satisfy them?

If they find out that you running such an old virus scanner and your 
server has security vulnerabilities, wouldn't they shut you down as well?


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Re: [Clamav-users] Problem with clamd.conf

2007-02-21 Thread SM

At 17:04 21-02-2007, Graeme Nichols wrote:
I suddenly started having the following problem today. The error 
message is pretty explicit but freshclam is being picky with my 'fix'

The initial error follows:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# freshclam
ERROR: Parse error at line 44: Option AllowSupplementaryGroups 
requires boolean argument.
ERROR: Parse error at line 44: Option AllowSupplementaryGroups 
requires boolean argument.

ERROR: Can't parse the config file /etc/clamd.conf

I first commented out the 'AllowSupplementaryGroups and freshclam 
ran, sort of, but with the following output:

AllowSupplementaryGroups yes


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New Zealand timezone was: [Clamav-users] Auto scan problems

2007-02-17 Thread SM

At 01:20 17-02-2007, Steve Holdoway wrote:

OK, I'm in Christchurch. What's my timezone come up as???

The time zone in your email was +1300 which is correct for New 
Zealand.  The Standard Time zone for Christchurch is UTC + 
1200.  It's UTC + 1300 currently with DST.


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Re: [Clamav-users] hit max-children limit

2006-09-06 Thread SM

At 12:44 06-09-2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do think that there is too much of a danger of denial of service attacks
or mail failure due to the milter crashing if you scan your mail during
the SMTP phase. I have regularly seen ISPs that can't accept mail because

Are you going to accept, then bounce the mail if it contains a 
virus?  That's not a good idea as the sender address may be forged.



Re: [Clamav-users] managed ClamAV relays?

2005-08-22 Thread SM

At 22:24 21-08-2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:

SM said:
 At 21:50 21-08-2005, Roger Rustad wrote:
If I have, say,, I'm assuming that's cool, as
any mail will go to the mx record, and not the A record.

 Yes, mail to @domain won't go to exchange.domain as it is not listed as a



Would you mind explaining that comment?



Re: [Clamav-users] managed ClamAV relays?

2005-08-22 Thread SM

At 08:11 22-08-2005, Daniel J McDonald wrote:

Probably he means, if a server is listening for port 25 on the outside,
someone will connect to it and send it something.  Spammers don't really
care about MX records...

Yes.  Still, the question was about mail delivery to @domain and not 
about the above.



Re: [Clamav-users] managed ClamAV relays?

2005-08-22 Thread SM

At 09:39 22-08-2005, Dennis Peterson wrote:

Your claim is nonsense. MX records tell other systems where *you* would like
mail addressed to you to go. Where they actually go depends entirely on the
sending system. If you have a system on the Internet and port 25 is active,
you will get connections. It is guaranteed.

As I said before, the question was not about a system getting 
connections on port 25.  I understand how MX records work. :)

Thank you for the answer. 


Re: [Clamav-users] managed ClamAV relays?

2005-08-21 Thread SM

At 19:16 21-08-2005, Roger Rustad wrote:
Not sure what happens after 5000 emails, but I'm gessing that it 
would just forward directly to my MTA. I'm assuming that my MX 
records would be something like:

--MX record 0 pointed at whatever ISP is managing this box
--MX record 0+ on my email servers

Your email servers may receive viruses by email if you have a MX 
record pointing to them.



Re: [Clamav-users] managed ClamAV relays?

2005-08-21 Thread SM

At 21:50 21-08-2005, Roger Rustad wrote:
If I have, say,, I'm assuming that's cool, as 
any mail will go to the mx record, and not the A record.

Yes, mail to @domain won't go to exchange.domain as it is not listed as a MX.

